Women Matters

 A series with women in the Wisdom Factory

Live conversation on Friday March 9th at 6 pm CEST/ 9 am PT

Patriarchy or Matriarchy or WHAT?

In this episode the women of WOMEN MATTERS  discuss the topic which arose at the end of our last meeting: Would MATRIARCHY be a solution for us who are dissatisfied of Patriarchy?

It will be a very vivid discussion as we need to sort out ideology which is loading these terms and we will try to look better into the benefits and pathologies of both power systems in the world. Today we have the advantage that humanity has experimented with both forms already and we need to examine the results well before we enter into the hope that a better world would be created simply for the fact that women hold the public power instead of men.

We will need to use our integral roadmap to make the proper distinctions and to put the discourse into an evolutionary context of personal development and that of whole societies.

Our  present team: Gertraud Wegst,  Tammy Lea Meyer, Heidi Hornlein, Luna Ceovelli, Monia Fruehwirth, Anna Harris

Women Matters Patriarchy and Matriarchy

1:04 Self presentation of Tammy Lea Meyer

1:26 Anna HArris

1:40 Gertraud Wegst

1:55 Luna Ceovelli

2:20 Heidi Introduces the topic

3:26 what do you understand under the words “Patriarchy” and “Matriarchy”?

3:48 Anna : Descriptions of power structures = describing the domination of one gender over the other. We know much about the domination of one gender. We need partnership among all genders which are now not more only two

4:50 Tammy feels like Anna: Challenge ALL structures of power. Patriarchy is extractive way of looking on the world as pieces, not as a whole. Women’s bodies create live, it is very deep. How would Matriarchy play out that power. We all humans need each other and need to figure out how to share power. She is up for a “Holarchy” to share power in a good way.

7:08 Luna: Polarized experience in Patriarchy, moving out of polarisation. Co-creating in our masculine and feminine energies. We need those energies together.

8:40 Heidi: Historical overview. Matriarchy and cyclic time.  A proposal to co-create something different

12:50 The swing of the pendulum. Development could be like a “lying 8”.

13:45 The difference between East and West Germany regarding the power of women.  How can things be woven together? Women think for the whole, males want status symbols. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Partnership is a thin layer of fruitful soil

17:15 What does “partnership” mean? – Not the same number of women/men in leadership positions? What if women prefer to have their children?

18;40 Anna is interested in the girls in East Germany, what was it in their society?

19:20 Heidi interfering: we don’t want a totalitarian system and people spying on each other!

19:35 Women’s self awareness: kids were brought very early in cradles, kindergarden – also indoctrination – but women had technical professions, after the re-unification of Germany it changed. The west overlooked the good parts.

21:50 In the east kindergardens were part of every work place, not in West Germany. Heid’s story about feeling accepted in east, west more sexist, Italy not so much

23:23 Anna: support people to be authentic what they feel to do, also in gender choice. Be themselves and be accepted with whatever choice they make

24:10 Tammy: roles of women and partnership and making choices: Tammy’s personal story. Being a parent is the most important job on the planet. Chose to do that or do the own work in the world. Listening inside for the soul and not following prescribed ways of being in the world.

26:20 Tammy: Self observation of evaluating work done by woman/man. Cultural conditioning is still in us.

27:57 Heidi We are living in unconscious ancient patterns. We need to appreciate ourselves ourselves, in embodied way. Becoming aware of our conditionings

29:21 Gertraud Women are complicit with oppression. Often women are doing the oppressive things to girls. We need clarity that we don’t prolongue ourselves what we don’t want.

31:00 Gertraud: partnership is freedom in connectedness

31:28 Heidi the story of the syrian women beating up a syrian refugee boy. WOMEN often maintain the “lower level = traditional” cultures

32:36 Anna about not wanting to have children: be loyal to the decision of very young age.

33:40 Luna: What is natural and what is conditioned? Chosing to express the masculine or feminine, either by the conditions or the soul contract: Pathology. VIOLENT DENIAL OF HUMANNESS

What is it that we can add when we stop cutting out those pieces in ourselves. What can we bring and walk in our wholeness. Looking on our shadows. Inquire within and acknowledge our shadows openly.

37:20 Luna:  about constellation work calling in previous generations for healing masculine and feminine.into wholeness.

39:00 Heidi about constellation work + Luna’s elaboration on the work “prayer in action” : “I see you”. Heidi: An understanding of the difficult situation in the past arises. Normal reaction of men vs women when insecurity comes up: violence vs. silence

41:45 Tammy: Constellation works aims to Holarchy (“Whole-archy”). How can we understand ourselves as a whole and feel deeply in what is true.

43:35 Holy – archy: Gertraud: prescribed roles which need to be fulfilled. Freedom necessary for who you are and the role which is meant for you. Freedom to not fit in specific ways for other people’s needs. We are not in cages as women. Find our place in the combination of our ways of being and looking at things.

