In past years we streamed these conversations live. At the moment they are recorded and uploaded to Youtube. Live streaming is planned aagain for later this year.

A series of LIVE CONVERSATIONS among women from Europe, USA, Africa  and Canada. All about how we women can contribute to creating a better world. We are exploring our potential, our gifts and the fields we can give our contributions in our unique way and with our unique skills.
This series is free and permanently accessible on this website. If you want to participate in the conversations, please connect!

YEAR 2023
YEAR 2022
YEAR 2021
YEAR 2020
YEAR 2019
YEAR 2018
YEAR 2017
YEAR 2016
Women Matters: First impressions of the Integral European Conference in June 2021

In the last meeting of WOMEN MATTERS we talk about trapped emotions, the Emotion code and surrogate energy. Unusual experiences, unusual ways of dealing with them.



Our meetings in April were dedicated to ART, the Art of Seeing and the art of listening (subsequent video). In this one Martini Rieser, Zen teacher and artist,  guides us into an exercise of seeing which you can join in the recording.

Find the two videos HERE


After the Zen exercise, the Art of Seeing of the last episode, we got inspired to talk about the art of listening. Many of the Women Matters Group are musicians  and/or artists, so the topic is enriched by their particular experience.

Find the two videos HERE

Women Matters: The women  inquire into what would be their intention for being and doing in the year which has just started. A deep dive into the visions of living and co-creating a better world-
Women Matters: The women  inquire into what would be their review on 2021  imagining to look back on this year from Dezember, the year already passed.

A guided experience

A process in appreciation led by Hannelie Venucia

Find more HERE

Women Matters in January 2021

What is your intention for this year? what are your desires? This was the topic of our fist meeting.

In the second session Gertraud led us into the imagination of being arrived in December 2021 and looking back on what we have realised in this very year.

A remarkable shift from the pressure of the lockdown reality into the positve energy of seeing our desires fulfilled.
Find Both conversations HERE

Women Matters – a session from February 2021

Coming together regularly, the women of Women Matters often guide each other through exewrcises and processes. This time our youngest member, the artist and dancer Beatrice Antonie Martino  leads us through a movement exercise with some surprising effects in connecting with each other. You can follow along with the recording! The exercise starts at about min 18.

Find more HERE


Our meetings in March were dedicated to the topic “Resurrection”. How can it be understood within an integral framework? And how does it manifest in our personal lives.

Find the two videos HERE