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(Only main show, no after show chats!)
Conscious Ageing starting series streamed from Nov.2016 to April 2017
A conversation with ASHTON APPLEWHITE
00:02 introductions
04:27 What does “Yo, is this ageist?” mean?
05:46 What’s the history of the term? Robert Butler, 1968
06:38 When and how did you (Ashton) get interested in this topic?
09:18 Is fear of Ageing rooted in Fear of Dieing? NO!
10:58 Our hanging reluctance to talk about i.e. the Slow Death Movement
12:25 “Autonomy requires Collaborators.” No lone cowboys!
14:05 “I force myself to ask for help…” and the role of shame
AND giving
14:58 Interjecting a definition of Ageism and consumerism
16:55 A counter narrative is emerging
17:52 Becoming a burden vs. wanting to stay alive
20:56 Turning 30! Declines? Physical, cognitive.
22:46 Respecting wishes! Ulterior motives
24:30 Ageing is a natural process, not a pathology!
25:05 Myths that are used to propel Ageism. What is and isn’t ageism?
27:20 The accumulation of social capital!
29:40 The purpose of all isms is…
31:20 Judgement around older women especially and the first discrimination that white men meet
35:00 How we (especially women) hold on to power
36:38 How do we change all this?
38:56 “Old men’s ” behavior?
41:28 Conflicting interests re: older people’s wishes
43:40 What can people both collectively and individually
46:50 Politics! No one mentioned age! But still optimistic
51:10 Bubbly to bring the broadcast to an end. Personal comments.
53:01 Biggest obstacle to having a goal: Structural Ageism!
56:20 Good bye’s and thanks!
View Ashtons keynote speech at Here contribution begins at 28:18
Our POSSIBILITIES when we get older?
00:00 Introductions
03:30 What has science to do with possibility and how does that relate to ageing in this unpredictable century? Two stories and life changing incidents
08:30 What those experiences taught me about the limitations of modern science and medicine, an upside down view of what energy and consciousness are
10:25 Information and consciousness are not a results but a driver! What that means…
11:50 Princeton Anomalies Research studies show how our mental activities can affect material results (1 trillion to 1!)
13:20 How that relates to Ageing? We don’t know how MUCH we can consciously affect it
16:34 Big changes will come when we COLLECTIVELY put our attention into the active creation of new realities. What else could we do?
20:00 Resistance to the possibilities of change. What keeps us from being fully alive here and now? Red pill or blue pill? Both Mark and Heidi respond for themselves. Jon explores the possi
24:35 It more affects how you might live with an increasing HEALTH span!
25:30 Multiple lifetimes? Possibility is about what you can do, not what you must do.
28:20 What about people’s refusal to change, because of age, of fear?
30:25 Woody Allen’s joke about dying…and what that means. Choices!
32:00 How far can we go in “thinking” our way out of Ageing? How can we maintain health and perhaps access what we may need to maintain it?
34:40 How to combine “mainstream” science and medicine with this “esoteric” stream? It’s not a “head” or “mind” matter. What Jon does.
38:12 Getting in touch with the body…and with pain
43:40 A gift of ageing! Putting the universe back inside of us
46:20 A dog story and capacities we all have. Time is a gift of Ageing.
50:40 What about this “Field” thing? Humility and unlimited possibilities!
54:02 A diabolic question: Science and Hubris?
57:05 And what about Brexit and Trump and how that changes the world?
58:55 Last words, thank you’s and good bye’s
Jon is deeply interested in applying theories of Values-based change as an organisational mentor, coach and workshop leader. He is also a trainer of coaches in the SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence system. Jon is among the world’s leading trainers and practitioners in Spiral Dynamics integral and a founding director of the UK Centre for Human Emergence and The Integral Village.
Jon’s career began in the early days of information systems when his passion for change and his systemic gifts found fulfilment as an applications architect, bringing qualitative improvement to people’s working environments. This conventional career path lasted over three decades with spells as Information Systems Director for a market-leading multinational company, and as a consultant project / change manager in various industries and major companies. In parallel he developed extensive knowledge of alternative health and personal development and an intuitively-informed deep understanding of how human body-minds work. He was a trainer for The Silva method, learned several forms of hands-on healing, trained in holographic and NLP techniques and now actively uses homeopathy, EFT and access consciousness.
He is currently developing further workshops and experiential trainings on the conscious evolutionary
Integral Life Practices in Any Age?
00:00 How to watch and listen…and introductions
05:10 Presenting Monika and how she became interested in Integral Theory (and what is that?) The early days…founding salons…loneliness…ongoing development
08:24 what does integrally competent mean? A brief description of quadrants…and Heidi adds some details
14:11 An Integral Life Practice for body, mind and spirit, being in the Now, especially as you age
16:05 What do you rely on? Mark’s response and Monika’s experience
19:30 Balancing distance and closeness, books! And feelings among (male) intellectuals..and eros, love
22:54 More about Eros, compassion, empathy…and feelings! Even intuition!
27:13 How practice has changed for Monika over the years: shadow work and how we influence people without noticing it. How Monika teases demons out
30:59 Witches and Feminism. Political correctness and how hard it is to become a man
35:18 “Sex in the Three Bodies” by Wilber
36:26 Sex as we get older, “Not a must but a can.” Tantra is not just about sex!
38:11 So tell us more about tantra! It makes you dangerous, and alive!
