2017,December 21st at 10 AM PT/ 7 PM CET

Special art for special people


We normally think of ART as products, created by artists, to be exposed in galleries and museums. Do you need to be a famous artist to be part of an exposition? Not necessarily.

Art can be created in different contexts and for different purposes. And expositions, too, can serve different purposes than attracting masses of tourists to a famous place. Art production can be clamorous in very different ways: when you know when a piece was created, by whom and in what circumstances: this alone makes it worth while to be exposed, seen and appreciated.

Scott Marshall

STREAMED LIVE HERE on December 21st, 2017

Special Arts for Special People - Scott Marshall


00:00 Introduction to the show and how to watch, intro to our guest, Scott Marshall
02:20 How Scott got started: art since age 8, art degrees, special ed degree, lots of experience with both children and adults, parallels with music

05:20 people with diagnoses like ADHD or autism. A brief history of art in human history,  Everyone has their uniqueness that can out through their art work more clearly often than with language

06:45 Who are your students, Scott?  Who his school serves. Great age variations

08:20 Building safe places, finding natural support

09:40 How do students come to you? Medicaid, some court referrals

11:30 Do they have any prior experience with art? Showing, even selling, their art in a gallery! Open every day!

14:15 Special classes on Friday, lunch included
15:10 – 21:56 A screen-sharing tour with comments

22:10 If a student sells something, how is the money distributed? Do you suggest  topics that might be, for example, more salable? Scott expands.

25:05 How long do students stay with you? Some over 10 years! Some unusually talented students. Some work on illustrating books.

28:00 The dance of working with a student with the right balance of artistic freedom and also guidance and help.  Evidence of increasing skills.

30:50 The role of art as therapy

33:15 How is the program developing over time? A dedicated gallery now!  Possible changes in Medicare under Trump.  Balance between our own students and admissibility of other publics into the facilities (inclusivity)

36:33 Heidi asks about the the sex offenders program, how does that work? Scott explains they are sex offenders but also have other diagnosed disabilities..  He stresses the need for predictable expectations and routines for them.  His history of working with violent children has been very helpful.  Separate classes for them on Fridays.

42:10 And it’s an art class! He describes the “Art” of making that “art class” happen. How it has affected his own art!  His part in a hierarchy of needs.  Art as a way to see the worlds of other people!  The insights he gets into their world through their art!

46:45 The archetypal realm and Carl Jung as seen in their work. “You begin to question your assumptions about what is real.”  And things don’t have to be a certain way in art class!

50:43 A word about music as an aid to creating a safe and creative atmosphere, some magic!

53.00 The “Hidden Curriculum” that regards listening and cohabitating a world with many different people in it, all at their own cosmic address.

54:30 Scott’s other interests, an “Instant Drawing Course” with Margherita Crystal Lotus beginning soon. Details on his website at:
Also at: for information about the school

58:45 Goodbyes


When we think about artists we think about people sitting alone in their studios and work on a piece of art which will be exposed to others in a  show – or nobody will ever see it, depending on the level of public appearance of the artist. This seems to be a good way to express oneself and even to elaborate personal problems as form of self-therapy. But maybe that is not the only way of seeing art.

Our guest Scott Marshal says: “Art draws people together”. When we see a piece of art we enter into communication with what we see and, somehow, also with the artist. But what Scott means here goes much deeper: By means of art we can connect to people who otherwise you might have a hard time to reach. In his very specific case he talks about very specific people he reaches with his creating art: People with special needs. Art can bridge the gap to someone who doesn’t see the world in the way you do and who has no ways to connect to “our” world.

Scott worked first with special needs children and now with adults, and specifically with sex offenders. What can art do for these people who by no means are criminals by choice but, most likely, have had problems in their psycho-social growth process. Can they talk about things with art for what they don’t have words?


Scott Royce Marshall, born February 25, 1981. Artist tendencies noticed and discovered age 8. Strong interest in Science, Psychology and Philosophy, Eastern and Western Mysticism. Undergrad in Art Studio, Masters in Education.

Scott discovered Integral Theory and Ken Wilber in 2006 at age 25. He is riding an explosion of creativity since 2014- details to follow. He is Special Educator since 2005. Since 2015, Scott helps co-manage an Arts Program for people with Disabilities , like  ADHD, Autism, Bipolar, Down Syndrome, Intellectual disability(formerly known as mental retardation)
Scott has 12 years of experience working with these folks, co-managing an arts program with over 100 students


INSTANT DRAWING COURSE  offered by Scott Marshall: subscribe HERE

ART PROJECT FACEBOOK PAGE (co-created by Scott Marshall)

ETSY STORE, where you can buy art work created by the people we talked about


e-Book created by THE WISDOM FACTORY with illustrations by Scott Marshall