Meet amazing People who are involved and concerned with practices which can make the world a better place. They are sharing with you their story and their insights about how to grow ourselves, discover our life’s purpose and to become an agent for positive change. Our guests come from many fields. What ties them together is their broader view on reality, their ability to see problems from multiple perspectives and to search for solutions which are integrated and able to catalyse the necessary changes we need to survive and even thrive in the future.

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WISDOM CHATS and Community Gatherings HERE

STREAMED LIVE ON JANUARY 7th as part of the first ever broadcast series of THE WISDOM FACTORY
Bringing together business coaches who use different approaches to their work. Ulrike and Harald represent the integrally informed way of coaching.


0:00 Opening
3:16 Introductions -Harald is absent as he is just out of hospital and unable to participate
8:57 Ammon describes business: how we free ourselves to do what we really want to do
10:10 So why do we have so much trouble with it? why do we need business coaches?
10:26 Ammon: t’s our attitude toward money.
11:50 What about the gaining of money for it’s own sake?
12:15 Ulrike responds: Changing values
14:20 Ammon responds to changing values
16:20 Ammon: Deal with change by looking for the things that don’t change
16:40 Ulrike responds: Our people are in transition, i.e, from obedience to creativity
18:42 Examples of changing values from different thinking
19:40 People have always sought individual ways to make a living
21:15 But haven’t whole communities exerted great influence and restriction on Ok ways to make a living?
21:30 Many still want to work for others
23:20 Smugglers and pirates were entrepreneurs!
23:58 Ulrike notes difficulties moving from obedience to achievement
24:50 Moving from just being present at work to being efficient and moving through all 4 quadrants
29:00 The map and what Integral adds to Ammon’s view; the interior view
31:00 Ammon elaborates on expectations and resources
32:40 the most competitive business environment ever
33:48 How to handle this competitive scene
34:30 USP – Unique Selling Proposition – niche marketing
34:20 How to compete? Ulrike responds.
37:20 It’s uniqueness that makes your business
38:42 Ammon agrees and elaborates
40:30 And Ulrike agrees too and goes on to explain pain points
41:40 Ammon lists his clients’ pain points- spread too thin!
43:50 Do less and do it better
44:00 Conclusions: Typical masculine and typical feminine
46:00 Last words: Ulrike and Harald’s pilot project, and on Facebook: Vision 2015

ABOUT  Ulrike Haiden  and  Harald Kastner
Soulmates, married couple and business partners since 1999, say: “In order to keep doing what we love doing – supporting people to master personal and career shifts – we had to change a lot and we have to keep changing to keep going. In order to manage constant change and transformational work the integral map serves as a brilliant navigation tool for our and our clients’ lives and businesses!”

As a team, *embracing feminine and a masculine aspects*, as integral life and business consultants, we love to support changemakers to become fully-fledged co-creatives!

Contact Ulrike and Harald here:
http://blog.integralepraxis.at and www.integralepraxis.at

ABOUT Ammon Johns 
Others say about him that he is a long-timer of Internet marketing, well respected, and described as a mentor, expert, and guru, especially in relation to SEO and search marketing. And he sort of accepts this description.
Ammon started building websites in 1996, first for himself, then for others.  Soon he found himself was spending more and more time on working out how to get traffic and custom to sites – until he decided to become  a full-time specialist in web promotion.
Since 2014 Ammon runs his own HOA show on G+ “AMMONIZE” where he gives live coaching to business-owners on how to develop their business.
Find Ammon Johns  on G+ and also at AmmonJohns.com

About your hosts:
Mark Davenport is an American Midwesterner,  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor. Lives in Italy since 2011

I am Heidi/Adelheid Hörnlein I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching . I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships,. Connect with me on G+ or via our website: http://ThePowerOfRelationship.Com

STREAMED LIVE ON JANUARY 14th as part of the first ever broadcast series of THE WISDOM FACTORY
Dr. Robin Wood is working with big enterprises, not only to coach them into more sustainability, but to reach true TRIVEABILITY . His conviction is that only those who are powerful now can be a driving force of real change,

Dr. Robin Wood ( +Robin Wood) is Founder of the +ThriveAbility Foundation+. The ThriveAbility Index and Assessment enable organisations to take transparent strategic decisions that enhance the thrival of their key stakeholders with a lower footprint through irresistible innovation breakthroughs.


0:00 TECHNICAL PROBLEMS! The audio continued although we could not know that. So Dr. Wood, after about minute 10, soldiered on without any input from us who thought we couldn’t be heard or seen.
10:00 Dr. Wood introduces himself and the topic, beginning with the Club of Rome some 40 years ago
12:00 How THRIVABILITY is using measurement to monitor the global health
13:30 He begins a presentation, paralleling personalizing our individual footprints and those on a larger scale
15:50 All living systems – and also organizations – have inputs and outputs that vary widely
16:10 Now it gets complicated because there are so many priorities
16:35 Assessment -Three axes of measurement: X = horizontal development (socio/cultural stages of development of an organization
18:00 Y axis = the vertical stage of development of the organization itself
18:50 Z axis = The “third” dimension (coming out from the paper graph toward you) compares how the organization is using up resources versus what its “fair share” of those resources should be, a very complex process!
20:15 (Heidi and I begin to come in)
21:30 Dr. Wood resumes the three axes discussion
22:30 Summary of all this Assessment stage above: how to proceed with all this information which is often a year or more “out of date”
24:40 Now continue with what works and what doesn’t: The second stage
25:15 The other Stakeholders must be Onboard
26:10 “The average lifespan, by the way, of a large corporation is 11 years.”
26:25 Dr. Wood explains why:“It’s not surprising [that] organizations are stupid.”
27:34 Oil companies are examples of this lack of vision today
28:50 “The stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones.”
29:10 Does ThrivAbility depend on oil? No!
30:30 Groupthink and scenarios for the future
33:30 Countries can be as stupid as corporations
34:12 Isn’t it more important that through education we find those who would be capable of integral leadership?
35:35 The third stage: connecting the leadership potential and efficient pathways forward
36:30 Integral leadership status; a summary
38:19 Assuming your analysis is correct…on to stage 4, the transformation itself
39:38 Lots of Dilbert bosses!
40:10 The four stages at the individual level and collaboration of our different types
44:15 Dr. Wood’s personal adventure with a very low footprint at Perpignan
46:35 The opportunities to be more thrivable are growing all over the world
48:00 A change in tone as he discusses things at the personal level
49:15 Sustainability is like a diet but Thrivability is a fine way to eat
50:50 Robin’s vision, how to reach him and goodbyes

*What is THRIVABILITY*? Have you ever thought about THRIVING in your life? Or where you mostly concerned with SURVIVING?
Well, most of us are still in the surviving modality: being concerned about money, jobs, about the family, a constant effort to keep things going. And the idea of THRIVING belongs to a distant and unknown future.

Dr. Robin Wood   is Founder of the “ThriveAbility Foundation”.  The ThriveAbility Index and Assessment enable organisations to take transparent strategic decisions that enhance the thrival of their key stakeholders with a lower footprint through irresistible innovation breakthroughs.

Robin: My journey as a person,  the link to ThriveAbility, is the deep need I’ve always felt to be close to nature, and the pain I’ve always felt seeing the damage and destruction our industrial civilization has been inflicting on the planet, together with the growing, very serious dangers of climate change now looming over us.
Taking a careful look inside of all of us, I realised that we will need to motivate ourselves very differently in the future if we wish to survive as a species. This combined my lifelong interest in psychology, my passion for science with an aptitude for business and a love of all things integral, packaged into ThriveAbility.
See my website for more of the backstory: http://www.rlw.zone. and http://thriveability.zone/

Find Information about Heidi (ADLEHEID HÖRNLEIN) and Mark DAVENPORT on G+ an on https://thewisdomfactory.net

“Local and Global Heros- Facilitating Co-Operation by Creating Transformative Maps”



“Local and Global Heros- Facilitating Co-Operation by Creating Transformative Maps”

0:00 Introduction to the episode
2:50 Intro of Josef
3:50 Josef briefly describes his work
4:50 Intro of Tamara
6:23 Tamara describes her work
8:00 Tamara’s Local Heroes Program
8:50 Exists in several cities in Poland …and in New Mexico!
9:20 “It’s a value to connect rather than competing.”
10:20 How it works
11:18 Comment by Markus
12:00 Back to Josef for a closer look at how his “mapping “ works
13:00 Maps of maps of different goods, services, etc. in any local area
14:55 What is mapped? Who and what is excluded?
15:55 Josef describes “modes of interaction” that the mapping recognizes
17:00 Technical, social and ecological bases for including/excluding activities
18:00 Integral framework and “right side focus of Josef and the quote by Michael of the other “soft” side
18:48 Tamara’s “inside out” and relationship approach
19:50 Business is like having a child who came out of you and then relate to
20:25 Markus asks about maker places, repair cafes, etc.
21:00 Mark asks about a “meta-meta” map to take advantage of both “right and left” approaches and Tamara responds
22:45 What makes a “local hero”? Passionate people plus….
24:30 Who benefits? What can people who contact you expect?
26:50 Josef responds mentioning social economist, Manfred Max Neef: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Max_Neef
28:36 Josef mentions 3 essential criteria for consideration
30:00 Local variations in needs and awarenesses
32:00 Tamara’s offerings and benefits and fees
35:00 Digging into collaboration, why and how
36:34 Benefits to the planet, Josef and Tamara look at it
38:15 MANIAC! Josef shows his passion in bringing different types together
40:00 How differences can be embraced so people can work together
41:44 Tamara adds her enthusiasm
42:30 Heidi notes how both are working in the same field but differently
43:00 Wrapping up: new projects, how to contact
43:25 Tamara first
45:02 Then Josef
47:30 Heidi and Mark have the last words

When we create a map we need to explore the territory – and when the map is created, it becomes easy for others to explore the territory, too. In consequence the territory transforms and a constant update testifies the development. The Integral Map created by Ken Wilber has given orientation to so many of us for how we can understand ourselves, the world, where we are headed and what choices we can make to give our contribution in the best way possible.
In this episode we bring together 2 pioneers in creating new maps. Josef Kreitmayer is operating globally via Internet and is co-creating a map for transformational activities worldwide. Tamara Romaniuk started out in her home country Poland to connect local businesses and to teach them cross-promotion which gave great results, a real win-win instead of the former competition. She now intends to expand the Local Hero concept to other places by inspiring people to learn from her experience and then adopt it and create similar initiatives in their communities.

Josef Kreitmayer is Austrian and lives in Vienna and is working on international projects. He is a Project developer, activist, seminar leader and networker. Having studied sociology and human ecology, he has developed a cartography of projects of alternative forms of economy and innovative education initiatives – which will be the focus of our talk today. He builds this “future library” and gives courses in participatory forms of project design and leadership. find his main projects, contacts and websites on his linkedin profile:
mapping alternativ e economies & social innovation
www.dragondreaming.org holistic project design

Tamara Romaniuk comes from Poland and lives now in Berlin/Germany. She considers herself to having always been an un­con­ven­tional, un­tamed soul. She stud­ied at the Fine Arts Acad­emy and has al­ways ques­tioned what it means to be an artist. She fi­nally un­der­stood, that we are all artists and when we’re giv­ing our best, we’re be­ing artistic. Over the last decade she has cre­ated Lo­cal He­roes to pro­mote cre­ativ­ity, in­di­vid­u­al­ity and en­tre­pre­neur­ship. And this will be our focus today Find her at http://localheros.com/
If you are inspired and want to start your own project with Local Heroes, feel purposeful and make your living go to the website: www.revolution.localheroes.pl






0:00 Welcome and Introductions
2:15 Jeff Salzman
3:12 Martin Shervington
4:30 Our mission and questions to Jeff re: his business origins and his transition to integral
7:08 Jeff:Difficulties with social media and “keeping up”
8:17 Martin looks at his history with media
9:20 Martin on the benefit: connecting people in new ways
11:00 Great for building relationships with a community of clients as well as friends
13:30 Heidi and her “brief” history with G+ and the connections
15:53 “Plus your business or plus your life.”
16:48 Jeff: Benefits of Integral vis-a-vis social media; ending isolation!
19:00 Common theme of isolation breaking down with G+
21:25 How to use G+ with integral to change the world for the better?
23:00 Martin: connections with valuable critics! Great and instant feedback!
25:00 All of Google’s benefits for business, breaking through the noise
26:35 Jeff and the “community of the adequate”
28:23 Jeff: We’re merely assassinating each other’s character rather than assassinating each other.
29:00 Martin: immersing yourself in a community and what happens
32:20 Jeff asks Martin: can we somehow micro-pay for services and goods in the future?
34:35 Martin uses “Uber”- the new taxi service – as an example of cultural shifts
38:00 People finding their voice, so business is about relationships.
38:50 What about collaboration in the Integral community, Jeff?
40:45 Jeff: Evolution is beautiful… but it’s not pretty.
41:10 Heidi’s announcement: coming events
43:00 Martin on virtual reality and the future of marketing and business
46:00 Merging of virtual presence and in person presence
47:10 Jeff is asked to give the “elevator” speech in explaining integral
50:55 Jeff: We’re heading for a sacred world.
52:30 Jeff: I thought everybody was a defective version of me!
54:00 Final remarks: Martin first on the importance of others
55:30 Jeff expresses appreciation about “what’s next”
56:40 Next week
57:20 Teaser about the European Integral Experience – and good bye

About the people in conversation in this show:

ABOUT Jeff Salzman: Jeff  was a successful businessman before he left everything behind for dedicating himself entirely to the INTEGRAL message. He is offering free weekly podcasts where he discusses the most important questions of our time.
He worked with Ken Wilber for three years building the Integral Institute. He has a Masters Degree in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from Naropa University. Jeff spent the last few years as a co-founder and a lead teacher of Boulder Integral, now The Integral Center. These days he travels, teaches and comments about current events on Integral Life and The Daily Evolver. Find him on Twitter @DailyEvolver.
He is an integralist, an evolutionary, and now a public commentator who, swimming against the current of prevailing culture, is heartened by the state and future of things. It seems to him self-evident that life is animated by the power of evolution, inside and out, and that we are riding a geyser of emergence toward a sacred world. In this blog I will make that case or grow trying! –

ABOUT Martin Shervington is an Explorer of consciousness, a marketeer, a writer on communication including in Google+ where he is very well known by his PlusYourBusiness Offers, Newsletters and Community – and also as a most valued guest in many Hangout Shows..
Martin is a big fan of Ken Wilber, Robert Kegan and the whole integral world. He has a degree in Law and Business and Organisational Psychology and NLP. He has spent almost 20 years working as an executive coach, business consultant and marketing psychologist; he is also the author of 8 books. and many other publications.