40:04 How older people are “supposed” to be, becoming invisible at about age 80. So how can we be “seen” as we get older? Breathing is key! Singing helps!
45:20 “How do you age, Monika?” I don’t! (Humor helps.) And Heidi asks what we two are doing and some shameless, yet appropriate, self promotion follows.
48:14 Monika: I have the privilege of finally being a private person…so you can hardly find me. “My goal is my Self.
Monika is speaking out of the experience of 7 decades of an intense life which was dedicated to the evolution of consciousness in herself and others.
Monika is a true leader. Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is – translating innumerable amounts of texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.
About Monika Frühwirth
Monika was one of the first women in the German-speaking Integral scene – which at first was very “head biased” – the enthusiasm about a brilliant theory. She introduced into the Integral Community the “Feminine Integral Consciousness Field”, a self-organized group of women who tried to translate the theory into their everyday life practice. My friendship with her began with being part of this group of women and their attempt to find a FEMININE WAY of bringing the Integral WORLDVIEW out into the WORLD.
Click on the links below to find the book “Integral Life Practice” and the Starter Kit on Amazon
Integral Life Practice by Ken Wilber and Terry Patten
Starter Kit to begin with your Integral Life Practice
Wellness and Prevention for the Third Half of Life
00:00 Introductions and suggestions for listening/watching
04:50 What has it all been leading to? Hans looks to his (working) roots
06:35 “Stumbling” into a purpose and an “a-ha” moment in 2009
08:00 What is X-ray chrystallography? “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space. All else is opinion.” – Democritus
09:35 Hans’s interest in Ageing: measuring ageing and proactive prevention
11:50 Heidi has 2 questions: A machine that measures ageing? And how do we bring this information out to the public? Rene Dubois’s “Epidemic of Care”
19:50 Case in point: Hans’s experience with smoking
21:25 How we pay for care: a disease management engine, treating the 80%
26:00 How we all feel exempt from serious health consequences
27:00 Who can we point the finger at? Hans responds. The empathy and the patience to wait for the pain of staying to exceed the pain of changing.
29:35 American doctors are the only ones who carry liability insurance?
32:20 Differences between “standards of care” and functional medicine.
34:00 Importance of Nature (and women!) as part of functional medicine
37:50 “Salutogenics” in architecture
39:00 Limitations of traditional education, how to correct for our “old age”?
41:50 Our personal interest in our ambience will affect our own “old age” and “The Island where People Forget to Die”
44:00 Special conditions for men as they age
45:30 “The Anatomy of Illness” by Norman Cousins: the importance of laughter and connection
46:55 New (ad)ventures in maturity: self employment with partners by retaining my identity as “Reset Aging with Science”
53:27 How to contact Hans…and us!
57:00 Final words and good-byes.
Hans Parge, a native of Cologne, Germany. His family migrated to Ireland where he attended Trinity College where he earned a BA in physical chemistry and a PhD in x-ray crystallography. The he moved to Berlin and he is now in San Diego for more than 30years.
There he became an expert researcher into the atomic structures of proteins. In the 1990’s he joined a startup firm which applied his knowledge to the drug discovery process, continuing his involvement in the pharmaceuticals field until retiring in 2009.
In the years since, while reaching into his 60’s, he’s formed a life/health consulting business called Reset Aging With Science and he works on the goal of dying young as late in life as possible.
Hans has written many many technical papers and publications which you can find on his website
The Secret Promise of Aging
00:00 mechanics and introductions
05:20 First question. Why did you suggest, Durwin, that your dad join you for the conversation?
08:00 What is this “secret promise of ageing”? “I can become conscious of my own spirit
11.10 (At your age) why do you say you have more time?
14:41 Acknowledging viewers and Durwin’s expansion on Christopher’s remarks.
17:25 How did you accomplish your progress down this path, Christopher? He describes his start in a spiritual community and learned how to change anxiety into joy.
21:03 “When I was no longer afraid of death, I was no longer afraid of (colon) cancer.”
23:15 “It has given me more time to get to know cou, Durwin.”
24:40 More audience comments…and further “reconsiderations” of Christopher’s relationship with his father.
28:44 Mark reports also a “revised “ memory of his father. Durwin speaks of “life review”.
30:50 Comments by audience, Christopher comments on his fragile memory, and more comments on life review and tools to use.
34:10 Durwin comments on this special moment in his relationship with father…and mother! The story of her sudden death and possible near death communication with her.
40:42 How long can people who are “passing” live in “both worlds”?
44:30 More audience comments and Mark asks Durwin what is new is his relationship with his dad recently especially in his ability to be “present” and be “still”.
48:40 Heidi asks what advice does Christopher have for younger “ ageing” people in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. He replies “Be still and know that I (pointing to himself and we) am God.” Feel the stillness within, be present, be willing to change so new pathways can open.
53:23 Comments from audience, final remarks, take aways, acknowledgements, thank yous and good byes: How can business and noise lead to stillness. Durwin’s reports of recent discoveries, mindfulness, Ken Wilber’s work, importance of practices, neuroplasticity, responsibility. Christopher adds the importance of having a favorite spot in nature for stillness.
48:14 Monika: I have the privilege of finally being a private person…so you can hardly find me. “My goal is my Self.
