Conscious Ageing in 2020
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Corona and the fear of death with Cee
Our societies have removed death from life, which becomes very obvious in the present times of the Corona virus killing hundreds of thousands of people in the whole world.
Our actions are driven by fear. Spiritual practice helps us, to face life and death with equanimity. Living in the present helps us to not succumb to the tyranny of fear.
Co-Creative conversation: an example
Five women came together to prepare for a shared contribution for the upcoming Integral European Conference. During the conversation they realised that they had been engaging in a co-creative way and the idea arose to publish it as an example. Thus the topic – Conscious Ageing and also death through Corona – is not the important thing why you might watch it, but the way the women self-organised in arriving at the desired result.
Es ist eine schwierige Erfahrung, den Lebenspartner zu verlieren. Viele menschen fühlen sich allein gelassen, unsere Gesellschaft hat das Thema Tod tabuisiert und so will kaum jemand wirklich Anteil nehmen daran, was die Hinterbliebene durchmacht.
Der Erfahrungsaustausch unterstützt uns und wir hoffen, dass wir Frauen in ähnlicher Situation inspirieren können, ebenfalls Menschen zu finden, die ihr zuhören möchten und können