 Your hosts:

ABOUT Mark Davenport   is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy. Years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

ABOUT Heidi Heidi Hornlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching. Please visit our website: https://thewisdomfactory.net

“Integral operating systems”



Integral Operating Systems

0:00 Show intro
2:30 Cecile’s introduction
3:50 Dennis’s introduction
6:15 What’s an “Integral Operating System”? Cecile responds
8:43 Dennis elaborates, using a computer’s system as an analogy
11:22 Dennis recommends Frederic Laloux’s “Reinventing Organizations”
14:07 Dennis explains how Holacracy works
25:33 Cecile offers her experience with Holacracy, including some limitations
27:45 Who responds to the attraction of an avant garde system? Dennis and Cecile respond
30:40 Cecile: You need leaders who are in pain [to implement a new system] 31:24 Does everyone in the organization need to accept the new system for it to work?
32:20 No, they only need to participate and they can be “pulled up” for it to work
33:10 Dennis: It’s a social technology [and some people can be too smart to do it right] 35:40 Cecile explains how her system “Collab” works with slides
40:00 Content and process (what and how) arise together
41:40 The seven conversations that need to go on in any organization
45:17 Cecile mentions “Theory U” as important for understanding how creativity emerges
47:37 Cecile refers us to a link on the event page
48:00 A watcher (Sven)asks what facilitates the growing of people who take part in *these] methods? Dennis responds that it helps make subjects into objects
50:04 Cecile responds with a map
52:08 Last words: Cecile first, then Dennis
56:12 Announcements and good-byes


Studies show that up to 80% of people who work in the corporate world don’t like what they are doing for earning their money, or they don’t like HOW they are doing what they do. They feel like robots and alienated from their creativity and initiative. And the unhappiness with the work situation is valid for bosses in the same way as it is for managers and all the other levels of employees.
“Normal” organizations kill engagement, joy and responsibility for what people are doing, they lack free space, recognition for what they are and what they are doing, and of the possibility to be part of the decision making process.

The good news is that there are many experiments going on which lead to a better work-world, to higher personal satisfaction and to a better business result. In our show we will explore how these new models look like, what problems they resolve and which ones might be created. We have 2 experts in the field to give us their experience and their vision for new operating systems for organizations.

Dennis Wittrock, M.A. in philosophy, English and in Arts. He was the  co-director and visionary of the 1st Integral European Conference (IEC 2014), as well as the  co-founder of Integral Europe and a former board member and CEO of Integrales Forum and Die Integrale Akademie in Germany, the most known Organizations which spread the Integral ‘Worldview in the German speaking countries.
Dennis works as a freelance journalist, author. He is a certified Holacracy®-Agent and -Practitioner  and trainer, as well as an integral activist and blogger. Furthermore he is  a practitioner of bodyweight-training, zen, yoga and chant.
Dennis believes that an integral approach is a key contribution to achieve human ThriveAbility on this planet.

Cecile Green is a visionary, entrepreneur, experiential philosopher, and farmer with a passion for assisting mission driven organizations achieve their visions. As an integral scholar practitioner and life long learner, she holds a B.S. in Community Supported Agricultural Systems and has over two decades of experience in entrepreneurial environments. She has participated in nearly a dozen organizational launches and built from the ground up four successful businesses.

As the innovator of a cutting edge, rapid culture change tool kit, CollabTM, which effectively converts all kinds of organizational challenges into fuel for the organization, she has been researching and experimenting with questions of power, systems of decision-making, and efficient operations for over 20 years in both academic and experiential arenas. She provides training and facilitation in CollabTM to mission driven organizations from hospitals to colleges, and small business to nonprofits. Cecile is the author of the book “Collaboration that Works: A Ruthlessly Practical Handbook for a Generative World,” a training manual which summarizes her research and introduces these tools for practical application in organizations.
Find her at www.roundskysolutions.com

Find Heidi and Mark at https://thewisdomfactory.net

Birth Consciousness and the Feminine Divine




0:00 Introduction to the show
2:35 Introduction of Barbara Karlsen
3:50 Let’s define some terms: Birth Consciousness, Birth Consciousness, Natalism and the Feminine Divine
4:13 Barbara explains them as the Four Originary Forces or Powers
5:20 “These Four originary powers are the maternal matrix for the new human unfolding…”
5:58 What does Birth Consciousness mean? Formative Consciousness? Natalism?
8:48 And the Feminine Divine?
9:38 More concrete examples
10:00 (the yearning to.) “The return to the source that we felt as an embryo…”
12:00 Placing “the human within the dynamics of the planet …rather than the planet within the dynamics of the human.”
13:15 How she got interested in these topics
17:40 How is this relevant for our times? Why now?
18:20 “We need a new story, a new cosmology….”
20:37 Differences between men and women and why to get in touch with our bodies
24:00 Growing up male and then living together
26:07 “We need to feel things in a way that brings us alive…”
28:05 The fear of feeling and how nature can change that.
29:35 “There’s a process in Nature…that has a psychotherapeutic effect…We feel better in nature.”
33:14 Do we need to love ourselves before we can love life? Barbara describes her work with students
35:00 First a connection with self, then with the great mother, then a “magical” reciprocity
35:55 Mark projects a future time when the sense of separation will also just be an evolutionary memory
36:35 Barbara talks of the manifestation of that pain of separation, which is impersonal
40:08 Barbara talks more concretely of her practice and her body/motion workshops.
46:09 Wisdom!…and what’s coming up for Barbara (embodywisdom.com)
48:40 Final remarks and good-byes

Just as there has been a time when life and mind were not embodied on earth, the higher planes of consciousness may also be waiting their time to become a part of ordinary embodied reality. The human body in symbiosis with nature and cosmos provides a coherent ontology for establishing a higher order of consciousness; a state of creative potentiality marked by a common primal power that inhabits and informs the prima materia of all living organisms. Situating the body in an active site of primal consciousness (Nature) and externalizing our formative consciousness (Origin), we influence everything germinal to becoming human. Participation in this context could be said to characterize the fullness of integral consciousness. Through such participation, one could discover a source of wholeness ordering one’s existence and expression that knows no human, theoretical, temporal or spatial differentiation. Like Gebser’s view of evolution and that of Sri Aurobindo, the notion that the ultimate potentials of human consciousness are enfolded in the origin- make it possible for us to conceive of reorganizing new developmental lines by tuning in to our human origins. With a renewed interest in the divine feminine, along with her originary forms and powers, an opening of the entire planet to receive the birth of a new mutation is now possible. These originary powers provide the emerging mutation with an associated way to come into our awareness, and it is pulled towards us. This may be the key to new ontology. Ontology that provides pedagogy for seeding the emergence of a new human being.

ABOUT Barbara Karlsen 
Barbara Karlsen holds a Master’s degree in Somatic Counseling Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and is currently a PhD candidate in the Consciousness Studies Program at California Institute of Integral Studies. Her area of research is Eco philosophy, Birth Consciousness and the Feminine Divine: Towards an Integral Futurology.
Barbara is a transformational movement teacher. She has been teaching movement- based work for the past 25 years and has co-led wilderness quest journeys In her work with Emilie Conrad, the founder of the Continuum movement.

Your hosts
Mark Davenport   is an American Midwesterner. Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education, Masters degree in Italian Literature .   He is also a certified drug and alcohol counselor. Years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

Adelheid Hörnlein
I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching and transformative leadership. Please connect with me and Mark on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

“The science of possibility”


The Science of Possibility

0:00 Introduction of the show
2:20 Introduction of Jon Freeman
3:10 Please explain all those technical labels: SD, SQ21, Meshworking, etc.
6:30 First question: Homeopathy? An example of the big leap
8:40 Jon moves to the Big Picture and the constraints of Science
10:00 a plug for Nassim Haramein
11:00 “ ‘Everything is Energy’ is both true and useless.”
11:25 The central theme of the book is…what makes energy behave as it it does?
12:00 What about shamanism, psychic experiences, nature “spirits”
14:20 Bringing physics back to the biological level and consciousness…more than just expanding consciousness (which is just 20%)
15:50 The role of unstable electrons in the body
16:33 A core concept
17:45 The relation we have with the information in the Universe – with an illustration using Jon’s initial experience of psychic phenomena
20:00 “What kind of Universe has to exist for that to be possible?” No boundaries to spacve and perhaps to time
22:20 How is this different from “wo-wo”? Jon’s gives an example with random numbers
24:30 “12 trillion to one” and the butterfly effect
26: 20 “People have always known this.” “We are the drop in the ocean”
28:30 “How can we know how to do this” and Jon’s new project.
30:38 Getting past linearity and the journey into the heart with its own field
34:07 More examples: early successful healing of Aids in the 1980’s
42:02 Mark gets a chance: what about time? some examples of precognition
45:35 Jon answers a question and looks ahead
47.40 “Conscious Creation 2.0” coming up sometime this year
49:00 Our announcements and good byes

Quoting Jon Freeman:
I think that we have been slow to recognize that second tier thinking won’t bring us answers.  We won’t know what to do in advance because the non-linear nature of what is out there makes it a chaos field.  You can’t pre-cook the solutions, you can only get into the chaos field and emerge them.  It’s a live gig not a recording.  Maybe we haven’t been ready to do that, because we were brought up to think we must know before we do.  Conscious Evolution means that we do before we know, and we know by doing.  It means that you take in to your hands your expertise, your sensing and intuitive skills, your pattern recognition, your understanding, your beingness, your chosen toolkit and above all your courage.  Don’t wait for academic approval of your theory – that’s not worth a damn and will arrive decades too late.  Don’t wait to qualify – you will never be qualified for the turmoil that is building.  You are as ready as you ever will be, and you will only get better by practise.  Conscious Evolution is interactive and generative.  It’s playing in the field of 4-quadrant possibility.  It’s adapting moment by moment.
Go on, be an app.  Be and do; adapt and collaborate; thrive and help thrive.

