2015, December 15th at 10 AM PT/ 7 PM CET
Growing older without Big Pharma Dr. Viviane Carson
Healing ourselves is becoming ever more important in our times where we are immersed in all kinds of possible threats for our physical health. Main stream medicine still relies mainly on pharmaceutical cures for symptoms which appear in some distinct parts of our bodies. The body is still seen as separate parts with not much connection among each other.
In the past few decades the findings of the connection of body, mind an spirit become ever more convincing and also the notion that it healing is more than eliminating the disturbing symptoms. When we know the root cause for the symptom we can effectively be healed with the help of a competent healer – and our own effort and will to become healthy. That doesn’t exclude pharmaceutical products when they are needed, but the big money won’t be made anymore on our illnesses when we begin to engage in our healing process in a holistic way.

STREAMED LIVE on December 15th, 2015
Most people fear illness and old age because they have seen so many older people in decline and afflicted with disease . Both seems to be inevitable in our collective belief system. And so we try to ignore the fact that we get older. We desperately put lots of effort into “staying young” with market offers, cosmetics, exercise programs, youth-pills, etc. We hope we won’t get older like everyone else, and if we should get ill, our high tech medicine which will oil our engine and make it work again, like before.
But this is not the HEALTH we need if we want to be joyful, happy and pain-free in our older years. Health is much more than working out regularly and giving up smoking. These are useful things, for sure, but only a drop in the ocean of health and real wellbeing in our lives.
Healing ourselves means healing not only our body, but all aspects of our being. Drugs play much less a role for keeping us healthy than commonly believed and propagated by conventional medicine. Fortunately, we are on the verge of a big shift in medicine with integrating new paradigms like epigenetics and energy healing.
Doctor Carson has several degrees (a total of seven) and two doctorates including degrees in Psychology, Metaphysical Science, a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and certification in 17 sub-modalities.
Dr. Carson is also a Certified Energy Therapist, Certified Domestic Abuse Specialist and is trained in E.F.T., Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time-Line Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, E.M.D.R., The Radiance Technique, Reiki, The Reconnection/Reconnection Healing TM and many other certifications, all registered professional techniques. She is also an ordained minister.
With over 30 years of experience in leading personal growth workshops and seminars and one-on-one counseling, Dr. Carson has developed a unique methodology she calls “Psychobiophysical Healing”TM to effectively empower clients to achieve mental, emotional, physical and biochemical changes very quickly.
You Are Amazing! I’m excited to Start The Healing Process with You!! And I forgot to Say that I Definitely Suffer with Ptsd As well!