After the show chat
With Durwin Foster
0:00 Waiting for community members to enter the video room
1:15 Appreciation of Chriwstopher Foster and his appearance online by Heidi
3:20 Nature and cats: : Stories around cats and looking for similarities between humans and animals, especially cats
4:30 recognizing comments and talking about the new plugin
5:00 Sunny the cat takes over the desk
5:45 back to the comment plugin
6:30 talks about the previous show and Christopher Foster. Abilities in older age.
8:25 Heidi talks about her ex-partner and his trying to avoid to be present and his path after his stroke towards his death, About the hospital and the way to become still after the initial panic
11:45 Christopher is an example of “dying before dying” – being familiar with the territory
13,30 Still waiting for Durwin
15:50 Durwin Foster arrives
17:10 Volonteer at the paliative care society to introduce them to the integral model to include more in their care.
19:52 The denial of death
20:40 Heidi gets back to the story of her dying ex-partner in the hospital
32:00 assisted dying – liberalisation in Canada
24:00 What happens while dying when you take drugs or poison?
24:41 Course around dying – more info on the list at
25:15 Process of dying like sleep
26:30 we have maps and new technologies may arise to foster awareness during sleep (lucid dreaming)
27:15 4 quadrants/ 8 zones it is hard to go further in the society you are in
28:10 Internet makes it easier to find each other – people with integral mindset
29:10 Integral community in Vancover? – Salon and men’s group
30:05 The integral can become an orange structure of meaning – people can get stuck in the theory – money, sex, power comes up everywhere
31:20 Men’s work, 18 months long group until they hit the shadow……..
33:10 Mixed gender groups?
34:55 Feminine Power enabled us (Heidi and Mark) to stay together
36:30 Family comes in
Tantra for any Age
with Michaela Boehm
00:00 Introductions and housekeeping
03:10 Michaela “corrects” our intro of her and gives her website:
04:04 Mark asks: So what is Tantra…and she explains it’s not all about sex, which is just a small part of it. It’s an entry into life that doesn’t cut off anything, using your whole body, without cutting of your spiritual endeavors
It’s a yogic practice so much of those practices are included.
07:13 To listeners, how to comment at
08:00 Back to Michaela and what she means by play, and the difficulties of using masculine and feminine today. The “classical” ideas.
!5:50 Contrast between good relationships and good “sex”: relationships can be “smooth” but good sex requires some friction! Sameness and having a lot in common is good for relationships. But sexual attraction requires differences.
18:15 More about masculine and feminine, both of which we all have all the time.
21:20 Applying Tantric info to ageing and to being alone. How to nonetheless experience the juiciness of life.
26:24 Coming out of the context of Tantra, i.e: embodiment, mindfulness
30:44 Men and women’s lives are becoming more alike and the consequences, Mark provides “too much information” but to a point.
34:17 Pluses of getting older, limitations of immature experiences
37:42 Animals interrupt but there are lessons in it.
42:49 But back to sex, even if you’re alone.
45:45 The unhelpful role of excess tension and unhelpful beliefs
47:12 Mark wonders how Michaela’s family allowed her to begin Tantric practice at age 16. She goes back to her beginnings, “What patriarchy?”
She expresses her debt to her parents, for their love and allowance.
54:56 Can you describe your courses and other offerings? She does!
60:21 Final words, thank you’s, good bye’s, invitations to Masterminding Integral Ageing on Facebook
Born and raised in Austria,Michaela Boehm is a lineage holder of Kashmir Shaivism and she began a classical Tantric education at the age of 16. She worked and co-taught with David Deida for some 13 years.
She teaches and counsels internationally as an expert in intimacy and sexuality. Michaela combines her background in psychology and extensive clinical experience with her in-depth training in the yogic arts into a unique offering of experiential learning. She is passionate about teaching skills that enhance deep intimacy, lasting attraction and give each participant the tools for full embodiment and capacity. Michaela also traveled and co-taught with David Deida for 13 years. Michaela teaches women’s workshops, intimacy intensives for men and women as well as offers mentorships and relationship counseling. She lives and teaches on a small organic farm in Ojai, California where her land and animals inspire her clients to reconnect intimately with themselves and others.
Find Michaela at
Shared Purpose in Love Relationships
with Martin Ucik
00:00 Housekeeping and introductions
05:45 Martin’s new book, from his integral roots and the importance of levels, the one way street
09:00 Revealing one’s authentic self and the possibility of seeming arrogant
11:30 Mark relates to his experience with differing levels and meeting Heidi (now with 5 years together), shared purpose
13:50 “Looking at each other, but also out into the world together. Andrew Cohen’s and Eckart Tolle’s influence.
16:38 Couples have joint purposes at every level: 1. biological, 2. quality of life seeking or hedonistic (1 and 2 are involuntary)
20:19 Next, level 3 (eudemonic) serving a higher purpose
22:30 Next, expression of creativity: level 4, genetically based on 4 genes, one for each quadrant, but with varied expression, epigenetics, soul or transcendental purpose
26:20 Heidi brings in a viewer’s question: Can people at different level create a viable relationship together? Martin postpones a response and continues with development of the “supra-sexual” self which is as sexy as sex itself!
28:20 A new attractor which fits well with older age when sex itself is not so demanding.
30:15 Quality of life when single vs, as a couple and another viewer’s question leads the discussion to love as expressed by the 6 chakras: the 5th when male language is predominant and the 6th when female wisdom is accepted or rejected (not totally hard wired by sex!)