ABOUT Jon Freeman 
Jon Freeman is a writer, trainer, and mentor with a background in organizational, systems and change management working with Spiral Dynamics Integral, SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence, Meshworking, and Conscious Capitalism. He is a Director of the UK Centre for Human Emergence.
His books include:
Future Money; Evolving Relationship with our Finance
and the focus here: The Science of Possibility

Your hosts:
Mark Davenport    is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

Heidi (Adelheid) Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net


Cooking and Eating a la integral




Cooking and Eating a la Integral

0:00 Introduction to the show (and apologies for the techy glitches)
4:15 Sven: What is integral about cooking and eating? So much more than just nutrition
6:10 Describing the larger world of food and nutrition in the client’s world
7:48 Very complicated, especially we’re not aware of motivations, etc.
8:28 Changes in Chef Dennis’s “diet”
9:40 “I don’t know what gluten is, but evidently it’s delicious!”
10:00 Unexpected results from going gluten free
10:30 Soy problems
12:10 America allows so much to be added to food
13:00 Peanut butter and creativity
16:10 Chef Dennis on the integrality of food, involving all the senses
18:00 How we have lost our food innocence, and how to regain it, with mindfulness
20:00 Finding the pleasure in food, a very sensual experience, sometimes like sex
20:55 Sven: “Eating Tantra”
21:47 Innocence and mindfulness, somatic intelligence gets lost
24:45 Chef Dennis on food that reminds us of our childhood and Sven adds how childhood memories can be issues in adjusting awareness to our food habits
27:00 Healing the wounds we carry and having a direction. What shall we believe?
28.00 Global choices, local foods
29:22 Dr. Werchan’s tree analogy, ways of relating food to our environment
31:20 Difficulties with moderation, noticing the stages of “filling up”, all the different voices
34:00 Changes in the nutritional value of food today: This chicken doesn’t taste like chicken!
35:40 It all started with sliced white bread!
37:45 Sven: Take a commitment to not eat this bad stuff. Chef Dennis concurs
38:50 Agent Orange replacing Roundup, food practices effects on soil and the earth
39:30 How to use economic pressure to improve food and environmental quality
41:00 Take little steps; trying to do too much leads to failure
44:00 “Accidentally organic” or the way it used to be. Going both backward and forward
46:00 Last words and closings. First Chef Dennis and then Dr. Sven

We begin to understand how important FOOD is in our lives. Sure, we need food for maintaining our body, our lives. But this is not all. There are foods which have the capability to do harm to our bodies and there are those who have the power to heal, even from illnesses like cancer. So why would we continue to eat thoughtlessly whatever we get? whatever our eyes or our noses like – which might be deceptive. So why don’t we collectively enter into a conversation not only of WHAT to eat, but also WHY we eat and HOW we eat?
A skillful and creative cook creates tasty beauty out of literally everything, so why not create a collaboration between nutritionists and chefs? -Yeah, that’s exactly what we are doing here in this show: open your minds, hearts, ears, eyes, noses and palates and enjoy the show!
Our Guests:
Dr. med. Sven Werchan (PhD,) Nutritional Medicine, Psychotherapist, communication trainer, inspired by integral theory since 20 years, works as seminar leader, advisor, coach, lives in Berlin.
Dr.Sven Werchan says about “Integral Nutrition”
Nutrition is daily. Nutrition is everywhere. Nutrition concerns us. And nutrition is not out there. We are nutrition. Every atom of our body comes to us through nutrition.

That is, what my work is about, to expand our own consciousness about nutrition. And to use integral tools, because it is e very complex issue.

What does it mean? It means to go on a journey through our own world of eating. That includes a distinct look on “what and how much we eat”, a compassionate approach on ‚how we eat’ and our own experience with nutrition, it includes reflections on ‚why we eat’ and our ecological responsibility connected with the choices we make.

Integral nutrition is not a new diet nor it delivers strict rules. It is an invitation to find your own nutritional truth, embracing it with compassion and at the same time setting a clear intention to an evolutionary impulse towards a more integral, joyful and sustained way of dealing with nutrition in our own life’s, as culture and as global community.
It is a developmental journey towards the delightful joy of nutritional freedom. A freedom that is rooted in the love and compassion for ourselves and all beings.

Chef Dennis Littley says:
Life is good when you’re able to do what you love!
“Chef Dennis” is known both at work and across the Internet. He is an Executive Chef, Culinary Instructor, HOA Host and Producer of three shows on Google Plus.
Since his retirement from professional kitchens,he made his home on Google+. He says: “There’s no place I’d rather be, because Google+ puts the Social back into Social Media”
Here are the shows he was hosting in 2015:
Good Day Google+,  Around the Kitchen Table,  The Food & Booze Show

More relevant conversations at www.TheWisdomFactory.net
Find the Hosts Heidi Hornlein and Mark Davenport also at https://paradisointegrale.com or www.integralageing.com

“Integra Art and Music”



Integral Art and Music

0:00 Introductions
3:13 Scott Marshall sings ”Moses’s Coffee”
6:00 We give credit to Scott for our logo colors
6:40 First question: Scott’s artistic development
9:47 David’s turn
12:00 Nice things about David
10:00 Scott is in the White Mountains near Rumney, New Hampshire and David is in Fayetteville, Arkansas
13:40 David’s recites his song, With your Time
17:20 What about “integral”?… the dumb questions
18:30 Scott and David divide the task and get juicy
22:00 Some essential characteristics, including appreciating and “using” art from all periods
24:35 David notes the transpersonal perspective of integral art, and “repurposing” traditional themes
26:00 “Transcend and Include”
27:40 Scott comments on the states of consciousness in integral art…and in all art
29:35 Alex Grey as an example and Scott’s fractal art
31:20 How to intelligently decide how to use these ingredients in a piece of art
32:25 David demonstrates with an example of multilayer art
34:55 Scott shows his journey through his work; greater complexity to breakthroughs
39:22 Fractals appear! A new level and where Scott’s at these days
41:40 Mark Davenport, then Heidi Hörnlein, then using fractal technology, then “Integral Elite (aka Jeff Salzman). then Ken Wilber, a bit ethereal., etc.
46:20 David’s art: “Cells in Flux” series – theoretical, sacred and organic, balance between order and chaos
49:50 His work is available at society6.com
50:25: Scott’s website: scottmarshallart@blogspot.com
51:00 Celebration! (and some announcements), thank you’s
53:38 Scott takes us out with his song, “Om” and then, good-byes

We conclude our first season of “THE WISDOM FACTORY” with the contribution of 2 very gifted young men who have found  a balance between right and left brain activities, engaging in Integral Theory and being ARTISTS.
It is astonishing how during the last 10 years or so the age of people interested in integral ideas and active to spread the worldview has diminished drastically. Our generation began, lets say, around 40 to get interested into the deep questions of life while we now see many young men and women under 30 being seriously involved with adopting this promising perspective in their lives and in their work.

David and Scott talk about their understanding of ART within an integral framework and they will show us some of their creations. Scott sings two of his songs: “Moses Coffee” and “OM”, while David recites the text of his song “With your time”

 David Long (aka “I AM”) is an integral Artist and Philosopher who uses various medias – mostly music, painting, film, and writing – to express his passion and Ideas. You can see his art, download his music for free, check out videos and learn about other philosophical boons, artifacts, and products at IAM-DAVIDLONG.COM

Scott Marshall is an Integral Practitioner ( ILP), Special Educator, meditator, runner, musician and artist – he has created our event banner!
Scott says:   I make art in conventional ways such as on canvas, and also with computer devices.  The art object has always throughout history been an evolutionary force in the individual as well as the collective. See also HERE

About Mark Davenport : Mark is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

ABOUT Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net


STREAMED LIVE ON May 6th, 2015
” Growing Wisdom with Modern Technologies”



Series “Wisdom Technologies”: Growing wisdom with modern technologies

0:00 John’s musical intro
5:42 Intro to our new series and ourselves
8:10 Introducing John
10:00 – 11:34 First question: What is brain technology? John replies: It literally saved my life.
12:15 – 12:36 “Automatic” effect of this technology
13:25 – 13:51 Release of trauma SOMATICALLY
14:18 -14.42 Trauma has to be re-experienced in the body
18:04 – 18:33 The not so “automatic” part: Practice!
21:42 – 23:24 “Meditation superego” and the wisdom voice
26:50 The “Technology”
29:37- 31.00 What it does it do to the brain itself?
31:23 – 32:07 One further point about the brain: more “good”chemistry and less of the “bad”
33:17 – 33:53 Gifts to the world
35:23 – 36:16 Unlocking energy
36:50 – “Natural” vs. “technological” approaches to growth: Evolutionary Grace
45:21 – 45:53 “An elitism to which everyone is invited”
48:51 Final hugs all around

Wisdom Technologies – Modern Technology in service to our personal development
What do you imagine when you think about wise people: a old man with a white beard meditating in India? Well, mediation is a well known tool to observe of what is going on in present time and to enter into mental stillness – a WISDOM TECHNOLOGY which lately is adopted also in Western countries with amazing success.
*The thing with meditation is that it needs a lot of time*. At least an hour a day for several years before real changes manifest for most of us. there are people who meditate several hours a day – but who has the time nowadays? *Do we really need to give up our “normal” life and dedicate our time completely to the “spiritual path” – which meditation activity is normally called*? NOPE.

Thanks to the achievements in scientific research and technology we can use tools which allow us to have the same results in much shorter time. We don’t have to leave jobs and family behind to become more aware and “enlightened” when we lose our prejudice against modern technology and allow our brain to be guided in specific ways to reach our goals.
Where Science Meets Stillness

Our guest John Dupuy  has co-founded “iAwake Technologies”  and works with these brain-influencing tools for many years. He had extraordinary results with clients in drug recovery before he brought out the tool to “normal” people to enhance their brain functioning and to help them to get into the states of mind they desire to dwell in. (http://bit.ly/iawaketech)
In our show John talks about the levels of development which we humans go through, about *the possibilities of growing into the next level of our development quicker* and in a conscious way by using his amazing *Wisdom Technology*. He will give you the scientific context and explain what you can use it for and how.
“iAwake Technologies” are dedicated to helping the earth’s people heal, wake up and evolve through creating leading edge transformational technologies and promoting and inspiring their skillful use in our daily lives*.
We believe that to heal the self is to heal the world.(J.D.)

About John Dupuy 
John is a co-founder and the CEO of iAwake Technologies, LLC, and holds a master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology. He has been working personally and professionally with brainwave entrainment technology since 2004, and has developed a passion for the power and efficacy of brainwave entrainment technology to support the healing of mental health issues, deepen spiritual growth, and support an increase in attention and focus in business, academics and athletics.

As said above John is also the founder of Integral Recovery® and leader in addiction treatment and the therapeutic wilderness industry. Since 1984, he has worked with hundreds of students and their families and founded and co-founded three wilderness therapy programs. Integral Recovery was published by SUNY Press in 2013 and was also the recipient of the USA Best Books Award in 2013 in the Health: Addiction & Recovery category. John is also a co-founder of the Integral Recovery Institute – an Integral training center for people working in the addiction recovery field and for people who want support in implementing an Integral approach to their own recovery.

About Mark Davenport : Mark is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON May 13th, 2015
” The Gold Key Release – A Somatic Wisdom Technology”



Series “Wisdom Technologies”: Somatic wisdom technology – The Gold Key Release

0:00 – 2:35 Intro to Scott and his song: The Fisherman
3:10 – 3.50 Presenting Margherita Crystal Lotus
3:54 – Presenting Lawrence Gold
4:46 – 5:54 He corrects the record and explains what his procedures are
5:54 – About the Wisdom Factory
9:17 – Back to Lawrence and the origins and nature of The Gold Key Release
10:00 – Attention, Intention, Memory, Imagination/Emergence) and their roles in our experience
(A break is OK at 12:56 if not before)
14.05 -14:25 Scott’s expectations
14:59 – (broken up) Mark’s experience that Lawrence asked for
17:00 – 19:42 Lawrence clarifies Mark’s remarks and continues
21:18 – Directions
22:14 – 22:58 Scott’s “problem” that he wants some help with
23:31 – 23:49 Margherita asks about projections.
24:41 – 25:57 Technical problem turning off moderator’s video to improve video quality
27:27 – 28:45 Practice session
28:48 – 32:11 Participants and audience on the sensations of imaging and remembering
32:33 – The real deal (first round ends at 35:35, the second at 38:47)
38:47 – 45:10 Discussion plus what happens afterward, including “burn-off.”
45:15 – 46:10 Dissociation
46:21 – 47:37 Scott “imagines” what life could be like with this procedure.
48:42 – 50:43 What’s the “technology” of this, how and why does it work “like magic.”
50:47 – 52:55 Audience comments and Lawrence’s response
53:28 – 54:18 Some other programs Lawrence offers
54:54 – 55:39 Comments on “Now” which is confused with memory.
55:39 – Mark’s transmission is broken up
57:00 – 59:40 (more or less)How to learn more; resources
59:50 – Final remarks, wishes… and announcements

Everybody talks about fitness, exercising, beauty and physical health. The body seems to be important to us – and fashionable. We think we are taking care of it – by dressing it in constrictive clothes or by making it “work out” with exercises which our mind believes that they are good for us. We more often than not overstep our body’s needs and desires by following our belief system instead of learning to sense into it to find out what it really wants us to do. Well, we end up with all sorts of physical dysfunctions, from back pain to headaches and even worse manifestations of it’s alarm signals.
Our mind is very powerful and is constantly reigning over our bodies. Why not use this power to actually restore the state of ease and well being to our bodies? Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Lawrence Gold, a trainer in SOMATIC EDUCATION after Thomas Hanna has created practices to do exactly this. You might expect gymnastics or something alike, when you hear this term. Not at all. Somatics is not just something connected with the BODY, but…
In our show Lawrence leads you through one of the processes* he has created to alter the body conditions, like pain or feeling unwell, as well as emotional states, like stress, anxiety, depression, going as far as to help manifest your desires (In a practice called “The Wish fulfilling Gem*Fulfilling Gem”). We will talk about the background of these practices, why they work – and they DO WORK, as we could see from our own experience – and what potential they have to create a big impact on people and therefore create well being and peace in the world.

About Lawrence Gold  
Lawrence began to explore the interrelation of spiritual practice and personal development around 1968, at age 16, with himself as the laboratory. He has explored many different approaches to different aspects of the one-being, what we may call “self” or “body”, the inner and outer of our existence that constitute “soma”, the incarnated self.  He maintains a private practice of clinical somatic education (to end chronic pain conditions) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and on-line, worldwide.

