Chat for Nicola BAGALÀ OCT 17th 2017
copied from Webinar Jam. (Unfortunately the livestream didn’t worj on this page and so the chat was active there instead of above)
0,0,0,”Nicola Bagalà”,Admin,”I don’t seem to be able to switch it on again”,Chat
0,0,0,”Nicola Bagalà”,Admin,”I tried to change the video quality again, hoping it would turn my image on again, but it didn’t work”,Chat
0,0,0,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”we can read your messages.”,Chat
0,0,0,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”so reboot the computer and come in again”,Chat
0,0,0,”Nicola Bagalà”,Admin,”I can’t see you or hear you, I’m not even sure you can read my messages”,Chat
0,3,51,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Greetings, Mark, Heidi, and Nicola!”,Chat
0,7,52,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”Hi from Victoria”,Chat
0,8,8,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Hi, Gina!”,Chat
0,8,50,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Hi Roland and Gina! Glad you found the way!”,Chat
0,10,59,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”disease = dis+ease”,Chat
0,11,13,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”right Roland”,Chat
0,12,25,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”cells losing structural and functional integrity….”,Chat
0,12,47,”Margherita Crystal Lotus “,Attendee,”Hi Heidi and Mark! Finally I got it…”,Chat
0,13,4,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”Hi everyone!”,Chat
0,13,10,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Hi, Margherita! :o)”,Chat
0,13,25,”Vivekananda Rao”,Attendee,”Namaste Heidi, Mark – arrived late – had to try multiple ways to get into this screen.”,Chat
0,13,25,”Margherita Crystal Lotus “,Attendee,”Hi Roland!”,Chat
0,13,37,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Yo, Markus!”,Chat
0,13,38,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Hi Margherita”,Chat
0,13,46,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Vivek! YAY!”,Chat
0,14,5,”Margherita Crystal Lotus “,Attendee,”Hi Vivekananda!”,Chat
0,14,6,”Vivekananda Rao”,Attendee,”Namaste Roland, Margherita, Markus”,Chat
0,15,1,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Hi Vivek, welcome!”,Chat
0,16,15,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”I often got the impression that a lot of people sort of “”dry out”” from not drinking enough, so that the body cells cannot work properly and die (we are mostly made of water, and need the water and salt levels to be right) – you often notice that from the skin…”,Chat
0,16,50,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”ability to rejuvenate is predicated on vibration. If we vibrate in joy, positivity and love, our odds improve tremendously.”,Chat
0,17,30,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”Roland: good point – we need a balance in our body AND our mind”,Chat
0,17,32,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Hi MArkus, So glad to see you again!”,Chat
0,17,41,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Markus – the “”dry up”” is the result of spirit drying up. :o)”,Chat
0,17,45,”Vivekananda Rao”,Attendee,”Aging is also known as ‘cloning fatigue’ – our body cells have to continueously keep cloning themselves for the body to remain alive as a whole.”,Chat
0,18,32,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”body+mind+spirit – indivisible.”,Chat
0,18,37,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”Roland: 🙂 maybe… or people just get frustrated as no one wants to listen to them any more… :(“,Chat
0,19,1,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”Adelheid / Mark: good 2 b back”,Chat
0,19,27,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Frustration results from the thoughts… not the circumstances. Choice.”,Chat
0,21,34,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”Roland – interesting point… positive thinking is always supreme, and how we think about the world creates our reality”,Chat
0,22,59,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”I believe we are all these things – spirit+mind+body, and we create our experience. But, being human has its parameters. Circumstances and how we respond are two different things.”,Chat
0,24,28,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”””reasons”” are rationalizations, excuses, or…. motivations and inspirations.”,Chat
0,25,49,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Agreed Markus. We are (or can be…) in control of what and how we choose to think and believe.”,Chat
0,26,24,”Vivekananda Rao”,Attendee,”Heidi+Mark what does your guest say is the definition of ‘Life’ – he seemed to discount ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ – so what is ‘life’ – the difference between a body that is alive and same body that is dead – is it energy? is it consciousness? a chemical process in the body? What is his definition?”,Chat
0,28,49,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”vivek, yes, I guess he is sort of a materialist, which is also a legitimate point of view”,Chat
0,29,20,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”You might ask this question at the end”,Chat
0,29,27,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”I’m not big on statistics. As long as things happen that I can only classify as miracles and superhuman, I will believe in that which I cannot see, and anything is possible… which will affect “”statistics.””ri”,Chat
0,31,7,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”It is definitely legitimate, Heidi. All of us are mostly observers or results.”,Chat
0,31,57,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”The best would be an integral approach, both perspectives and use when appropriate. That’s why we are “”Integralists”””,Chat