36:30 Martin is advocating a new form of love where people become equal and opposite co-creators at all their levels, including the 7th transcendental level. The primary love becomes what is created between the two of the couple. No more reciprocity, tit for tat, but a leaning into a common co-creation, represented by the 7th chakra.
38:20 We explain as we’ve understood it, with comments and corrections by Martin. And how does one find such a partner? Not necessarily in close physical proximity! First show up and then naturally partners will find each other. The couple is the next procreative level of development, beyond individual development.
43:10 It still requires similar value systems/levels to work successfully.
47:15 How growth by challenges(men) and grace and acknowledgement (women) can work…and not work!
50:25 Answering questions, being truthful from the start.
54:19 Onto ageing questions, differences in the relationship of society to the individual vs. to a couple, some unfair gender differences “built in”, opportunities to “clean up” are more possible in later years and as a couple.
59:05 Co-creation matters more in older years. Why? There’s actually a moral reason that is an attractor, not a push. Beyond “autonomy”
01:01:20 “Tales out of school”: Perfectionism. The master/slave relationship but the ideal goal is not to be alone and perfectly autonomous. No models about how to do this in later life.
01:04:20 Martin asks for feedback as his book nears completion: Skype name: martinucik
01:05:20 Some final advice from Heidi!
01:08:00 Thanks you’s and good byes
Martin Ucik was born in West-Germany in 1957, grew up in a happy family, studied Electrical Engineering, and founded a successful international music-soft and hardware publishing company in 1982. He came to the US in 1995 with his wife and children to serve as President of HOHNER MIDIA. Eckhart Tolle trained him as a spiritual group facilitator in 2003. Heartfelt conversations in his Power of Now group and the end of his 14 year marriage led him to a deeper interest in male-female relationship dynamics. He founded, an Association for Healthy Relationships.
In 2006 he became an avid student of Ken Wilber’s Integral philosophy.
Not finding any books that took an integral approach to dating and the co-creation of healthy love relationships, he began to write the widely acclaimed “Integral Relationships: A Manual for Men“, which was published in July 2010.
He lives in Sherman Oaks, and Santa Rosa, California, as well as in Germany, and works as President and CEO for Sommer cable America and as strategic business consultant for the Hollywood, CA based Pro Audio distribution firm
“Hopefully people will get a sense of just how complete this book is. Honestly, I haven’t seen anything quite like it—it’s very impressive.” Ken Wilber
We are all ageist – what to do about it?
with Miriam Van Groen
00:00 Introductions and mechanics
04:38 When do we become aware of ageing and ageism. Where to start?
06:15 Personal memories, of her grandmother, “sharing” ages, “young” integralists at 40
09:50 Do young people today reach some “wisdom” earlier than we did?
11:24 Were those “compliments” ageist? Annoying!
12:15 Ageing awareness comes early. (about 27?)
13:00 Comparing our progress with others declines.
14:35 “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, age doesn’t matter.” Twain
15.00 The long term ageing study by Harvard
17:38 Changing feelings with age about people of other ages!
19:13 How did you, Miriam, find out about your Ageism? Knowing yourself.
21:45 Circling, what is it?
24:50 Circling considerations re: ageing, what we grow up with, resistance to change
29:40 Checking makes the difference between projection and imagination!
30:30 Questions from viewers, then she asks about us in the context of Circling.
32:18 Mark and Heidi confess painful personal experiences of Ageism.
36:00 “The Happiness Project” which included centenarians to talk to.
38:00 importance of purpose, of something meaningful to do. What to do?
40:00 The need to self-author after earlier life roles are completed. How to age!
42:16 Miriam poses to us a “circling” question. Finish this question to Miriam, “As a 35 year old, I imagine you are…” And we reply…
45:00 Heidi asks if in Circling one shares the impact of response. Increasing connection
47:55 With whom does Circling best work? Those who have done personal work, SDi
49:55 Importance of being non-judgemental in Circling, if not generally.
51:28 Mark asks about the burn-out mentioned in the introduction. Miriam explains…
54:33 The recovering Perfectionist and what she learned
57:28 Burnout has no age limits, neither higher nor lower.
58:48 Comments from watchers, final words, thank you’s, invitations to the after-show chat, good-byes, how to reach Miriam.
Miriam van Groen was a university teacher for 7 years after studying International Development. As a teacher she included as much Integral Theory as she could in her lectures and workshops. After burning out, she now gives Circling workshops (a fast-growing we-practice or ‘relational meditation’) and 1-on-1 sessions that help people discover and inhabit more of themselves with gentleness, while deepening their connections to others and the world. She loves exploring the body as a source of wisdom and catalyst for change.
After show chat:
with Miriam Van Groen
1:00 About the after show chats
1:47 about the show from Mark’s perspective
3:00 Hosting as a co-creation (Heidi) – the conception of our shows
4.20 example of the choir – work and info doesn’t need to be boring
5:25 About our dog Lucky
6:10 Miriam – post event hang over. Inner dialog and making fun of all that.
7:15 Soap opera: talking about our experience as an inspiration for others
7:50 With 75 you are supposed to have figured all out!
25:50 Respect for the roles – preferences for roles. Enneagram. Western societies have preference for 3
9:10 perfectionism and talking about ennegram types, 4 and 2 – also as a characteristic of women’s sacrifice.