About your hosts
Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON May 13th, 2015
” Theultimate technology to create a thriving world”



Series “Wisdom Technologies”: The Ultimate Technology to create a THRIVING WORLD

0:00 – 2:00 Robin’s musical intro
2:15 – Introducing the show…and our sponsor, iAwake Technologies!)
4:35 – 5:29 Introducing Robin…and what is ThriveAbility?
6:00 – 6:46 The current system
8:15 – 9:40 The ThriveAbility Foundation
11:14 – 11:40 CEO’s can respond also! The Interface story:Mission Zero
12:20 – 12:50 A regenerative enterprise
15:10 – 15:21 “They don’t have a technology…”
15:50 – 16:20 The four year process
17:47 – 18:13 In current accounting systems there’s only one kind of capital: money
19:38 – 20:39 Bitcoin?
20:55 – 21:26 Regenerative investments
21:56 – 22:24 From mono-capitalism to a multi-capitalism
23:11 – 24.02 Who wants to change?
24:58 – 25:26 Karl Marx never wrote code!
26:00 – 26:33 From the inside
27:39 – 27:51 500,000,000 products with bar codes
28:42 – Do we have time?
30:48 – What can everyday people do?
32:04 – Use “Good Guy” for every product?
34:50 – 35:21 It’s becoming mainstream
37:14 – 37:49 Integral approach
38:48 – 39:21 Strategies
40:24 – 42:00 A natural capital metrics system…and dinosaurs
43:01 – 43:24 Tesla
43:50 – 44:27 Protecting those who are doing stuff, making progress
45:49 – 46:02 Said Dawlabani’s “Memenomics”
46:15 – 47:20 What makes things happen.
48:01 – 49:26 Summarizing the system: Integral with data
51:40 – Thank you’s and goodbyes

SInce the last 40 years when sustainability concepts began to be considered, our consumption of the planet went up from the entire planet to ONE AND a HALF PLANET and we are already living the consequences: climate change is undeniable in the experience of most of us.

Thriveability is supposed to help organisations who produce the negative impact on the planet to move from the current stage to a stage of development where they are capable to be re-generative.

Regeneration can be done very effectively because there is a lot of data which can be used in an integrated way to go through a process which creates not only sustainability, but THRIVEABILITY.

This process is a true WISDOM TECHNOLOGY, articulated in 6 stages. Dr. Robin Wood has lead us through the 6 stages of the process which you can adopt for your personal life, for your community, your business, your organisations in a previous show Get our free iBook at http://bit.ly/WF-business. Visit also https://TheWisdomFactory.net.

Robin Wood  is Founder of the ThriveAbility Foundation.   (You will find more information about Dr. Robin Wood in the iBook)

Dr. Robin Wood   is Founder of the “ThriveAbility Foundation”.  The ThriveAbility Index and Assessment enable organisations to take transparent strategic decisions that enhance the thrival of their key stakeholders with a lower footprint through irresistible innovation breakthroughs. Robin: My journey as a person,  the link to ThriveAbility, is the deep need I’ve always felt to be close to nature, and the pain I’ve always felt seeing the damage and destruction our industrial civilization has been inflicting on the planet, together with the growing, very serious dangers of climate change now looming over us. Taking a careful look inside of all of us, I realised that we will need to motivate ourselves very differently in the future if we wish to survive as a species. This combined my lifelong interest in psychology, my passion for science with an aptitude for business and a love of all things integral, packaged into ThriveAbility. See my website for more of the backstory: http://www.rlw.zone. and http://thriveability.zone/

About your hosts
Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON May 27th, 2015
” Mutual Awakening”



Series “Wisdom Technologies”:

CREATING the WE and Tapping into our COLLECTIVE WISDOM:  

0:00 -3:46 Introduction and meditation (by Patricia)
3:46 – 6:10 General introduction
6:10 – 8:20 Introducing Patricia
8:50 – Patricia explains her background beginning with Werner Erhard and on to Osho
10:30 – A 4 year love affair that was transformative as a first “we” experience
13:35 – 14:30 The Teaching became clear
15:38 – 16.58 What’s interesting from an integral standpoint
18:05 – 19:30 “Lines and Levels” and Mark speaks personally of his own experience
19:30 – 20:50 Patricia attempts to “explain” the mystery
21:18 – How it works in a classroom
23:35 – 24:11 A facilitation function?
24:50 – 25:48 Separation is “normal” but there’s a next level of evolution
26:04 – 26:21 Not only a second tier event
27:33 – 27:48 Different cultural levels or worlds
28:14 – 29:37 A comparison with the emergence of rationality
30:18 – 31:21 Heidi relates two experiences
32:30 – 32:47 What it feels like
33:00 – 34:21 How can people learn that?
34:48 – 35:22 Do it in a video or phone call?
36:14 – 36:20 “I know how to get it to turn on.”
37:03 – 38:10 What will this “we-ness” bring about?
38:34 – 44:21 Jon Freeman asks if thIs is like “presencing”?
45:00 – 45:17 Different but with a bow to Otto Scharmer
45:53 – 47:40 Thank yous
47:40 – Our book and how to find us, and our sponsor!
49:20 – Good -byes

About Patricia Albere 
Patricia Albere is at ground zero of an evolutionary stream of spiritual awakening. One in which we learn to go beyonindividual psychology and transformation into a new space of mutual awakening or ‘inter-being’ or ‘we-mysticism’.  She is the founder and director of the Evolutionary Collectivand an internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and author. Her unique discovery of the essential components that create an awakened ‘we space’ is transforming our understanding of what it possible in the space between us and in creating new fields of higher collective consciousness. Her work creates a powerful field of shared consciousness that reveals previously unimagined potentials for human development that can and is moving humanity far beyond the limits of personal growth. She has worked with over 150,000 people in groups in the last 40 years. Her mastery as a transformative teacher is now innovating a new field of ‘inter-subjective awakening’ and post-personal development.
Find Patricia Albere at http://patriciaalbere.com

About your hosts

Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON June 3rd, 2015
” Growing Emotional and Relational Wisdom”



Series “Wisdom Technologies”: Growing Emotional and Relational Wisdom

0:00 – Introductions
1:24 – Our sponsor. John Dupuy with iAwake Technologies
2:10 – A word about us
3:23 – Introducing our guest/interviewer: Monika Fruehwirth
5:14 – 7:40 Monica describes the early days of (masculine) Integral in Germany
8:45 – 9:23 “My husband (of 50 years) saved about three incarnations by meeting me…
13:02 – (to Heidi):What did you learn?
15:57 – 16:57 Younger selves
17:42 – 18:15 What Heidi would like to publish
21:20 – 22:03 How to know when the younger selves are in charge
23:40 – 23:55 A story about her father
24:41 – 25:07 Don’t be enthusiastic?
25:46 – 26:20 practical results
27:04 – 27:44 Cleaning up is not just for women
27:58 – 30:59 Men also engage in manipulations (the Chicago news – optional)
31:44 – 32:52 Agreements and rules in relationships
32:59 – 33:55 The little children in the back seat of the car…and Lawrence Gold!
34:22 – 35:40 What about in old age?
36:11 – And you two together in old age?
38:58 – 42:04 How do relationships change? What would you recommend?
42:04 – 43:08 The tables are turned
44:43 – 45:53 With thanks to Ken Wilber
46:38 – 47:22 The feminine way of Integral
48:00 – Plans, announcements, audience questions and comments
52:31 – 52:55 Aline, a listener, comments on the first risings of the feminine way
53:05 – More announcements and compliments and thank you’s and goodbye’s

We live in a great time with endless possibilities – and yet, despite all our efforts we get stuck ever and ever again when we are in relationships. As mentioned above we seem to come to the conclusion that “Alone Is Best”. But we want to be happy – it is our explizit birthright to be HAPPY – and we need others to really experience happiness. What is it that comes into our way? What is it that we cannot see, what our willingness for change and development is not able to grasp?

it is the very basic ideas with which we see the world, the conditioning in which we were conceived and born into, which totally escapes our awareness – and which conditions our thoughts and behaviors on a deeper level than our conscious and deliberate thinking, planning and behaving.

Monika created a women’s group in 2006 and hoped that this would lead to a different way of being and doing than we constantly see with our male integral  colleagues.  The experience was that women entered into the same sort of rivalry and competition for the leader role as men usually do. Well, we women are conditioned by patriarchy too. And we need to sort out clearly what is the real and Divine Feminine in us, what are female stereotypes and – most important – what are our personal conditionings and belief systems.

In this conversation we talk about exactly this: how to bring clarity and discernment in our way of thinking and behaving. And this is NOT CONFINED to women, but men have similar conditionings as well which don’t allow them to overcome their limits – which often are in different realms than those of women.

About Monika Frühwirt :
Monika is a true leader. Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is –  translating innumerable amounts of  texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.

ABOUT Heidi (Adelheid Hörnlein )
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://ThePowerOfRelationship.com and our streaming website https://TheWisdomFactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON June 10h, 2015
The Predicament with Western Civilization and how to resolve it”




Series “Wisdom Technologies”: Somatic wisdom technology – The Gold Key Release

0:00 – general Introductions
1:46 – 2:13 Our sponsor, iAwake technologies
2:15 – 3:28 Kudos to Ken Wilber and Integral theory
3:28 – 4:15 Intro to Margherita
4:30 – 5:14 Lightening introduction of Nicholas
5:18 – 6:40 Nichola begins with his origins at age 10
7:03 – 7:34 Slippage in the 70’s
8:00 – 8:18 As a medical doctor
9:04 – 9:41 September 11
10:44 – 11:25 Our focus was on “them.”
11:57 – 11:40 Authority and the origins of “The Origins of Western Civilization”
13:25 – 13:31 I was talking to fractals in a conscious living system
15:20 – 15:45 international relations as a scaled up version of interpersonal ones
15:50 – 17:16 The Syrian experiment
18:32 – 21:02 Comments/questions by watchers: Doug Breitbart about authority
21:35- 22:54 The wounds, for example, handled healthily..and not
24:13 – 5:49The postmodern world… and beyond to integration
26:19 – 27:30 Ruth Ann Purchase speaks as a Native American
29:00 – 29:43 On the positive side
32:05 – 32:58 Responding to Ruth Ann
33:48 – 36:50 Melanie Hall asks do attitudes to authority ebb and flow by generations
37:18 -39:56 Doug Breitbart asks if a non competitive era without central authority is possible
41:00 – 41:47 Deng Xiaoping stole from Hong Kong the “secrets” that Hong Kong had to swallow from the British
42:40 – 43:07 Lessons we can learn from the Chinese
45:00 – 45:50 Comment by Lawrence Gold: “authoritative “vs. “authoritarian”
46:21 – 47:44 Nicholas responds, putting things into context
48:17 – 50:53 The immigrant question and culture clash
53:29 – 53:40 “analyzewest.com” and other sites for reaching Nicholas
53:46 – Our own promotion and announcements
56:20 Thank you’s and good-bye’s


In the Western countries we have created an amazing culture during the last 2000 years, and we have evolved through the ideas of the Renaissance age into modernism already centuries ago and became the leading culture in the world who is eager to adopt our achievements, often without having undergone the same levels of development and therefore without truly grown into modernism, let alone post modernism which is the leading edge in the Western world in this period. We have created a lot of progress and at the same time somehow lost control over it, similar to the story of the “Sorcerer Apprentice” by Goethe written in 1779 with a clear intuition of what has become evidence in our times.
We are living in a constant drive to speed up, more and more goods to consume and to throw away, we exploit our planet and teach others how to do it, too, without second thought. Science shows clearly that we are overconsuming our planet, that we just cannot go on in the same way we did so far – but we don’t seem to really understand that on a collective level, but we pretend that everything magically will work out, somehow. This is actually not the case.  M.D.)

Nicholas says: “It’s make or break time. We have a choice- to allow our suicidal part to take America and the rest of the West down or we can rejuvenate our civilization and thrive more than ever”. He gives us good reasons for why it is vital to rejuvenate Western Civilization and gives us a psychological analysis of the Western group mind and how victim mentality affects our culture and how we can overcome it

ABOUT Nicholas Beecroft

Dr Nicholas Beecroft is a Consultant Psychiatrist who has spent 25 years exploring the worlds of Medicine, Psychiatry, Business, Leadership, International Relations, Politics, the Military and Spirituality. He created the Future of Western Civilization Series of interviews with visionary leaders. He is author of Analyze West: A Psychiatrist Takes Western Civilization on a Journey of Transformation and most recently, The New Magna Carta: A Psychiatrist’s Prescription for Western Civilization.

