February 24th at 10 AM PT/ 7 PM CET

It’s never too late to begin your future


Lowell Ann is an example on how the older years of one’s life could look like: She is curious and adventurous in exploring new things, in real life and online.

New technologies, which normally are met with rejection by older people, are welcomed as challenges to be mastered:

How does the smartphone work? A website? Live streaming? New tools and platforms here and there? I am glad to be part of her exploration circle where we share what we find and learn.


STREAMED LIVE HERE on February 24th 2017
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It’s Never Too Late to Begin your Future with Lowell Ann Fuglsang

00:00 Introductions and mechanics…and Lowell Ann corrects me!

06:40 Heidi asks how Lowell Ann has gotten so involved in so much change.

07:40 A bit of her historya series of new beginnings, always working with people, the arctic in Yellowknife and new careers for both her and her husband.

15:50 Acknowledgement of the audience and their questions.

16:65 How she got interested in technology and appearing on screen as a way to reach her public clients.

23:43 Her success online depends on those who come to participate!

24:40 How Integral Theory and Ken Wilber got added to her tool bag and how helpful in became in working with clients.  Also the enneagram!  We have choice!

34:14  A comment from the audience leads to a whole new discussion about expansion, not contraction!, including expansion to include friends of other ages!

39:00 Why do we hold back? Cultural expectations?
40:00 Lowell Ann really wants to talk about her choral work and how enriching that is, not just for her but for the whole community.  It’s a model for both personal and cultural expansion. This is right up Heidi’s alley with her singing well.  Find a choir!

50:14 How they teach newbies who “can’t sing” to discover that they can: “composting!” How that generalizes to speaking and being heard; a metaphor for life.

52:28 Info about starting your own community choir.

54:10 Contrast with “homes for seniors” where Lowell Ann volunteers one day a week and the isolation which counters the healthiness of communities – and a community online!.

57:07 Find a group to share your passion with; don’t do it alone!

58:00 Lowell Ann has found a local group where they discuss Ken Wilber’s work and she knows she needs to learn more, especially about states of consciousness.  Then goodbye’s and thank you’s and invitations to the after-show talk on Facebook.


In former times “getting old” meant stopping the hard work we had done all our adult lives. Most older people felt unhappy and unfulfilled, women became full time grandmas and found some purpose in that while men often felt useless and chose to decay early and to die prematurely.

Today we know that our life span has much to do with the meaning we give to our lives. So if we want to live longer and feel fulfilled and even – yes – happy in our “second adulthood”, we need to live a purposeful life.

How do we get there? First of all we must not get lazy, disinterested, bored or anxious. All this shuts down our systems . We need to actively find a new purpose in life. We can also continue to work on the one we pursued before, maybe with different rhythms, topics and actions.

Our guest Lowell Ann Fuglsang is a splendid example of how to create an active and meaningful life in older age by courageously going out into the world and doing what she loves to do: helping others to succeed.


Lowell Ann Fuglsang (pronounced Fullsang in English) began her career as an Employment Counsellor with Canada Manpower in Moncton NB in 1975. She moved north and worked with the department in various capacities, all focused on helping Arctic northerners find meaningful work.  She trained counsellors and program deliverers until 1997 when she retired to start her own consulting business (Workstyle-Lifestyle Consulting) .

All of her professional life she has been actively and passionately involved in training and personal development, both as a participant and a facilitator/trainer/coach.  Committed to ensuring the personal and professional success of her clients, her lifestyle and philosophy is based on a firm belief in the importance of a balance in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual development.

She has hosted an Embrace Aging video series with a couple of colleagues and currently hosts a weekly Being Your Own CEO Success Circle for solopreneurs via Hangout On Air. Participants enjoy each other’s company while sharing techniques and information and providing moral support to each; they even end up doing business together! She has just completed her 122nd session.

She is currently working on an extended program to help people find their Third Age Purpose that will be a full exploration of each of these quadrants.