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ELIZABETH DEBOLD, Ed.D., is a leading authority on gender development and author of the New York Times Notable Book of the Year Mother Daughter Revolution (Addison-Wesley, 1993; Bantam, 1994) See link below.
For the past three decades, she has worked on the front lines of gender and cultural evolution as activist, researcher, journalist, consciousness explorer, and transformative educator. As a founding member of the Harvard Project on Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development, directed by Dr. Carol Gilligan, she made critical theoretical contributions to understanding the cultural roots of gender difference. Widely acknowledged for the power of these insights into women’s and men’s development, she has developed acclaimed programming based on her research for organizations such as the Ms. Foundation for Women, the Shift Network, Miss Hall’s School, and others.
Currently on the Education faculty of Meridian University, she served as Academic Director of The Graduate Institute’s Master of Arts program in Conscious Evolution and has also taught at Harvard University and the New School for Social Research. Dr. Debold has been sought as an expert on gender and the evolution of culture by major media outlets in the U.S. and abroad and has lectured in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe. Her work has appeared in academic publications, popular media, international anthologies and now in the German-language magazine, evolve, where she is part of the editorial team and writes a regular feature on gender.
Dr. Debold is a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Cultural Evolution, and the founder of One World in Dialogue, a global conversation space for people keen on transforming cultural conflict into creative friction through the integrating power of dialogue. Her current passion is the creation of “microcultures” for the development of new dynamics and connectivity between men and women. She lives in Frankfurt, Germany, in a networked community committed to creating a co-conscious, co-creative culture of We.

I was aware of Elizabeth’s work for a long time. She published very interesting articles on Enlightened Next, a journal about spirituality, to which I had subscribed for several years. This journal was very valuable for me in my exploration of Spirituality and the different existing approaches, as well to get to know about new topics which, living in the Italian countryside, otherwise wouldn’t have been able to know about.
The contributions of Elisabeth were very inspiring to me. Since she moved to Germany I met her in person at the conferences of the Integrales Forum and I could feel her natural authority, not only when she talked about her work. I am glad that she agreed to be part of WOMEN MATTERS and am looking forward to our collaboration in exploring women related topics in public.
EVOLVE Magazin für Bewusstsein und Kultur