About your hosts
Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON June 17th, 2015
“American Politics – the gap between hope and reality”




Series “Wisdom Technologies”: American Politics – the gap between hope and reality

0:00 – 5:50 Introductions
5:50 – 10:53 Why are American politics so conservative?
11:20 – 12:40 The “interiors” of American Politics
12:40 – 14:45 The Greening of our values
14:45 – 21:07 Distinction between interior and exterior values in the 3 major levels
21:15 – 25:43 America is in gridlock? Actually much is changing quickly, warfare fades
26.00 – 28:43 Nicholas Beecroft asks about immigration and Islamic Fascism
28:50 – 32:28 Parallels between individual and cultural development
32:30 – 35:40 How can we help people -at whatever level – to create a better world?
35:40 – 41:07 Evidence that “even Republicans” are moving off long held positions
41:07 – 45:30 What about the next elections? Bush-Clinton?
45:45 – 48:30 Why do we have to help out in the Middle east militarily? Jeff responds.
48:43 – 50:55 Announcements, thank you’s and good-bye’s
50:55 – 53:20 Jeff’s last words re: the “softness“ of Integral’s unfolding

Jeff Salzman is definitely one of our favorite “Integralites” these days, one of the rare ones who seeks ever to include more within his circle of care, including those who normally one might consider unfriendly to an integral point of view.  His nearly weekly
audio blogs offer original and cogent perspectives on a wide range of topics usually of current interest.  Often digging deeply beneath surface appearances, a recurring theme that he investigates is how to understand American culture and politics, addressing both Americans and others, with a special nod to our European brothers and sisters with whom we share so much in terms of historical development and values. (M.Davenport)

About Jeff Salzman 
Jeff Salzman worked with Ken Wilber for three years building the Integral Institute. He’s co-founder of CareerTrack, one of the world’s leading professional development companies. A long-time spiritual practitioner in many traditions, he has a Masters Degree in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from Naropa University. Jeff spent the last few years as a co-founder and a lead teacher of Boulder Integral, now The Integral Center. These days he travels, teaches and comments about current events on Integral Life and The Daily Evolver. Find him on Twitter @DailyEvolver.

–Jeff says about himself:
I am an integralist, an evolutionary, and now a public commentator who, swimming against the current of prevailing culture, is heartened by the state and future of things. It seems to me self-evident that life is animated by the power of evolution, inside and out, and that we are riding a geyser of emergence toward a sacred world. In this blog I will make that case or grow trying! –

About your hosts:
Mark Davenport  is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

ABOUT Heidi ( Adelheid Hörnlein   )
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://TheWisdomFactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON May 13th, 2015
” The Spell Maker – the Spell Breaker”



Series “Wisdom Technologies”: “The Spell Maker – the Spell Breaker”

“Wake up from your limitations and write a new story for your life”

0:00 – Introductions and presentations:
1:55 – The Wisdom Factory and us
4:00 – Lawrence Gold
5:15 – Lawrence explains what he’s doing and what he’d like to see
10:22 – A note from a watcher, Kate Barbour, and a note on “unabusability”
12:00 – The various procedures, the nature of spells
14:40 – The free training to be offered by Lawrence
15:36 – “Stupendous potentials” and the experience of others with us today
18:45 – Markus gets the explanation of the 4 faculties of mind
21:48 – The Set-Up
23:13 – 28:40 The exercise
28:40 – 38:37 Checking in with Markus and comments from listeners; “mental” supremacy
39:22 – 48:10 The Gold Key Release with Markus as the student
48:10 – 51:34 Describing and beginning the Spell Maker-Breaker
51:34 – 58:12 Checking in with Markus and watcher comments…and a teaser!
58:12 – Announcements, thank yous and good-byes

The first show “The Gold Key Release” with +Lawrence Gold  which aired on May 13th 2015 was such a huge success so that we expressed the desire to host another show with L.awrence His Wisdom Technologies are unprecedented and deserve to be spread to a large audience who will get a huge benefit out of practicing them. Mark and I have done several guided processes with Lawrence. and we are witnesses for the almost magical results these procedures can have on whoever is ready to dive in and be guided.

What is it all about?
You can end your own pain.with Lawrence.’s  somatic education exercises.
You’ll soon feel, *Wow! Look what I can do now!*

And when you have found a reliable way to end your pain on the physical and mental level you will most likely wake up to a new reality where you can access and develop your potential in a big way.

If you feel inspired enough to learn more about how to shift your present state and to grow into your infinite possibilities:

After the end of our present season the Wisdom Factory will host a 7-week group coaching program where L. will take you through a series of processes tailored for your situation, live and in direct contact with him. You can register for the free training at http://bit.ly/wisdomgold
Get our NEWSLETTER at https://thewisdomfactory.net

About +Lawrence Gold
Lawrence Gold began to explore the interrelation of spiritual practice and personal development around 1968, at age 16, with himself as the laboratory. He has explored many different approaches to different aspects of the one-being, what we may call “self” or “body”, the inner and outer of our existence that constitute “soma”, the incarnated self.
Here his “lineage flowchart”

His investigations led to the development of very powerful and very accessible “consciousness integration procedures” called, The TetraSeed Modulations, for getting unstuck from habitual conditioning and for awakening to the “ground” of being that underlies and is the substance of ordinary existence. He teaches those procedures in-person, one-on-one, and on-line, to groups. You can follow one of his sessions and practice along here:

He maintains a private practice of clinical somatic education (to end chronic pain conditions) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and on-line, worldwide.

About your hosts:
Mark Davenport   is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

ABOUT Heidi (Adelheid Hörnlein) 
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://TheWisdomFactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON July 1st, 2015
“A Route to Peace in the Middle East”



CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER:  “A Route to Peace in the Middle East”

0:00 – 2:44 Introductions of us and our show
2:44 – Introducing Elza Maalouf
4:47 – First question: What kind of “wisdom technology” do you use?
5:47 – The “Build Palestine Initiative”
7:15 – She’ll let Israelis talk about their side of the issues involved.
7:00 – “You begin to create change where there is the most common need.”
8:25 – The Five Deep Strategy and why peace initiatives fail miserably
9:45 – Details of differences in development of Israel and its neighbors
10:47 – Building capacities
12: 30 – Palestine is connected to the virtual world just as Israel is.
13:50 – Elza demonstrates the asymmetry of Israel and Palestine.
14:49 – Palestinians do not trust Abbas. They see him as weak.
15:28 – And the Israelis don’t trust Netanyahu!
16:10 – “Indigenous Intelligence Experts” explained
17:27 – From a listener (Scott Marshall): “Would you say that capacity building is more of your focus than conflict resolution?”
18:00 – Necessity for “Blue” development in Palestine and other Middle Eastern countries explained
19:07 – Real needs of Palestinians and an end to “victimism”
21:10 – The rise of ISIS and various responses in different areas, i.e. Tunisia.
23: 46 – Focus on Egypt: Why is the media not looking at Egypt’s development plans?
24:34 – A different case in Syria where a vacuum in power ISIS arises
26:14 – 26:43 “What we do is…create the pond where fish can come.”
27:16 – 30:30 The book!…and how it has fit into Elza’s life march from her Lebanese Christian background
30:30 – Lebanon today
32:58 – Iran is letting Arabs do “their work for them.” Not basically between Sunni and Shia.”
35:20 – The shades of the different “horizontal” political factions. flamethrowers, etc. and the “inner” and the “intra” conflicts on each side
36:35 – 38:30 “It’s really a level of consciousness that matters in the end.” Illustrated with a story about Hamas.
38:40 – 39:54 Scott asks how people can help with Elza’s projects and she replies.
40:12 – 42:17 Brian McConnell asks a complicated question about how to keep Israel from feeling threatened by Palestinian aspirations.
44:14 – 46:00 How the model developed and the colors were added.
46:00 – Announcements and a bit of fun…and some confessions!
48:40 – 51:31 Thank you’s, “iAwake” and “wisdomgold” and stay tuned for Said Dawlabani next week!
51:34 – Final words: Peace in our hearts

“Elza brings light where there has only been heat”
How can we not despair of the seemingly unending rounds of hostility and warfare among all the various factions and interests in that big chunk of the world stretching from the west in North Africa toward the Indian subcontinent, from the steppes of central Asia south to the Indian Ocean?

Fortunately there is a degree of simplicity beyond all the complexity and Elza Maalouf has detailed that path in her recent critically acclaimed book *Emerge!: The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East*.  As a student of *Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics*, and a native of Lebanon, she brings the real root problems of the area into focus using the SD tools to strip away the rhetoric and “blinders” of all parties toward a clear and, though difficult, a “doable” route of Functional Democracy which fits governance to the unique needs and aspirations of people just “where they are” geographically and developmentally.

ABOUT Elza Maalouf

Elza Maalouf is an author, theorist and consultant. She is credited with introducing Spiral Dynamics Integral, and the entire Integral framework to the Middle East. A long term member of the Evolutionary Leaders, she serves alongside global thinkers like Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston and Barbara Marx Hubbard. Her writings appear in the Huffington Post, ILR, and Kosmos Journal.  Her recent book, Emerge!, which serves as a map for the future of the Middle East has garnered great reviews from Politico,  Forward Reviews magazine, and the sustainable development site IPCC. It’s a 2015 finalist for the book of the year award by INDIEFAB and the Eric Hoffer Organization, both recognize independent authors for excellence in publishing. Her work with cultures and organizations has garnered the admiration of business and political leaders alike. She’s currently working on the Arab Memome Project (AMP), which maps the memetics of the Middle East that will eventually lead to the peaceful emergence of the region.

Heidi (Adelheid) Hornlein and Mark Davenport from https://thepowerofrelationship.com and https://thewisdomfactory,net


STREAMED LIVE ON July 8th, 2015

Series  WISDOM TECHNOLOGIES: “A New Economy for Peace”




Series “Wisdom Technologies”: A New Economics for Peace

2:48 Our guest, Said Dawlabani
4:30 – 5:00 In the filmstrip, our neighbor and friend, Ad Langenkamp, who soon had technical problems and had to leave
5:12 – What is the wisdom technology of Said’s message
5:40 – 8:00 Memenomics and its history with Don Beck
10:15 – Levels and their percentages of economic activity
11:10 – The 8 value systems with ascending resilience
11:40 – The Memenomics Spiral within the greater value systems
11:50 – We start with the second level.
22:10 – The tribal “Purple” level 2: 3 %
12:50 – The heroic, egocentric, warrior “Red” stage, natural resources: 4-7 % (OPEC,etc)
13:18 – Central planning (China) “Blue” stage. communal, disciplined, 15 % and rising
14:15 – Market forces emerging now in China and joining most of developed world “Orange” 50%+
15:20 – Details of prevailing current “Orange “ system in its + and –
16:05 – Rise of “Green” post-modern system with egalitarian and humanitarian values: 10-12%
16:50 – Economics of the “Second Tier”: 5-7% – which can more deeply understand the role of capitalism
17:58 – Heidi asks for more information about value systems
18:55 – First level is survival level, arbitrarily colored Beige
19:10 – 2nd: Tribalistic kinship bonds, communal, elders rule
19:55 – 3rd: Some go on their own outside the clan and impulsive bloodiest egoic “Red” stage emerges, the Middle East now
20:45 – 4th: Communal “Blue” system emerges, order, black and white, institutions replace individuals, becomes burdensome, rigid
21:55 – 5th: individualistic, “Orange” emerges with rationality, science, democracy, achievement, strategic thinking. Capitalism thrives but becomes exploited by lower systems like Red
22:45 – “Green” emerges in response to excesses of Orange but is short lived in individualistic countries like the U.S.
23:40 – Green is last First Tier system and gives way to Second Tier “Yellow” value level and begins to integrate the entire first Tier,
23:50 – Second Tier discriminates between the + and – of each level
25:00 – Some comments from the audience: Joci James, Michael Thomas, Scott Marshall
25:52 – 27:04 Said replies first to Scott about transparency
27:22 – 29:03 A question about textured layers in government
29:04 – 31.39 Lawrence Gold asks about the distinction between healthy and unhealthy Capitalism
31:40 – Lawrence Gold asks about the importance of transparency and Said responds with Obama’s legacy to “rehabilitate” Orange prematurely with Green.
35:37 – 35:50 Heidi asks if we must first enter the Green system before we can enter Yellow.
35:51 – Said clarifies her question, insisting that Orange return to its healthy aspects
36:54 – Mark asks how we “reform” Orange
37:07 – 39:44 Said responds and sees Green doing much of that reform with the disruption of the knowledge economy.
39:45 – 43:44 More questions: Scott asks about bitcoin
43:45 – And now to GREECE! Quite an analysis: asymmetry must be accounted for for all participants, monetary integration should be last in political integration, not first. All parties were negligent in some respect.
47:25 -“The culture with the greater complexity has the responsibility to help it compatriots in lower complexity.”
49:36 – Heidi asks about Italy…and Germany, Said responds
50:06 – Germany is the envy of what I think the U.S. should be.”
52:08 – Italy not as bad as Greece because of economic diversity
53:21 – “Tell Germany to ease up on the Blue.”
53:51 – Evidence of climate change in San Diego and implications for the next economic system
54:57 – Jon Freeman:: Masterful and lucid presentation…..
55:23 – Lawrence asks about people wanting the assistance offered, not the help preferred.
55:43 – 57:30 Said points out we must look at a system from a functional perspective, unattached to any special interest in a first tier, your thinking must be complex enough to help the lower systems function effectively, so what you can offer what they need, not what (we) think they need. They should say what they need…(example: Greece)
58:02 – 1:00:30 The 800 pound gorilla in Greece: War reparations and victimism.

