Uniting Multiple Intelligences in Service of Conscious Evolution
with Durwin Foster and Jeff Quintero
Streamed live on April 28th 2017
Here a brief introduction video to the topic
If we see ourselves as spiritual beings, why do we still find it so challenging to be good to one another? How do we change this state of affairs? The philosophical approach of Qualence proposes that we are in an existential crisis which dissociates us from our inherent goodness potential. In this dialogue, Durwin and Jeff will describe the crisis, as well as how an integral ethics based on Qualence can help us break through to the state of transcendental intentionality from which an integral ethics must flow. Jeff and Durwin will present à practical process called the “inherent goodness awareness expansion” for experiencing this shift in state.
For those with à primary background in Wilber’s work, this diagram helps illustrate the broad territory within which integral ethics is situated.
Click on the links below to find books recommended by us or our guests
Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening
Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential
Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy by Jonathan Taplin
A community of people who love reading and writing, talking and thinking, tinkering and making things more beautiful
More resources
Transcend The Monkey at https://youtu.be/vaHQkimsmJk
Transition From Rational Fundamentalism to Transcendental Intentionality ( Seven 15 min videos )
About Durwin Foster
Durwin Foster, M.A., CCC (#0345) is a counselor, researcher, and writer with a strong background in mindfulness-based and integrally-informed approaches to psychology. Durwin worked with Ken Wilber, a pioneer of integral theory, in the development of applications of integral theory to counseling and psychotherapy. Studying mindfulness in graduate school, Durwin was invited to an invitation-only conference with His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the topic of contemplative practices and health. Durwin has authored or co-authored several articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, Counseling and Values, and Transcultural Psychiatry.
His many scholarly articles can be found here:https://ubc.academia.edu/DurwinFoster
His web page for his private practice in counseling can be found here: www.durwinfoster.com.
About Jeff Quintero
As a pioneer of many new technology waves, published first multimedia magazine for Latin America, first Internet service provider for Brazilian corporations, designed, build leading B2B portals for Hispanic Entertainment Industry, and leading B2B portal for Latin America’s wireless and mobile industries.
For last 14 years applied and expanded Ken Wilber’s Integral Consciousness approach to conceiving a new life valuing framework, innovation method, and partnering model which he calls “Creational-Value Co-Realizing.” By leveraging the functionality of distributed P2P networks this model delivers a more purposeful way to capitalize on all the value dimensions of our humanity.