11:02 Miriam was serious until 27 – as an enneatype 1 – surrendering instead of control
13:35 Miriam talks about Mark Walsh Time, commitment community = 3 things you need for change
14:25 Community creating via Internet
15:00 Miriam: curiosity and wanting to learn
15:40 Heidi’s epiphany with 27
18:15 Mark as a catalysator for change for Heidi
19:30 Miriam: after the burnout she couldn’t go back to the same job. Changes needed to happen.Projects and view into the future.
23:30 About workshops, conferences and gatherings in Netherlands, Hungary and Vienna
An invitation to join us in the live conversations and practice with us to be in public.
Miriam van Groen was a university teacher for 7 years after studying International Development. As a teacher she included as much Integral Theory as she could in her lectures and workshops. After burning out, she now gives Circling workshops (a fast-growing we-practice or ‘relational meditation’) and 1-on-1 sessions that help people discover and inhabit more of themselves with gentleness, while deepening their connections to others and the world. She loves exploring the body as a source of wisdom and catalyst for change.
Active Wisdom: What Grandparents Our Children
with Ann Roberts
00:00 Introductions and mechanics
05:55 Ann tells how her transition from “adult” to whatever came after that occurred
07:45 She plugs Mary Catherine Bateson’s “Composing a Further Life” as an important inspiration which added the stage of Active Wisdom” after the previous “adult” stage.
10:15 Beyond “purpose” to a new flavor of making the most of this “new” normal stage.
13:30 Anne describes her project for her dissertation, how grandparents relate to both their own children and to the grandchildren.
16:28 Acknowledgement of viewers who are commenting, then back to Ann.
19:05 “The Family Practices”
22:08 Mark speaks of his grandparents and family dynamics. Ann with warmer reports!
25:05 How to make comments and Ann adds comments re: what the grandparents said AFTER the study, which precluded interaction with any grandchildren directly. Memories
27:10 Ann’s own experience as a grandparent (it lightens her up!)
30:10 Different mindsets of the grandparents, Integral theory comes in.
34:45 Subtle competition between sets of grandparents. No name for the relationships between those two sets! Grandparents can play again!
38:15 What about grandparents “who know better”?
41:10 Heidi asks Ann what are her plans as a result of this study? Coaching and Circles of “Active wisdom”…and also career guidance for young people.
44:15: A question from a viewer: How can I create a relationship with my teenage grandchildren who I’ve not been close to because of family dynamics?
46:45 Understanding the teenage brain!
48:10 How her research and personal experience of grandparenting has affected her relationship with her husband.
51:00 The changing role of women, learning to lead. Co-creative energies!
53:10 invitation to the after show chat, how to contact Ann ( and husband David. Ann’s new “organic” life. “Come and play!” Thank you’s and good-bye’s
Ann says about herself:
I love being a Grandmother. After ten years of being an “empty nester”, the arrival of grandchildren brought joy to my and my husband’s lives; they are a wonderful surprise. Having grandchildren has brought us into even closer relationship with each other and with our adult children, and provided us with opportunities to heal family dynamics.
In 2015 as I headed for retirement, I was very aware of this being the first time since I was 21 that I would not have an employment contract. I was rather unsettled by the prospect and I decided I would go back to University and undertake a Masters to develop a new skill-set as a Social Researcher. During my dissertation research I encountered a wonderful book called Composing a Further Life by Mary Catherine Bateson. I discovered that my unsettledness was not that unusual and was indicative of moving into a stage in my life cycle that she called Active Wisdom. As I was experiencing, a transition through ‘retirement’ can often be tinged with a sense of withdrawal, confusion and loss of identity. What she challenged me to see was that this could be a wonderful opportunity to access my natural inner drive to share the wisdom I have gained from my rich life experience. To step into a refreshed engagement with life that harnessed a new sense energy and commitment to the wellbeing of others and myself.
My research interest is how Baby Boomers are making the most this stage of “Active Wisdom”. I want to create connections, conversations and programs that develop the wellbeing of my generation in the service the people we love. At this event we will have a conversation about what I gathered both from my personal journey over the last year and from the contribution of the grandparents I interviewed. It was a great experience to be in conversation with such wise elders who in different ways were committed to making a difference to the people they love.
Visit Ann’s website
After show chat
with Ann Roberts
1:07 Active Wisdom – the Baby Boomer generation – the pig in the python
2:26 Heidi talks about the different live strategies of that generation, who often did not built a traditional career. Heidi’s story
6:20 Talking about music and singing. Ann sings now after challenges
7:05 Cruel optimism – it is not ok to have challenges (Lynne Segal: “Out of Time”) Lauren Berlant
8:10 Share the challenges as well as the opportunities. – Bonding on stories of illness. 8:50 Levels of development
9:55 Cruel optimism – the cruelty of optimism: You don’t have to pretend that everything is perfect. We need a balance and holistic view on Ageing
12:00 Resilience and different rhythm but high potential.
13:00 Heidi: we need to stand up for the recognition that we have different ways of doing, achieving etc. “on our terms”
14:40 Creating Community – in relationship with other generations (Ann). It is about give back. Virtue and Vulnerability of ACTIVE WISDOM. Finding how to reach out to the world without needing to be an expert or in the role of a job
16:19 Reaching out via modern technology and connect globally
18:05 Invitation to the audience
18:50 wise elders and family relationships. The gift of ageing
20:00 Heidi’s life story – today we laugh about it
22:10 Ann’s story about the meeting with the teachings of two native Americans – Consciousness training and ceremonies. The balancing of masculine and feminine. Experience of nature
24:20 Mark’s life in America. The retirement industry in Florida. Too much peace and silence.