Said’s book “MEMEnomics: The Next Generation Economic System” has received many acclaimed reviews since its publication in 2013.
Get our NEWSLETTER and FREE GIFT at https://thewisdomfactory.net
FInd Said E. Dawlabani at http://memenomics.com

About your hosts
Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON July 15th, 2015
“Wisdom Practices in Social Media and Business “




Series “Wisdom Technologies”: American Politics – the gap between hope and reality

0:00 – 5:50 Introductions
5:50 – 10:53 Why are American politics so conservative?
11:20 – 12:40 The “interiors” of American Politics
12:40 – 14:45 The Greening of our values
14:45 – 21:07 Distinction between interior and exterior values in the 3 major levels
21:15 – 25:43 America is in gridlock? Actually much is changing quickly, warfare fades
26.00 – 28:43 Nicholas Beecroft asks about immigration and Islamic Fascism
28:50 – 32:28 Parallels between individual and cultural development
32:30 – 35:40 How can we help people -at whatever level – to create a better world?
35:40 – 41:07 Evidence that “even Republicans” are moving off long held positions
41:07 – 45:30 What about the next elections? Bush-Clinton?
45:45 – 48:30 Why do we have to help out in the Middle east militarily? Jeff responds.
48:43 – 50:55 Announcements, thank you’s and good-bye’s
50:55 – 53:20 Jeff’s last words re: the “softness“ of Integral’s unfolding

Jeff Salzman is definitely one of our favorite “Integralites” these days, one of the rare ones who seeks ever to include more within his circle of care, including those who normally one might consider unfriendly to an integral point of view.  His nearly weekly
audio blogs offer original and cogent perspectives on a wide range of topics usually of current interest.  Often digging deeply beneath surface appearances, a recurring theme that he investigates is how to understand American culture and politics, addressing both Americans and others, with a special nod to our European brothers and sisters with whom we share so much in terms of historical development and values. (M.Davenport)

About Jeff Salzman 
Jeff Salzman worked with Ken Wilber for three years building the Integral Institute. He’s co-founder of CareerTrack, one of the world’s leading professional development companies. A long-time spiritual practitioner in many traditions, he has a Masters Degree in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from Naropa University. Jeff spent the last few years as a co-founder and a lead teacher of Boulder Integral, now The Integral Center. These days he travels, teaches and comments about current events on Integral Life and The Daily Evolver. Find him on Twitter @DailyEvolver.

–Jeff says about himself:
I am an integralist, an evolutionary, and now a public commentator who, swimming against the current of prevailing culture, is heartened by the state and future of things. It seems to me self-evident that life is animated by the power of evolution, inside and out, and that we are riding a geyser of emergence toward a sacred world. In this blog I will make that case or grow trying! –

About your hosts:
Mark Davenport  is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

ABOUT Heidi ( Adelheid Hörnlein   )
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://TheWisdomFactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON July 24th, 2015
Series WISDOM TECHNOLOGIES: “ECONOMIC PEACE through resilient design “




Series “Wisdom Technologies”: Q&A “Economic Peace through resilient design”

Time stamps of the conversation with Said Dawlabani following the posted questions (spontaneous questions answered in between):

11:04 Is our monetary system, based on debt and fiat currency, holding our civilizations back from allowing second-tier thinking to dominate?
14:36 what are some of the most promising, encouraging trends in the current development of second-tier (yellow) integrative consciousness on the part of organizations?
18:58 There are two sayings relevant to this topic: 1: If you want peace, work for justice. 2: Ya’ gotta wanna. I’ve posted this incendiary piece that, curiously enough, is relevant to this topic.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvlvHWhVgew
27:34 Could you comment on “resilience” in relation to the future of the internet? Especially in relation to the development of “second tier” businesses, such as google.
38:16 – I’d asked Said yesterday if he’d discuss his perspective involving what “resilience might look like in respect to the practical design of BLUE institutions
44:02 So many jobs are being automated these days. It seems like an exponential curve of accelerating trends where the new digitally empowered technologies are replacing human labour. In that light, how can any future currency be based on human resources? And how to distribute wealth so that even the unemployed can afford to purchase the products of automated factories?
46:25 Some observers have noted that, when it comes to change, business is typically among the first to respond, followed by other institutions, with academia following and government last. Where do you see economic systems falling in this cascade?
51:16 Have you read Charles Eisenstein’s Sacred Economics? What do you think about moving into a gifting economy in the far future?
56:23 What’s the book title again?
59:17 What are techniques or practices you would encourage people to have in order to go up the spiral in spiral dynamics?

The Wisdom Factory has hosted a conversation with +Said E. Dawlabani entitled *A New Economy For Peace* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FVWCncFdtQ) which attracted the interest of many people who vividly engaged in the comment stream. Many questions couldn’t be answered in the scheduled time. Therefore we are offering here a new appointment with +Said E. Dawlabani where many questions were asked.

About Said E.Dawlabani
Said E.Dawlabani is a cultural economist, author, and public speaker. His most recent book MEMEnomics has been compared to the works of Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet. He is a leading authority in the applications of the value systems framework to evolutionary economics and corporate change. A former real estate developer now dedicated to whole-systems approaches for helping people and organizations reach their prime potential. Said is also the COO of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that frames the sociopolitical challenges facing the region through the prism of “Peace Though Human Development”, a sustainability approach for a prosperous and peaceful Middle East.


Your hosts

Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON August 4th, 2015
“A free training session of the GOLD KEY RELEASE”



Not available for this intro session for Lawrence Gold’s free training course in “The Gold Key Release”

The full training will be released. Contact us for the links, please.

STREAMED LIVE ON September 21st, 2015
“What if you could change the world?”



What if you could change the world?
00:00 – 3:09 Introductions and testimonial by Mark
03:10 – Lawrence’s inspiration/motivation for change. The Four Intelligences
06:32 – 8:04 The most Imaginative people are the most intelligent: 3 examples
08:05 – 9:12 Characteristics of “world changers”
10:03 – 11:00 New developments in power structures in the world; internal technologies
11:00 – 11:53 Welcome to watchers. some of whom have testimonials
11:57 – Individual gifts emerge from Attention, Intention, Memory and Imagination
12:25 – 17:19 However…some words about education
17:28 – 22:40 And now to the “underbelly”…which way are our cultural habits leading us? What else is going on behind the scenes? examples of simultaneous inventions
22:40 – 27:50 An explanation using findings of Rupert Sheldrake and Morphogenetic Fields, the one Hundredth Monkey Syndrome and the Four Minute Mile
29:02 – We can affect those Morphogenetic Fields by changing ourselves
29:50 – 35:40 Testimonials/comments from students from the Beta version of the course
35:40 – 43:00 Lawrence’s response and “the barnacles of life.”
43:00 – 45:00 Lawrence’s procedures enable the “barnacle removal” process
49:22 – 55:49 Descriptions and plans: The Gold Key Release, The Wish Fulfilling Gem, The Spell Maker-The Spell Breaker, The Thunder Clap, The Lightening Bolt, and The Middle Way Memory Matrix Ritual
56:09 – 57:00 another testimonial!


*So many things seem to go wrong with our world*: the financial crisis, the poisoning of Nature by unsustainable production methods, the smoke coming out of our chimneys and our cars, ever new illnesses and outbreaks of threatening situations, wars and refugees, huge wild fires, the cutting down of the rainforest, epidemic ebola…and so on.

*What can WE do in the face of all these challenges*? More often than not we feel impotent, helpless, and decide to somehow go on, hoping  eventually for the best – a sort of magical thinking which actually very seldom creates the outcome we are wanting.

*So what if you could change the world? What if you could REALLY do something to contribute to the change you envision and strongly desire? Would you dare to really DO it if you COULD?*

That is the question you are faced with when you join us and Lawrence Gold in this Wisdom Factory show. Because *Lawrence has developed a practice which enables you exactly to do that*. On first sight what he teaches might seem just a way to clean up blocks and obstacles in yourself – which is very valuable in itself. But these practices are much more potent than you might imagine, despite their relative simplicity. You go through a set of instructions regarding imagination, memory, attention and intention.  So…so what?

Well, first you might feel as if in a meditative state when you come out of his practice. We have offered already two episodes in the Wisdom Factory where Lawrence leads us through a practice. (If you want to try them, check them out on the Wisdom Factory YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/WF-Youtube). Then, with the repetitions, you feel that something is changing in your life and you are not always sure why or what exactly. You just feel things less heavy than they were before. And at a certain moment you realize that you have completely forgotten what it was what had bothered you for such a long time.

A miracle? No. Lawrence Gold  explains eloquently how his practices operate on our body-mind. And this is how YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!| By changing yourself to a liberated state of being you feed the field around you with a different energy which even becomes contagious to others the more you go ahead. And when “two or three gather…” doing the same liberation work, this field reinforces itself, gets stronger and stronger until it can overcome the prevailing field energies which have created and are still nurturing the negative states which we want to change in our world.

*This is the end of helplessness and victimism.  We CAN DO our part for changing the world. The question is only: ARE YOU READY TO TAKE IT ON?* or do you prefer to stay in this impotent mode you are so acquainted with?


Lawrence Gold began to explore the interrelation of spiritual practice and personal development around 1968, at age 16, with himself as the laboratory. He has explored many different approaches to different aspects of the one-being, what we may call “self” or “body”, the inner and outer of our existence that constitute “soma”, the incarnated self.
Here his “lineage flowchart”

His investigations led to the development of very powerful and very accessible “consciousness integration procedures” called, The TetraSeed Modulations, for getting unstuck from habitual conditioning and for awakening to the “ground” of being that underlies and is the substance of ordinary existence. He teaches those procedures in-person, one-on-one, and on-line, to groups. You can follow one of his sessions and practice along here

He maintains a private practice of clinical somatic education (to end chronic pain conditions) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and on-line, worldwide.

STREAMED LIVE ON October 8th, 2015
“How to liberate yourself fro unwanted conditioning”



Why should we bother to learn a release technique? Especially when we believe that we are not free because of constrictions which are imposed on us from outside?
How do relationships change when you release your conditioned responses to others, especially family members or co-workers, bosses etc?
You will find answers in this recording of a webinar. You can participate at a training to gain all the benefits of liberating yourself from your inner conditionings with the Gold Key Release.

Find the course at www.thewisdomfactory.net.


Timestamps of this video
2:27-4:10 Lawrence intro’s himself
4:27-5:50 Mark’s testimony
6:00-7:16 How it works
9:06-10:55 Suppression vs. Release
11:03-12:12 What situations is the Gold Key release good for?
14:24-16:26 Limitations and how to to get free of them?: The Four Ways: Attention, Intention, Memory, and Expectation
20:04-21:32 Comparing suppression to release
23:46-24:30 What about limiting EXTERNAL circumstances?
28:40-36:40 The structure of the Gold key release using a lack of money as a starting point
44:32-45:33 The Gold Key Release doesn’t erase emotions, just frees you from their grip when inappropriate.
51:47-52:55 What kind of person does this procedure work best for?
58:46-59:46 A short testimonial from Kimberly and Lawrence comments on it.
1:00:16-1:00:47 Heidi’s brief report of her experience
1:02:28-1:04:54 How long does the course take?


Lawrence Gold began to explore the interrelation of spiritual practice and personal development around 1968, at age 16, with himself as the laboratory. He has explored many different approaches to different aspects of the one-being, what we may call “self” or “body”, the inner and outer of our existence that constitute “soma”, the incarnated self.
Here his “lineage flowchart”

His investigations led to the development of very powerful and very accessible “consciousness integration procedures” called, The TetraSeed Modulations, for getting unstuck from habitual conditioning and for awakening to the “ground” of being that underlies and is the substance of ordinary existence. He teaches those procedures in-person, one-on-one, and on-line, to groups. You can follow one of his sessions and practice along here

He maintains a private practice of clinical somatic education (to end chronic pain conditions) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and on-line, worldwide.

STREAMED LIVE ON November 13th, 2015
“The Duet Paradigm: A Portal to Innocence, Wonder and Relatedness “



00:00 – 05:00 Introductions of Jessica Roemischer and our show
05:40 – 08:00 Some bows to Dr. Don Beck and Spiral Dynamics
08:00 – 10:40 Jessica’s “pestering” family background, Heidi’s contrasting history.
10:46 – What musicians have in common: “If it sounds good, it is good.”
13:09 – 17:50 A life changing experience: working with a Down’s Syndrome girl – and others
17:50 – Ending the “competition” phase of training. Jessica starts improvising.
20:50 – 22:15 Improvising with elderly residents in assisted living situations. Resonance!
23:04 – 26:40 Transitioning from Princeton and photography to her current path, via Australia
27:00 – 29:17 Bringing music “down” from the formal conventions, transcending demographics
29:17 – 33:00 Does the duet experience change from culture to culture? Jessica thinks not, with examples with children in Bogota
33:00 – What’s wrong with music education? Stillborn!
35:08 – 36:52 Complexity of these questions of innate spontaneity and discipline
36:52 – 40:53 An experience with a very lively 2½ year old. Watch it here (minus the sneeze!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_N2Gc_xmQE
40:53 – 44:12 Music as therapy, Heidi converses with Jessica about ADHD, etc.
44:35 – 46:30 Wider concerns. superficial labeling and identity, and hope.
46:30 – 50:51 An experience in Sydney with children in a protective facility
50:51 – 52:46 Making life worth living, being transported to another state/space
52:46 – 55:30 Slowly it comes out that all instrumentalists are jealous of singers!
55:30 – Early inspiration: garbage trucks and transistor radios James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain”
58:24 – A watcher adds the lyrics for us!
59:00 – Announcements, where to find Jessica (and thank you’s and goodbyes.


