December 16th at 10 AM PT/ 7 PM CET
The secret promise of ageing
This episode in our series is special: father and son coming in together and talk about LIFE and AGEING. A heartwarming confession of love of the man, having grown older and wiser in a long life.
The father, Christopher Foster, is a gifted writer. Durwin Foster, the son, is a counsellor, researcher and writer with a strong background in mindfulness-based and integrally-informed approaches to psychology.

STREAMED LIVE HERE on December 16th 2016
This episode in our series is special: father and son coming in together and talk about LIFE and AGEING . As the father, Christopher Foster, is a gifted writer I leave the introduction to him. (Taken from his Bio on Amazon)
“They say aging is a sad and sorry business, and of course it is, in a way. They say cancer is a sad and sorry business, too, and of course it is. Yet here I am, in my 80’s–having experienced both of these events–and I can truthfully say I am happier now than I have ever been.
How could this be? Here’s what I have discovered. The tribulations that come to us can actually be a door to a new life if we are willing to face them and learn from them. They can be the catalyst that awakens us to a place of profound joy and peace within ourselves that is utterly unconcerned and unhurt by any of our earthly travails.
This is what I love to write about now: The extraordinary opportunity we have in any moment to be still for a moment in the midst of tumult and open our eyes and heart to the wonder of existence and the presence of the Eternal in our own heart. To quote the timeless words of Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” My love and blessings to you”
Here is what Christopher Foster writes about himself:
Hi. I’m a Brit, living in Denver, Colorado for the last 20 years, happily married to a wonderful woman named JoAnn.
I’m author of 7 inspirational books and founder of www.TheHappySeeker.com, where I blog about “finding happiness as years fly by.” I love painting pictures with words–letting my imagination roam until sooner or later a sentence emerges, then a paragraph, and finally, perhaps, with luck, a book.
Writing isn’t my only passion though. I’ve been on a spiritual journey ever since I was a teen-ager, drawn by an irresistible compulsion—very painful at times–to find greater meaning and purpose in life; to find the happiness and inner peace that I know is our birthright regardless of our age or circumstances.
And here some information on Durwin Foster, his son
Durwin Foster, M.A., CCC (#0345) is a counsellor, researcher and writer with a strong background in mindfulness-based and integrally-informed approaches to psychology. Durwin worked with Ken Wilber, a pioneer of integral theory, in the development of applications of integral theory to counselling and psychotherapy. Studying mindfulness in graduate school, Durwin was invited to an invitation-only conference with His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the topic of contemplative practices and health. Durwin has authored or co-authored several articles in peer reviewed journals, including Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, Counseling and Values, and Transcultural Psychiatry.
Here the Video of the After Show Chat where Heidi and Mark talk informally about the show, joined by Durwin Foster in the second half.
very sweet show, guys! And you displayed wonderful empathy.
That was really good. While watching it I decided to be kinder to my father.
Mark, it is never too late as long as he is alive! My father died long ago – and these insights came to me too late!