Heidi’s intro to the new Co-Hosts
I founded the Wisdom Factory together with my husband Mark Davenport in 2014. We did more than hundred shows together, enjoying deeply our collaboration in talking with our guests, showcasing their work and learning a lot from them.
Mark died on June 30th, 2018 after a few months of severe suffering. I decided to go on with the online shows, which in the meantime have attracted quite a few watchers. But I felt that I didn’t want to do that alone, especially as English is not my mother tongue. For this reason the future of the Wisdom Factory will be in both languages, German and English, where I have invited several people to co-host the shows with me.
For CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Martin Ucik lent me a hand, also for some episodes of CONSCIOUS AGEING. Monia Fruehwirth cohosts some episodes with me and is an integral member of WOMEN MATTERS and DIE FRAUEN AM VIRTUELLEN BRUNNEN, monthly conversation circles among women.
For every new co-host you will find an introductory conversation on this page.
Monia Fruehwirth, a long term collaborator with The Wisdom Factory
I know Monia for more than 15 years from the meetings of the German speaking Integral Community. In 2006 we met in a small group in South Austria to explore integral theory in a feminine way, down to earth. With “real world examples” we helped each other to understand the theory much better.
In the following years we met several times for a prolonged workshop on the feminine way to deal with integral, the “Feminine integral consciousness field” (Das weibliche integrale Bewusstseinsfeld) which connected us deeper in the exploration of the integral worldview.
Monia was part of our very first episode of The Wisdom Factory in 2014 and since then she has joined Mark and me, Heidi, very often as a guest or co-host in our shows.
Here Monia’s personal page inside this website

Martin Ucik – author and frequent guest in The Wisdom Factory
I got to know Martin Ucik in 2010 in Los Angeles when we did the CALLING IN THE ONE coaches training together. At this time Martin had already published his first book “Integral Relationships A Handbook for Men” and was establishing himself as an expert in love relationships and dating.
The book was the first of its kind within the framework of Integral Theory and was well received by Ken Wilber, who had developed this theory from his early adulthood on. In the following Martin wrote a second book “Sex, purpose, love” and he held many workshops all over the world on creating healthy, integrally informed relationships.
Martin has been a guest in the Wisdom Factory several times in the past, he had his own podcast for some time and now agreed to help me out as co-host for when I started the “normal” shows again in December 20118.
Contact Mrtin via
http://www.singles2couples.org/ plus24.net integralrelationship.com Martin on Facebook
STREAMED LIVE HERE on November 28th, 2018