in retrospective2021-01-14T12:49:35+01:00

In the following weeks you will find some articles and videos on the history of The WISDOM FACTORY, our journey into online visibility during the last decade.

The single posts will appear below in the sequence of their publication.


Please send me comments and suggestions on how you would like the Wisdom Factory proceed during the next decade! Thanks

The story of the Wisdom Factory in articles and video highlights

IEC and after

The impact of the Integral Conference in Hungary   In May 2016 Mark and I attended the IEC (Integral European Conference) in Hungary. Mark had become very interested in the topic “Ageing” which he combined with his interest in Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics. He offered a talk on ageing at the conference where he led people through the stages of development and what this meant for getting older. It was [...]

The learning continues

The learning continues: Live Streaming and Website After negative experiences with a virtual assistant I convinced myself that I had to learn how to do the website stuff myself - another huge challenge which cost me an incredible amount of my life time, but I learned a lot again. I started to create the new website Our live shows were now programmed, streamed and archived there. After the death of [...]

Birth of the Wisdom Factory

The birth of The Wisdom Factory While Heidi was doing the teleseminar leader course and then practiced live streaming with Margherita,  Mark practiced by himself being on camera. He recorded  some video clips about the power of touch, a topic deeply fascinated him. In my eyes he was a natural talent for being in front of the camera.  This was the very first video he did - and watching it again [...]

By |January 24th, 2021|Categories: BLOG, In retrospective, men and women|0 Comments


Early days - how things started It all started in late 2011, when Mark and I met on Facebook. In January 2012 he came over from the US to live with me in Italy. Soon we started to wonder why the Universe had brought us together and what our common task in the world would be.  I for myself believed that I needed some training in public speaking because I intended [...]

By |January 11th, 2021|Categories: BLOG, In retrospective, video post|0 Comments