0,33,37,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Connecting to “”spirit”” as a factor opens the conversation to having some integrated control, and not just be in the position to “”treat”” dis-ease, and include realignment to healthy process… which I am a believer in.”,Chat
0,34,36,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,right,Chat
0,35,12,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”This targeting of the “”bad”” cells seems difficult – my father actually died because of a defect in his immune system, which caused a constant overproduction of “”eater”” cells that normally destroy damaged cells – after a while, they started to attack healthy cells as well (which in this case destroyed the cells in his lung)…”,Chat
0,35,25,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Integral is another legitimate view, Heidi…. not necessarily “”the best.”” That woiuld depend on who you/anyone are/is.”,Chat
0,35,26,”Margherita Crystal Lotus “,Attendee,”Spirit is eternal I think! Goes to the soul in the next life!”,Chat
0,36,11,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Spirit=life – Agreed, Margherita. Being human is part of it.”,Chat
0,39,47,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”It showed in the immune system, but it is a disease – a very rarely diagnosed one because the symptoms cane be very different . Look up under “”Wegener’s Granulomatosis”” (”,Chat
0,40,35,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”…just want any new gene-therapy to be sufficiently safe…”,Chat
0,41,25,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”I like the topic.”,Chat
0,41,31,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”and death”,Chat
0,41,43,”Margherita Crystal Lotus “,Attendee,”I cannot go in because bad internet!”,Chat
0,42,9,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”I just don’t have a question or something to add at this point”,Chat
0,42,16,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”It is a good topic and discussion”,Chat
0,42,44,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Are you coming in ROland?”,Chat
0,43,2,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”no, sorry… tech issues….”,Chat
0,43,2,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Hi Gina! Great to see you here”,Chat
0,43,49,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”somebody else?”,Chat
0,44,56,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Somebody come, so we can try out how it works!”,Chat
0,46,23,”Vivekananda Rao”,Attendee,”I read/heard somewhere that cancer happens when cells that are supposed to die don’t die – instead replicate themselves.”,Chat
0,47,0,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Nicolas has a challenge with this crowd. People who believe in spiritual integration if all life pretty much insists that we have ways of healing that touch beyond scientific assessment/observation. So, all views are legitimate.”,Chat
0,48,13,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Nicolas deals with human existence, which does not address spiritual life or any higher view.”,Chat
0,49,52,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”All “”we”” know is that human experience always involves some suffering.”,Chat
0,50,25,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”lol I strongly believe with everlasting life and have had contact with spirits”,Chat
0,50,32,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”The body will get old. But the person needs not.”,Chat
0,51,5,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Yes, Gina. I completely believe this.”,Chat
0,52,23,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”We, as humans, are not meant to see life from the “”highest”” view (Godliness?…) just the highest or best we can AS HUMANS.”,Chat
0,53,15,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Nicolas’ message – align thinking with health.”,Chat
0,53,28,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”agree that we should work hard at being healthy and not give up due to some arbitrary age”,Chat
0,53,34,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Good man, Nicolas!”,Chat
0,54,1,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”we will have to keep working and have lots to offer”,Chat
0,54,27,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Retirement Occupations will abound!”,Chat
0,54,35,”Vivekananda Rao”,Attendee,”Robots do the work and most of us pensioners live – Mark!”,Chat
0,55,12,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”women boomers are becoming entrepreneurs”,Chat
0,55,34,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Exactly, Gina!”,Chat
0,55,43,”Adelheid Hornlein and Mark Davenport”,Admin,”Hello and thanks to all of you for staying with us. I didn’t ask the more spiritual questions as Nicola is obviously not (yet) in it…”,Chat
0,55,50,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”Mark: …good question – society has to change *a lot* (as a side note, I actually need to keep working until the age of 67 – unless I get self-employed of course 🙂 )”,Chat
0,56,19,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”in elderhood we should be working in something we love and invest in the work to figure it out.”,Chat
0,56,49,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”””…doing what you like!”” The big takeaway, Nicolas!”,Chat
0,57,7,”Markus Dieterle”,Attendee,”I guess we have to get to the “”Star Trek”” model of a future society, where people are working in order to improve themselves, not to earn a living….”,Chat
0,57,37,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Actually in “”all-hood”” we should do what we love.”,Chat
0,57,41,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”love what you do!!!”,Chat
0,58,37,”Gina Donaldson”,Attendee,”Thank you all”,Chat
0,59,44,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Don’t worry… BE HAPPY1″,Chat
1,0,28,”Roland Takaoka”,Attendee,”Awesome conversation. Thanks everyone!”,Chat