26:15 Ken Wilber and the courses. Sidetracked by Jordan Petersons teachings on YouTube
Ann says about herself:
I love being a Grandmother. After ten years of being an “empty nester”, the arrival of grandchildren brought joy to my and my husband’s lives; they are a wonderful surprise. Having grandchildren has brought us into even closer relationship with each other and with our adult children, and provided us with opportunities to heal family dynamics.
In 2015 as I headed for retirement, I was very aware of this being the first time since I was 21 that I would not have an employment contract. I was rather unsettled by the prospect and I decided I would go back to University and undertake a Masters to develop a new skill-set as a Social Researcher. During my dissertation research I encountered a wonderful book called Composing a Further Life by Mary Catherine Bateson. I discovered that my unsettledness was not that unusual and was indicative of moving into a stage in my life cycle that she called Active Wisdom. As I was experiencing, a transition through ‘retirement’ can often be tinged with a sense of withdrawal, confusion and loss of identity. What she challenged me to see was that this could be a wonderful opportunity to access my natural inner drive to share the wisdom I have gained from my rich life experience. To step into a refreshed engagement with life that harnessed a new sense energy and commitment to the wellbeing of others and myself.
My research interest is how Baby Boomers are making the most this stage of “Active Wisdom”. I want to create connections, conversations and programs that develop the wellbeing of my generation in the service the people we love. At this event we will have a conversation about what I gathered both from my personal journey over the last year and from the contribution of the grandparents I interviewed. It was a great experience to be in conversation with such wise elders who in different ways were committed to making a difference to the people they love.
Visit Ann’s website
Age is a state of mind
with Connie Corley
00:00 introductions and mechanics
04:20 Echo! And onward reference to for Connie’s program and on radio “Experience Talks!on KPFP in LA or experience
06:16 Connie “reports” on a conference from a week before where the AARP and the motion picture industry joined forces to help older people with loneliness
08:40 Do we just tell ourselves we’re OK alone, or not. Mark and Heidi tell short tales from their past.
10:10 Connie’s adaptation of the “4 Aces” model
12:12 Activism!
14:08 “Age is a state of mind.” the visit to the cardio ward
16:10 The Senior Moment phrase, replace with Senior Momentum!
17:14 Internalized stereotypes of ageing and attitude
19:10 Acknowledging watchers
21:40 Feelings about “anti-ageing” concepts and vocabulary
23:07 Mark exhibits symptoms of age by his absence! (Full disclosure here!) Then back to looking one’s age, shying away from older people, isolating them
25:30 Connie’s project: Cruzando Puentes (Crossing Bridges) very interesting interaction between older and younger people.
27:30 A summer conference of IAGG-2017 (international Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics in San Francisco July 24-26. Connie is promoting and participating in a drumming experiment. Heidi goes on to extol the virtues of music and singing. There’s more to us than what we simply “think”.
32:15 Whatever you thinking about now will affect how you feel next! Connie promotes silence and meditation. Older adults is the “preferred “ term in gerontology. Imagined effects of various terms. “The richness of paradox”
40:35 More terms: being a “kid” – second adolescence, etc. It goes on!
41:45 More watcher input on terms; “seniors” is ever less popular
45:10 Changing demographics and what they portend. What shall we do?
46:50 Connie’s vision for older people, some self-imposed limitations
49:45 Final thoughts, thank you’,s goodbye’s and invitations to the “aftershow” on our Facebook show on our Masterminding Integral Ageing page.
Dr. Corley is a Professor at Fielding Graduate University and California State University Los Angeles (and Associate Director of Lifelong Learning, Applied Gerontology Institute). She completed her graduate degrees at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She holds certification from the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC and is adjunct faculty at Saybrook University. Dr. Corley’s 100+ publications and national/international presentations have spanned the fields of aging and the arts, geriatrics, rehabilitation, spirituality, and substance abuse. She has been a mentor in Geriatric Social Work Initiatives funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation, and also a mentor in the New Ventures in Leadership program of the American Society on Aging (ASA). She is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Past President of the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGE-SW), a recipient of the AGE-SW Leadership Award, and in 2004 was the Inaugural recipient of the West Coast Gerontological Social Work Career Award from the Institute for Geriatric Social Work. Cal State LA named Dr. Corley a Distinguished Woman in 2008. She is in “Who’s Who in America” and “Who’s Who of American Women.” visit her website.
After show chat
with Connie Corley
0:20 Acknowledgement of the audience who commented on the main show and invitation to come on camera
1:00 Heidi shares her experience with the conversations
1:26 Connie comes in and shares her practices, dream processing and allowing the learning and growth
2:25 About multitasking – adaptive advantage when growing older.
3:15 Choosing better what is important
3:51 Connie talks about the conference call she needs to attend virtually in a committee meeting.
5:05 Invitation to come into the room – otherwise Connie would leave
5:25 Projects for a future conversation – about Arts? With John Fitzgerald? Virtual drum circle.