47: Gertraud shares her experience in life as Mom and then as a professional “masculine” leader. Roles can change and also the expression of masculine/feminine parts in us.

48:40 How can we aLL LIVE TOGETHER well without everybody having our mindset?

49: Tammy: affect the world from where and who we are. Doing inside work, consciousness about what is, sharing what we think and explore together – we are doing here a feminine process, making specific points (masculine). We are weaving both. Small work and big work at the same time. Courage to talk together has change effect, can happen everywhere. Today is one step with this conversation

51:45 Luna: inner work and taking my place, being true to my gifts and who I am, all the little moments add up to whole-archy. Shares an experience: practice of seeing every person she was encountering with love. Small thing, but she feels connected, shared a space together. Each of us can practice seeing and being aware when we are seeing through a program or prejudice.

54:50 Anna gives an example of her granddaughter 12 years on who wants feminine colors for her birthday. Loves makeup which her mother, Anna’s daughter, has huge difficulty, but needs to support her daughter in that. Prejudices about our own femininity: let them go and allow them to be.

56:56 Tammy: closing words LISTENING TO EACH OTHER

57:40 Gertraud: adding to Tammy: appreciating what is and not what should be. Instead of positive-negative using “appropriate for different occasions” (refering to Anna’s story about granddaughter.

59:30 Heidi: trust in connectedness and the contributions of every little step. Collaborate in figuring out something.


Patriarchy, Matriarchy or What?

About Tammy Lea Meyer 

Tammy Lea Meyer

Tammy Lea Meyer

Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.

About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein 

Heidi Hornlein

Heidi Hornlein

A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.

About Gertraud Wegst 

Gertraud Wegst. Portrait.

Gertraud Wegst

Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.

About Anna Harris

Anna grew up in London, BA Sociology, then worked with autistic children, and trained as a child psychotherapist. I worked for 15 years, but could not accept the power relations implied, or the attempt to shape a child to ‘fit in’ to an insane society. My discomfort in unequal power relations, either within the family, school, workplace, institution, or government led to following a spiritual teacher for over 25 years, where I felt more at home. My interest in child rearing practices was rekindled with reading Alice Miller, http://www.alice-miller.com/en/the-truth-will-set-you-free/ which led to discovering the work of neurobiologist Darcia Narvez. http://darcianarvaez.com/about  My article, http://www.sublimemagazine.com/healthy-birth-healthy-earth explores the link she describes in her book ‘Neurobiology and The Development of Morality’, between experiences of birth, infancy, and later mental illness, giving rise to many of the problems humanity is facing today. Retirement gives me the freedom to follow my real interests, changing society to more truly reflect the love that created us and that provides the abundance we have around us.

About Luna Ceovelli

 Luna Ceovelli

Luna Ceovelli

True Health Warrior, Wellbeing Ninja – Her own journey through a life-threatening parasitic infection and learning to recover and heal body mind and spirit has led her to the work she does today.  Luna is the founder of ONE Daily Wellness and co-founder of the Women’s Wealth Network in Vancouver, Canada, she is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Nutritional Counsellor.  She works with clients in private practice coaching into the areas of reframing personal health, addictions, and directly addressing systemic underlying root cause issues.  She believes in personal empowerment first and the body’s divine wisdom and innate ability to heal.  She speaks on our intrinsic and intimate connection with the natural world; sacred living water, deep ecology, our indigenous roots and returning to right relationship and stewardship of the land and ourselves.

Luna is committed to a life of learning and continuos development, recognizing that every individual client and person she meets is also a sacred teacher.  In this way she wishes to remain rooted in her humility, her human imperfections and her humble offering of service.  She’s been on the front lines of transformation, knee dropping awe inspired awakening and dark nights of the soul have guided her to an engaged and continuous dialogue with what is.  Deepening her practice with Family Systems, she is a student of Bert Hellinger’s Systemic Constellation work through her masterful teacher, Jan Hull, She is also a student of Acharya Aman, YogaJyoti and the Vedic Jyotish Counselling System.  Luna lives and works on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, whose land and elders continue to deeply inform her work.

About Monia Fruehwirth

Portrait of Monika Frühwirth

Monika (Monia) is speaking out of the experience of 7 decades of an intense life which was dedicated to the evolution of consciousness in herself and others.

Monika is a true leader. Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is –  translating innumerable amounts of  texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.

Monika was one of the first women in the German-speaking Integral scene –  which at first was very “head biased” – the enthusiasm about a brilliant theory. She introduced into the Integral Community the “Feminine Integral Consciousness Field”, a self-organized group of women who tried to translate the theory into their everyday life practice. My friendship with her began with being part of this group of women and their attempt to find a FEMININE WAY of bringing the Integral WORLDVIEW out into the WORLD.

A previous conversation