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Gertraud’s personal page
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. She is Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations.
Gertraud believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. She is supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry, a process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that matters and enlivens and makes her heart sing.
More info here
Watch her introduction to the APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY during the June 18 episode of WOMEN MATTERS here
Über Gertraud
Executive Coach, Trainerin, Consultant & Autorin; Leadlink (Holacracy) von Die Wertschätzer, davor Führungserfahrung in Organisationenen aller Entwicklungsstufen von Rot bis Grün, z.B. in der Leitung von 4 Altenheimen. Begeisterte Mutter und Großmutter. Infos zum Buch:
I got to know Getraud when she appeared in our gatherings of participants of the online course by Ken Wilber “The super human potential”. Then I met her again at the initiatives of “Unity in Diversity”, a series of online meetings where we interviewed ourselves following a certain template created by her and the team of the UNITY IN DIVERSITY movement.
The we met in person at the Integral European Conference 2016 in Hungary and when I started the WOMEN MATTERS series in June 2016 I invited her to be part of the group. She and Tammy Lea Meyer, since then, have been regular members of the group and have contributed their wisdom and knowledge every time.
In 2017 I interviewed Gertraud (in German) about the book she was writing with a few colleagues about her approach of the “Appreciative inquiry” and its application in businesses to train leaders in a different way. This interview is available on Soundcloud HERE. “
In Women Matters Gertraud is a founding member and a regular contributor.