6:30 Some fun between us
7:18 Find the balance – Heidi attempts to summarize what she learnt during the talk
7:37 Mark shares his experience in bio-feedback. How it feels now and before in the show.
8:50 Heidi’s edition about “being quiet” – hint to “Women Matters” last episode about “Sensing and Silence” Using these Feminine Qualities in public discussions and business.
10:42 We need a different state of mind – Meditation
11:03 Mark’s experience with meditation – what is your state of mind?
12:03 Preview and explanation of TIMESTAMPS
12:48 Heidi invites people to come out of shyness and to learn to show up in public
Contact via email:
Dr. Corley is a Professor at Fielding Graduate University and California State University Los Angeles (and Associate Director of Lifelong Learning, Applied Gerontology Institute). She completed her graduate degrees at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She holds certification from the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC and is adjunct faculty at Saybrook University. Dr. Corley’s 100+ publications and national/international presentations have spanned the fields of aging and the arts, geriatrics, rehabilitation, spirituality, and substance abuse. She has been a mentor in Geriatric Social Work Initiatives funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation, and also a mentor in the New Ventures in Leadership program of the American Society on Aging (ASA). She is a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Past President of the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGE-SW), a recipient of the AGE-SW Leadership Award, and in 2004 was the Inaugural recipient of the West Coast Gerontological Social Work Career Award from the Institute for Geriatric Social Work. Cal State LA named Dr. Corley a Distinguished Woman in 2008. She is in “Who’s Who in America” and “Who’s Who of American Women.” visit her website.
New capacities emerge in our minds as we age
with Tom Christensen
00:00 introductions and mechanics…
05:40 Tom’s begins to explain his new theme of new capacities that emerge as we age.
07:56 Example of learning to drive at age 16 and forgetting what we were like at age 8!
and how that continues throughout life. So what is new in our later decades?
09:20 Examples: Transtemporal cognition: holding the present for extended periods. and forgetting that we weren’t always able to, that once the time story held us!
12:00 No longer stuck in a word-based reality, the importance that “story” has had.
13:00 Heidi is surprised by a “new” view of the old men just sitting around and chatting, but some of those old men are not in the same kind of mind! It’s hard to tell.
13:40 The effects of meditation may be a natural effect of ageing! Transnarrative cognition: understanding arises without “figuring it out”. Complex thinking!
17:25 How do we get there? Tom explains how: name it, claim it.
18:30 The difference between the automatic growth of thinking to meditation? Tom still meditates but not for the old reasons.
21:30 Meditation and the emergence of “Orange” cognition with modernity.
22:50 Watcher comments, Tom’s thoughts on wisdom. What emerges with meditation
26:35 Another trans word: transegoic! Tom explains: interrupting identity patterns.
29:05 Tom’s grand vision: Older people HAVE the wisdom to alleviate many huge problems.
32:07 Arguments over terminology, what to call we “olders”. Defensiveness, respect.
33:30 Tom’s paper in as “Leading Edge Cognitive Capacities” or to Integral Leadership Review. Tom’s classroom experience: collective intelligence.
36:35 More audience comments and how this wisdom emerges in tribal cultures.
39:20 How could we gather second tier people together for real problem solving, free of ego! Some cross fertilization among a group of 70 year olds.
42:02 All these trans words! Tom has a group of 9!
43:35 Tom hunts and we talk from personal experience and speculation. Tome brings us back with “quieted amygdala” and loss of fear. Also “attunement” and feeling the nature of things. Tom’s experience on Lake Superior. Mirror neurons, “tuning into spirit”.
48:30 More audience questions. This process occurs in the same order for everyone.
49:40 Contradiction? Tom explains how it seems to him.
51:20 Why so many more are experiencing this now. Multiperspectival cognition!
52:40 Final comments from audience, importance of temperament, choosing how we understand things. Mark remarks on the “indigenous” people of Europe.
55:45 Tom’s final comment: Heart opening surpasses thinking.Goodbyes
Tom Christensen “Tom C.”, is the editor of and one of the authors in two books of Gravesian-Spiral Dynamics case studies. He provides Gravesian trainings and writes often on this topic, and others. Tom has braided his life over the past 40 years with constant strands of business, art including painting, sculpture, poetry and piano, regular engagement in sports & gardening, and raising a family. Tom C. is married, and with Stephanie they have 7 children, and 4 of the most charming grandchildren in the world. In years past, Tom C. served as an orderly, nursing assistant, and the first hospice counselor at UW-Madison Hospitals. This phase left him with a wider and more comfortable appreciation for the extremely wide range of end-of-life experiences for people. This background with dying, combined with an appreciation of the possibility of lifelong learning, has led him to welcome each day of his new, more obvious, aging phase, as another opening for discovery and adventure. “No one has ever lived THIS life before. I wonder what’s next?!” See more on his page.
After show chat with Tom Christensen
and Monia Fruehwirth (and Irene Standnes)
0:18 Irene Standness joins us
0:42 Introduction to the after show conversation
1:15 TAlking to group experience she had. Similar to what Tom talked about in the show:FEELING the river. Is it only about age?
2:30 Tom: cognitive complexity. The importance to talk about it as normal human experience
3:27 Irene’s experience of how people receive her talking about it
4:16 an example by Tom: awareness of sexual arousement – Appreciate your experience
5:31 About being alone on that level of awareness: our minds cannot relate any more to what the others are interested in. We have got a treasure for the world and need to honor it.