Whoever has mastered their instrument of whatever kind has the “magic” power to create something unique which widely transcends the pure technique of playing. And when “two or more come together” in music a real miracle can happen.
This is certainly the experience of today’s special guest. Jessica Roemischer, a very accomplished pianist who uses her art for the good in the world, grounded in the worldview we are promoting here at the Wisdom Factory (Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics, the study of how humans evolve). So it is only natural that Jessica’s intent transcends pure music but she uses the musical paradigm to explore other realms, such as spirituality.
For thirty-five years, award-winning pianist and internationally published writer, Jessica Roemischer has explored the modality of improvised piano duet with people of all ages and backgrounds. Jessica’s Duet Paradigm® led to a CNN Heroes Award nomination, and has been supported by the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Caroline and James Taylor. As a journalist, Jessica has brought the spirit of duet into her dialogues with the world’s cultural and spiritual icons, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Carlos Santana, Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and many others. Her groundbreaking article, “The Never-Ending Upward Quest” is considered the definitive introduction to the evolutionary theory of Spiral Dynamics. Join Jessica for her Wisdom Factory ‘debut,’ wherein she’ll share the fruits of her work in an evocative exploration of the human condition. She’ll reveal why people have described their experience of the Duet Paradigm as one of “loving remembrance,” “of immense joy that washes away residues of pain,” “of doubtlessness,” and of a “childlike vulnerability where no fear can have sway.”

For more information about Jessica Roemischer visit www.pianobeautiful.com
To read excerpts from Jessica’s new book, In Duet with God: The Story of a Lifelong Friendship, visit www.induetwithgod.com
*More info about the Pianist, Performer and Writer
+Jessica Roemischer :

Jessica’s new book – “In Duet with God: The Story of a Lifelong Friendship”   is available at www.InDuetWithGod.com and major online booksellers
“This heartfelt memoir is a gift you will cherish always!”  says Frances Hesselbein, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and author of My Life in Leadership
You find her events schedule and videos of her award-winning piano music and performances at www.pianobeautiful.com
_Jessica Roemischer’s performances are a musical meditation that evoke peace because they come from love_.  say Greg Thomas, writer, New York Daily News

Jessica was nominated for a CNN Heroes Award
*Connect with Jessica on Facebook
Amazon, iTunes and CDBaby*

STREAMED LIVE ON November 13th, 2015
“The Duet Paradigm: A Portal to Innocence, Wonder and Relatedness “



00:00 – 05:00 Introductions of Jessica Roemischer and our show
05:40 – 08:00 Some bows to Dr. Don Beck and Spiral Dynamics
08:00 – 10:40 Jessica’s “pestering” family background, Heidi’s contrasting history.
10:46 – What musicians have in common: “If it sounds good, it is good.”
13:09 – 17:50 A life changing experience: working with a Down’s Syndrome girl – and others
17:50 – Ending the “competition” phase of training. Jessica starts improvising.
20:50 – 22:15 Improvising with elderly residents in assisted living situations. Resonance!
23:04 – 26:40 Transitioning from Princeton and photography to her current path, via Australia
27:00 – 29:17 Bringing music “down” from the formal conventions, transcending demographics
29:17 – 33:00 Does the duet experience change from culture to culture? Jessica thinks not, with examples with children in Bogota
33:00 – What’s wrong with music education? Stillborn!
35:08 – 36:52 Complexity of these questions of innate spontaneity and discipline
36:52 – 40:53 An experience with a very lively 2½ year old. Watch it here (minus the sneeze!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_N2Gc_xmQE
40:53 – 44:12 Music as therapy, Heidi converses with Jessica about ADHD, etc.
44:35 – 46:30 Wider concerns. superficial labeling and identity, and hope.
46:30 – 50:51 An experience in Sydney with children in a protective facility
50:51 – 52:46 Making life worth living, being transported to another state/space
52:46 – 55:30 Slowly it comes out that all instrumentalists are jealous of singers!
55:30 – Early inspiration: garbage trucks and transistor radios James Taylor’s “Fire and Rain”
58:24 – A watcher adds the lyrics for us!
59:00 – Announcements, where to find Jessica (and thank you’s and goodbyes.


Whoever has mastered their instrument of whatever kind has the “magic” power to create something unique which widely transcends the pure technique of playing. And when “two or more come together” in music a real miracle can happen.
This is certainly the experience of today’s special guest. Jessica Roemischer, a very accomplished pianist who uses her art for the good in the world, grounded in the worldview we are promoting here at the Wisdom Factory (Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics, the study of how humans evolve). So it is only natural that Jessica’s intent transcends pure music but she uses the musical paradigm to explore other realms, such as spirituality.
For thirty-five years, award-winning pianist and internationally published writer, Jessica Roemischer has explored the modality of improvised piano duet with people of all ages and backgrounds. Jessica’s Duet Paradigm® led to a CNN Heroes Award nomination, and has been supported by the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Caroline and James Taylor. As a journalist, Jessica has brought the spirit of duet into her dialogues with the world’s cultural and spiritual icons, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Carlos Santana, Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and many others. Her groundbreaking article, “The Never-Ending Upward Quest” is considered the definitive introduction to the evolutionary theory of Spiral Dynamics. Join Jessica for her Wisdom Factory ‘debut,’ wherein she’ll share the fruits of her work in an evocative exploration of the human condition. She’ll reveal why people have described their experience of the Duet Paradigm as one of “loving remembrance,” “of immense joy that washes away residues of pain,” “of doubtlessness,” and of a “childlike vulnerability where no fear can have sway.”

For more information about Jessica Roemischer visit www.pianobeautiful.com
To read excerpts from Jessica’s new book, In Duet with God: The Story of a Lifelong Friendship, visit www.induetwithgod.com
*More info about the Pianist, Performer and Writer
+Jessica Roemischer :

Jessica’s new book – “In Duet with God: The Story of a Lifelong Friendship”   is available at www.InDuetWithGod.com and major online booksellers
“This heartfelt memoir is a gift you will cherish always!”  says Frances Hesselbein, recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and author of My Life in Leadership
You find her events schedule and videos of her award-winning piano music and performances at www.pianobeautiful.com
_Jessica Roemischer’s performances are a musical meditation that evoke peace because they come from love_.  say Greg Thomas, writer, New York Daily News

Jessica was nominated for a CNN Heroes Award
*Connect with Jessica on Facebook
Amazon, iTunes and CDBaby*

STREAMED LIVE ON October 16th, 2015
“Crisis and Possibilities “




2:40 – 3:25 Presenting Elza Maalouf
3:25 – 4:26 Presenting Said Dawlabani
4:26 – Some tech problems
6:15 – 7:48 Reflections on their recent article in The Huffington Post
7:48 – The overwhelming factors of the big powers and oil prices, of power
9:00 – 10:20 Not a clash of value systems, just of regional power, and western powers keep fueling Red forces so strong Blue cannot emerge.
10:20 – 10:35 Oil prices are climbing but Putin can’t expect huge increases
10:48 – 11:35 Syria will be Russia’s Iraq and Syria will be sectioned in 3 parts.
12:10 – 13:06 The Shia Crescent from Iran to the Mediterranean.
13:34 – Neri Bar-on asks what is going on in Lebanon and Hezbollah is taking on ISIS.
14:39 – 15:48 Lebanon with 4 million population has accepted nearly 2 million Syrian refugees.
15:49 – 16:32 Heidi contrasts our situation in Otricoli
15:54 – Why are Syrians leaving Syria and why is Assad bombing his own people??
20:09 – Elza’s experience in Syria in 2007 with Anna Caspari and the stunted crops
21:50 – 23:30 The 2011 uprising in Egypt also after Mubarak stopped subsidies to sugar and flour
23:30 – 24:04 Progressive measures by Asisi in Egypt
24:06 – Scott asks how Egypt’s Blue system became so corrupt. Elza replies that the COG was Red to Unhealthy Blue
24:56 – History under the Ottomans as opposed to British and French occupations
26:25 – 28:50 Heidi asks what can we do? Said describes the difficulties Germany is experiencing.
29:25 – 31:14 Heidi points out the Green/Blue clash within Germany.
31:18 – Neri adds the complications of Iran with healthy Blue. Elza points out the relatively healthy Blue of both Iran and Turkey. Is the next best for the Middle East a healthy Iranian secular Blue? The contrasts with Sunni fundamentalism.
35:50 – Should we support the Iran nuclear deal? Maybe, maybe not. Iran is not so helpful vis-a-vis Russian influence. People are looking for a Blue system that works , whatever the source.
38:45 – What shall we do? Help central Shia control issue helpful Fatwas.
41:05 – 48:25 Neri’s report on how the Nuclear deal is being received in Israel. Both Left and Right is opposed. Neri explains “The Third Intifada” supported by Gaza with much fear. The Settlers’ movement actually being weakened by ISIS. A step forward.
48:25 – A Blab following this show with this URL: https://blab.im/adelheid-hoernlein-crisis-and-possibilities-the-after-show-blab-1
49:08 – “Wildcards” – Low probability but high impact events as with the EU and the immigration crisis. Does the EU really have common values? Is Turkey trying to join the EU with refugee pressures? Can Merkel surround the refugees with firm Blue structure but Green does not see Red!
55:21 – We need to support Assad because he is protecting the Christians in Syria, especially considering the alternative of ISIL.
56:00 – Secular Blue regimes get “picked off” often with the”help” of outside forces who see such regimes as the worst possible – but they’re not. German influence, but without german life conditions.
57:48 – Lawrence asks: How do you get an unhealthy Blue healthy? Elza and Said respond.
Dubai is a good example. “Blue is not a sexy thing.” The transition must come from a higher level.
1:05:01 – “Indigious Intelligence”
1:06:01 – Planning for further reunions, including Neri and a Palestinian agent. Thank you’s and goodbye’s.

About Elza Maalouf
She is credited with introducing Spiral Dynamics Integral, and the entire Integral framework to the Middle East. Her writings appear in the Huffington Post, ILR, and Kosmos Journal.  Her recent book, Emerge!, which serves as a map for the future of the Middle East has garnered great reviews from Politico. Her work with cultures and organizations has garnered the admiration of business and political leaders alike. She’s currently working on the Arab Memome Project (AMP), which maps the memetics of the Middle East that will eventually lead to the peaceful emergence of the region.

About Said E. Dawlabani
Said Elias Dawlabani is a cultural economist, author, and public speaker. His most recent book MEMEnomics has been compared to the works of Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet. He is a leading authority in the applications of the value systems framework to evolutionary economics and corporate change.  Said is also the COO of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that frames the sociopolitical challenges facing the region through the prism of “Peace Through Human Development”, a sustainability approach for a prosperous and peaceful Middle East.

Your hosts

Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON November 20th, 2015
“Updates from the Middle East “




Series “Wisdom Technologies”: Q&A “Economic Peace through resilient design”

Time stamps of the conversation with Said Dawlabani following the posted questions (spontaneous questions answered in between):

11:04 Is our monetary system, based on debt and fiat currency, holding our civilizations back from allowing second-tier thinking to dominate?
14:36 what are some of the most promising, encouraging trends in the current development of second-tier (yellow) integrative consciousness on the part of organizations?
18:58 There are two sayings relevant to this topic: 1: If you want peace, work for justice. 2: Ya’ gotta wanna. I’ve posted this incendiary piece that, curiously enough, is relevant to this topic.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvlvHWhVgew
27:34 Could you comment on “resilience” in relation to the future of the internet? Especially in relation to the development of “second tier” businesses, such as google.
38:16 – I’d asked Said yesterday if he’d discuss his perspective involving what “resilience might look like in respect to the practical design of BLUE institutions
44:02 So many jobs are being automated these days. It seems like an exponential curve of accelerating trends where the new digitally empowered technologies are replacing human labour. In that light, how can any future currency be based on human resources? And how to distribute wealth so that even the unemployed can afford to purchase the products of automated factories?
46:25 Some observers have noted that, when it comes to change, business is typically among the first to respond, followed by other institutions, with academia following and government last. Where do you see economic systems falling in this cascade?
51:16 Have you read Charles Eisenstein’s Sacred Economics? What do you think about moving into a gifting economy in the far future?
56:23 What’s the book title again?
59:17 What are techniques or practices you would encourage people to have in order to go up the spiral in spiral dynamics?

