Women Matters
A series with women in the Wisdom Factory
Recorded on Tuesday, August 8th 2017
How to transform challenges to stepping stones
Because of technical difficulties, this session was not streamed live but recorded via Zoom by Zammy Lea Meyer. Thank you!
In this episode the women of WOMEN MATTERS discuss the burning question:
How can we overcome challenges which threaten our progress towards the fulfillment of our common intention to be in service for a better world?
And generally:
What resources do we have which we can use to meet the present state of the world? How does that which we see and hear happening impact our lives and what can we do to meet our personal difficulties as well as the challenges in our nations? What resources do we need to develop in ourselves and which ones do we already have, ready to go? How can we act meaningfully in the world to help to get back into a state of balance?

Our present team: Luna Ceovelli, Monia Fruehwirth, Gertraud Wegst, Heidi Hornlein, Tammy Lea Meyer
About Tammy Lea Meyer
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Luna Ceovelli
True Health Warrior, Wellbeing Ninja – Her own journey through a life-threatening parasitic infection and learning to recover and heal body mind and spirit has led her to the work she does today. Luna is the founder of ONE Daily Wellness and co-founder of the Women’s Wealth Network in Vancouver, Canada, she is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Nutritional Counsellor. She works with clients in private practice coaching into the areas of reframing personal health, addictions, and directly addressing systemic underlying root cause issues. She believes in personal empowerment first and the body’s divine wisdom and innate ability to heal. She speaks on our intrinsic and intimate connection with the natural world; sacred living water, deep ecology, our indigenous roots and returning to right relationship and stewardship of the land and ourselves.
Luna is committed to a life of learning and continuos development, recognizing that every individual client and person she meets is also a sacred teacher. In this way she wishes to remain rooted in her humility, her human imperfections and her humble offering of service. She’s been on the front lines of transformation, knee dropping awe inspired awakening and dark nights of the soul have guided her to an engaged and continuous dialogue with what is. Deepening her practice with Family Systems, she is a student of Bert Hellinger’s Systemic Constellation work through her masterful teacher, Jan Hull, She is also a student of Acharya Aman, YogaJyoti and the Vedic Jyotish Counselling System. Luna lives and works on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples, whose land and elders continue to deeply inform her work.
About Monia Fruehwirth
Monika (Monia) is speaking out of the experience of 7 decades of an intense life which was dedicated to the evolution of consciousness in herself and others.
Monika is a true leader. Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is – translating innumerable amounts of texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.
Monika was one of the first women in the German-speaking Integral scene – which at first was very “head biased” – the enthusiasm about a brilliant theory. She introduced into the Integral Community the “Feminine Integral Consciousness Field”, a self-organized group of women who tried to translate the theory into their everyday life practice. My friendship with her began with being part of this group of women and their attempt to find a FEMININE WAY of bringing the Integral WORLDVIEW out into the WORLD.