6:36 Monika: opening our hearts? Monika talks about her group. The flying carpet who gets woven while flying. Referring to the map of integral theory and Wilber
8:40 the multi-perspectival mind. “You don’t expect a lawyer to know that”
9:28 Appreciation for our offering the space for conversations. New projects.
10:15 About writing a book.
11:10 We can tell the stories online, on video, instead of writing books!
12:23 How to land in the gross body when you are high up in the subtle body.
13:00 Tom: abdominal breathing.
13:21 Heidi: grounding, connecting with the earth, flowing down of energies.
13:50 Monika: would be good to share the experiences.
Connecting us from many parts of the world. Where are you?
15:30 Canada? – better than the US – bye bye Tom
15:53 Monika – the closing phrase. Monika tells about her time of “being high”, grounding, grow the roots into the earth
17:06 back to the roots! We might need different tools in different periods of our time.
18:00 throat and heart opening
About Tom Christensen
Tom Christensen “Tom C.”, is the editor of and one of the authors in two books of Gravesian-Spiral Dynamics case studies. He provides Gravesian trainings and writes often on this topic, and others. Tom has braided his life over the past 40 years with constant strands of business, art including painting, sculpture, poetry and piano, regular engagement in sports & gardening, and raising a family. Tom C. is married, and with Stephanie they have 7 children, and 4 of the most charming grandchildren in the world. In years past, Tom C. served as an orderly, nursing assistant, and the first hospice counselor at UW-Madison Hospitals. This phase left him with a wider and more comfortable appreciation for the extremely wide range of end-of-life experiences for people. This background with dying, combined with an appreciation of the possibility of lifelong learning, has led him to welcome each day of his new, more obvious, aging phase, as another opening for discovery and adventure. “No one has ever lived THIS life before. I wonder what’s next?!”
Tom Christensen “Tom C.”, is the editor of and one of the authors in two books of Gravesian-Spiral Dynamics case studies. He provides Gravesian trainings and writes often on this topic, and others. Tom has braided his life over the past 40 years with constant strands of business, art including painting, sculpture, poetry and piano, regular engagement in sports & gardening, and raising a family. Tom C. is married, and with Stephanie they have 7 children, and 4 of the most charming grandchildren in the world. In years past, Tom C. served as an orderly, nursing assistant, and the first hospice counselor at UW-Madison Hospitals. This phase left him with a wider and more comfortable appreciation for the extremely wide range of end-of-life experiences for people. This background with dying, combined with an appreciation of the possibility of lifelong learning, has led him to welcome each day of his new, more obvious, aging phase, as another opening for discovery and adventure. “No one has ever lived THIS life before. I wonder what’s next?!” See more on his page.
FInd Monika’s contribution to the CONSCIOUS AGEING series here
Monika is speaking out of the experience of 7 decades of an intense life which was dedicated to the evolution of consciousness in herself and others.
Monika is a true leader. Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is – translating innumerable amounts of texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.
Monika was one of the first women in the German-speaking Integral scene – which at first was very “head biased” – the enthusiasm about a brilliant theory. She introduced into the Integral Community the “Feminine Integral Consciousness Field”, a self-organized group of women who tried to translate the theory into their everyday life practice. My friendship with her began with being part of this group of women and their attempt to find a FEMININE WAY of bringing the Integral WORLDVIEW out into the WORLD.
Never Too Late to Begin your Future
with Lowell Ann Fuglsang
00:00 Introductions and mechanics…and Lowell Ann corrects me!
06:40 Heidi asks how Lowell Ann has gotten so involved in so much change.
07:40 A bit of her history…a series of new beginnings, always working with people, the arctic in Yellowknife and new careers for both her and her husband.
15:50 Acknowledgement of the audience and their questions.
16:65 How she got interested in technology and appearing on screen as a way to reach her public clients.
23:43 Her success online depends on those who come to participate!
24:40 How Integral Theory and Ken Wilber got added to her tool bag and how helpful in became in working with clients. Also the enneagram! We have choice!
34:14 A comment from the audience leads to a whole new discussion about expansion, not contraction!, including expansion to include friends of other ages!
39:00 Why do we hold back? Cultural expectations?
40:00 Lowell Ann really wants to talk about her choral work and how enriching that is, not just for her but for the whole community. It’s a model for both personal and cultural expansion. This is right up Heidi’s alley with her singing well. Find a choir!
50:14 How they teach newbies who “can’t sing” to discover that they can: “composting!” How that generalizes to speaking and being heard; a metaphor for life.
52:28 Info about starting your own community choir.
54:10 Contrast with “homes for seniors” where Lowell Ann volunteers one day a week and the isolation which counters the healthiness of communities – and a community online!.
57:07 Find a group to share your passion with; don’t do it alone!
58:00 Lowell Ann has found a local group where they discuss Ken Wilber’s work and she knows she needs to learn more, especially about states of consciousness. Then goodbye’s and thank you’s and invitations to the after-show talk on Facebook.
Lowell Ann Fuglsang (pronounced Fullsang in English) began her career as an Employment Counsellor with Canada Manpower in Moncton NB in 1975. She moved north and worked with the department in various capacities, all focused on helping Arctic northerners find meaningful work. She trained counsellors and program deliverers until 1997 when she retired to start her own co