The Wisdom Factory has hosted a conversation with +Said E. Dawlabani entitled *A New Economy For Peace* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FVWCncFdtQ) which attracted the interest of many people who vividly engaged in the comment stream. Many questions couldn’t be answered in the scheduled time. Therefore we are offering here a new appointment with +Said E. Dawlabani where many questions were asked.

About Said E.Dawlabani
Said E.Dawlabani is a cultural economist, author, and public speaker. His most recent book MEMEnomics has been compared to the works of Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet. He is a leading authority in the applications of the value systems framework to evolutionary economics and corporate change. A former real estate developer now dedicated to whole-systems approaches for helping people and organizations reach their prime potential. Said is also the COO of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that frames the sociopolitical challenges facing the region through the prism of “Peace Though Human Development”, a sustainability approach for a prosperous and peaceful Middle East.


Your hosts

Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

STREAMED LIVE ON November 27, 2015
“After Paris: Seeing the bigger picture “




2:57 Said explains the basics of Spiral Dynamics in 6½ minutes flat! Bravo!
7:58 Heidi asks why we need not fear. Elza points out some immediate causes in drought and the city of Daraa
10:50 Why Syria is different with little chance to be terrorists, Ba’athism and secularism and nationalism
12:34 A culture without nationalism led to dictatorship: a necessary evil to keep feudalistic system under control and exclude radical imams.
15:38 Said faults the United Nations for an unrealistic idea of nationhood.
16:18 Natural progression of national development, role of “Kurdistans” and what Western powers need to stop doing.
18:04 Tribal cultures reach back for values, do not aspire forward
18:44 Elza explains the Arab Menome Project and trying to create institutions.
19:38 Heidi asks: Who is what and how did that happen? Elza responds, “We made a mistake killing Saddam. What the West needs to do with these feudalistic dictators
22:03 A watcher’s raises questions about progress and Said responds.
25:43 Back to the refugee question: the failures of Assad
27:40 Should the West take a “hands-off” policy? Partly, but Europe needs to look at itself. Conditions in parts of Paris that give rise to native born French terrorists
31:20 Who are the refugees? Europe needs to qualify them for acceptance.
33:30 Patriotism!
34:30 Do refugees want to stay in Europe?
36:00 Where is integralism in Europe on these issues? French examples and some closer to home (where we live). How to keep populations in line with their leaders in Europe.
42:00 Said: Europe seemed to stop evolving after WWII. He explains the differences between a 6th level (Green) system and a 7th level (Yellow) system.
43:43 A watcher asks how to assimilate people who don’t want to assimilate.
45:05 Europe allows radical imams in that Middle Eastern governments do not allow!
47:30 A question from Germany: Are the refugees fleeing ISIS or Assad?
50:11 ISIS in Lebanon, ISIS bombs Hezbollah that is supporting Assad and why he cannot return to power in all Syria.
52.20 Another question: How would a 2nd tier governance respond to refugees? Natural Design! A safe zone in Syria? No leader of opposition is emerging.
57:30 a question from Neri Bar-on, last week’s guest: How many Syrias? 3!
1:00:00 a plug for crowd funding: www.PATREON.com/heidi63


The Wisdom Factory dedicates this conversation to the Syrian refugees and why there is no reason to fear them. The terrorists of the attack in Paris were not refugees, but born in Europe which opens the question about the responsibility of our Western Culture to deal in an appropriate way with people from other cultures to integrate them in their countries.
You will listen to what +Elza Maalouf and +Said E. Dawlabani have to say from their evolutionary perspective, grounded in #SpiralDynamics , a most valuable tool for understanding the levels of development of individuals and of societies.
Elza and Said will explain what is behind the present problems and what mindset and what methods are needed to address them in an effective way – and to avoid to make them worse.

Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER and get the free e-book *CRISIS AND POSSIBILITIES at www.theWisdomFactory.net
And please support the work of The WISDOM FACTORY at www.patreon.com/heidi63
About +Elza Maalouf
She is credited with introducing Spiral Dynamics Integral, and the entire Integral framework to the Middle East. A long term member of the Evolutionary Leaders, she serves alongside global thinkers like Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston and Barbara Marx Hubbard. Her writings appear in the Huffington Post, ILR, and Kosmos Journal.  Her recent book, Emerge!, which serves as a map for the future of the Middle East has garnered great reviews from Politico,  Forward Reviews magazine, and the sustainable development site IPCC.

About Said E.Dawlabani
Said E.Dawlabani is a cultural economist, author, and public speaker. His most recent book MEMEnomics has been compared to the works of Peter Lynch and Warren Buffet. He is a leading authority in the applications of the value systems framework to evolutionary economics and corporate change. A former real estate developer now dedicated to whole-systems approaches for helping people and organizations reach their prime potential. Said is also the COO of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that frames the sociopolitical challenges facing the region through the prism of “Peace Though Human Development”, a sustainability approach for a prosperous and peaceful Middle East.

ABOUT Elza Maalouf

Elza Maalouf is an author, theorist and consultant. She is credited with introducing Spiral Dynamics Integral, and the entire Integral framework to the Middle East. A long term member of the Evolutionary Leaders, she serves alongside global thinkers like Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston and Barbara Marx Hubbard. Her writings appear in the Huffington Post, ILR, and Kosmos Journal.  Her recent book, Emerge!, which serves as a map for the future of the Middle East has garnered great reviews from Politico,  Forward Reviews magazine, and the sustainable development site IPCC. It’s a 2015 finalist for the book of the year award by INDIEFAB and the Eric Hoffer Organization, both recognize independent authors for excellence in publishing. Her work with cultures and organizations has garnered the admiration of business and political leaders alike. She’s currently working on the Arab Memome Project (AMP), which maps the memetics of the Middle East that will eventually lead to the peaceful emergence of the region.


Your hosts

Mark Davenport     is an American Midwesterner, frequent visitor to and now resident in Italy.  Degrees in English Literature and Secondary Education preceded a Masters degree in Italian Literature from the University of Wisconsin.  Years of teaching at secondary and university levels were followed by ever more “human interest” years as a certified drug and alcohol counselor, then to more mellow years in retail, culminating in more years as a “full time” retired Floridian before coming out into life again in Italy with years of philosophical, psychological and spiritual study supporting my passion to bring all that “head” knowledge to a practical emotional, physical and behavioral level where true transformation out from the decades of half-life so many of us experience.

About Heidi Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. If you are inspired to do so, please ask for a free discovery session by connecting with me on G+ or via our website: https://Thewisdomfactory.net

Jon Freeman is an exquisit integral thinker and writer of books which could give the necessary answers to the problems of our times. One of which is “Reinventing Capitalism: How we broke money and how we fix it”



Reinventing Capitalism: How we broke money and how we fix it, from inside and out by Jon Freeman

01:50 Jon’s last two books, The Science of Possibility and Reinventing Capitalism, Are quite different. Heidi asks how links two books with such different subject matter. Jon sees three big problems that need attention: Science, Relationships(nothing published yet) and Money
04:18 Reinvent or abolish? Jon would rather actually try free market capitalism – which hasn’t actually been tried yet. He explains.
10:10 When is ”funny money” OK and when not: an exercise in imagining there was no money.
15:15 Is anyone really “to blame” for our misunderstanding of money? Fear is to blame!
19:50 We’ve created a system that represents our way of thinking.
21:05 – 26:08 Time out to respond to watchers comments
26:12 Governments could not tell us the truth about money and get re-elected! We need a whole new story!
27:53 – 30:00 The 36 principles for building that new story.
30:00 How long should this take? What are cryptocurrencies and will they help? +’s and -’s
38:10 – 41:28 Crowdfunding and comments
41:30 What is work? Work/life balance? Alternative payment systems.
43:55 The list of 36 things we need to change or do; some choicefulness and possibilities
46:14 – 48:20 Some comments from watchers and some boundary breaking new enterprises.
48:21 – 52:26 Shortcomings of current social security systems
52:26 – How we can improve the system, how to find the book,
what we’re up to

Is money real? And if not, what is it? How have we thought about money – individually and collectively? What has that created in our lives and our economies? How did our thinking turn into the systems that we live with and the outcomes that we are now so unhappy with? Can we change it, and if so how?

There is a spiral thread of intelligence that runs through what Jon Freeman is saying.There are compatible viewpoints with those of +Said E. Dawlabani (Guest in previous Wisdom Factory shows) in his book *Memenomics* –  but they are quite different in content and approach. *People will not have heard this before!

About Jon Freeman 
Jon Freeman is a writer, trainer, and mentor with a background in organizational systems and change management working with Spiral Dynamics Integral, SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence, Meshworking, and Conscious Capitalism. He is a director of the UK Centre for Human Emergence. His earlier books include “Future Money: Evolving Relationship with our Finance” and also “The Science of Possibility” about which we spoke with him here: http://bit.ly/WF-Freeman). His newest book is called “Reinventing Capitalism” and is the occasion for this interview.

A platform for people who have knowledge, experience and wisdom to share with the world. We offer ongoing online live shows to discuss cutting edge topics with experts who are operating on a high level of consciousness. The WISDOM FACTORY is hosted by the Italian Cultural Association PARADISO INTEGRALE

A different way to recover and heal – an inspiration for who is tired to take prescription drugs




This video was streamed before starting officially our “CONSCIOUS AGEING” series. 

2:00 – Introducing our guests
4:05 – Dr. Carson bio and credentials and how it all began
5:50 – Monika Fruehwirth with some questions
7:25 – How does Dr. Carson begin with a client, relaxation first
8:35 – A healing method that works on 7 levels: 1:psychological, 2:mental and 3:emotional levels,then the 4th:physiological (body) level, then the 5th: biochemical, then 6th: the genetic code, and finally the 7th: spiritual and so we get to the root cause in 3 treatment sessions.
11:30 – More on the Root Cause and who does this work for
12:30 – Healing vs. cure and how she chooses clients
13:16 – Connection and a testimonial, and an indictment of “pain management”
16:30 – No. 1 and No. 2 causes of death
17:25 – How to convince clients that her approach works, the importance of imagination, with examples
21:00 – ”Witchcraft!” cries and converts, importance of communication, especially of feelings
24:20 – How do you detect the root cause? Lots of intuition.
25:00 – Her book: You Are More Than Your Body, seven Steps To Healing Body, mind and Spirit
25:17 – Prevalence of PTSD and how it’s alleviated
28:25 – “Every “dis-ease” begins in the mind and ends up somewhere in the body.”
30:00 – Blaming oneself for their illness? No. Just cause and effect.
32:00 – Putting the client in charge of their own unconscious mind.
32:55 – And the collective unconscious?
37:04 – There can be more than 1 “root cause” incident in one’s life.
39:10 – What about the refugees coming into Europe now? Prevention?
42:25 – Treating little children, even infants, even by Skype
45:35 – What about starting a school for training others? Can you teach intuition?
48:54 – Viewers comments and responses; opening to love
52:20 – Importance of music…and some shameless self promotion
55:33 – Dr. Carson’s web address: www. drvcarson.com
56:50 – Thank you’s and good by’s

Getting older means for most of us lower life expectations and an increase in illnesses. Relying on the knowledge of our doctors we begin to consume lots of drugs. This is not true for me and neither for Mark, though he was constantly taking drugs while still living in America – and he is perfectly healthy here in Italy without drugs and a healthier diet.
Well, diet is one thing, there are other factors which determine if we indulge in illnesses with drugs or if we heal ourselves in natural ways.
Dr.Viviane Carson is an expert in alternative healing with 100% success rate – as she affirms – if the clients are willing to take it on and believe in their own illimited possibilities. And there is a whole *Science of Possibility* – the book and our Wisdom Factory show with Jon Freeman. It is not just woo-woo as many believers in mechanical science would say. It is much more.

 About Viviane Carson

Doctor Carson has several degrees (a total of seven) and two doctorates including degrees in Psychology, Metaphysical Science, a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and certification in 17 sub-modalities.
Dr. Carson is also a Certified Energy Therapist, Certified Domestic Abuse Specialist and is trained in E.F.T., Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time-Line Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, E.M.D.R., The Radiance Technique, Reiki, The Reconnection/Reconnection Healing TM  and many other certifications, all registered professional techniques.  She is also an ordained minister.

With over 30 years of experience in leading personal growth workshops and seminars and one-on-one counseling, Dr. Carson has developed a unique methodology she calls “Psychobiophysical Healing”TM to effectively empower clients to achieve mental, emotional, physical and biochemical changes very quickly.  http://drvcarson.com/

About Monika Fruehwirth.
Monika is speaking with the experience of 7 decades of an intense life which dedicated to the evolution of consciousness in herself and others.
Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is –  translating innumerable amounts of  texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.

Monika was one of the first women in the German-speaking Integral scene –  which at first was very “head biased” – the enthusiasm about a brilliant theory. She introduced into the Integral Community the “Feminine Integral Consciousness Field”, a self-organized group of women who tried to translate the theory into their everyday life practice.


A platform for people who have knowledge, experience and wisdom to share with the world. We offer ongoing online live shows to discuss cutting edge topics with experts who are operating on a high level of consciousness. The WISDOM FACTORY is hosted by the Italian Cultural Association PARADISO INTEGRALE