Contradictions – which do you notice and how do you handle them?

Heidi writes

This time in WOMEN MATTERS we had planned to do a 90 minute workshop lead by Hannelie on “Embody your Awareness”. She had given us a short taste of how powerful the practice is, and so we had agreed on doing a longer process, but, alas, people didn’t show up in time and others just couldn’t join for health and other reasons.

So we decided to find a conversation topic for this meeting and postpone the workshop again.

The topic CONTRADICTIONS unfolded naturally in a co-creative way. When Christine King appeared it took a turn towards the Enneagram types and how their contradictions show up according to their conditioned mind and behaviour.

Another of these inspiring conversations we often are able to create in our group.


The conversations took place in August, 2023


Gertraud Wegst. Portrait.

Gertraud Wegst

Portrait of Monika Frühwirth

Monia Fruehwirth

Hannelie Venucia

Martini Rieser

Martini Rieser

Christine King

Beatrice Antonie Martino


Heidi Hornlein

Christine Baser Habib

Christine Baser Habib