Dec 2nd at 10 AM PT/ 7 PM CET
Integral life practices in any age? Monia Fruehwirth
“Integral Life Practice” is a book that brings into practice what was outlined in Integral Theory, created by the most translated – and most ignored – philosopher, Ken Wilber.
Integral Theory opens minds to how reality is structured and how can we be in the world in the best possible way, approaching everything from as many perspectives as possible – and from all 4 quadrants.

STREAMED LIVE HERE on December 2nd 2016
Any integral life practice needs to include practices of all four quadrants of reality. We need to look inside ourselves, with meditation, shadow work and similar practices. Then we need to find our place and contribution to the culture we are in and which we are co-creating. We need to be intellectually active, learn new things, read books in human wisdom areas – and we need to take part and co-create in institutions and communities.
Think about your life: where are you most interested? And which quadrants do you try to avoid? “Classically” women were more interested in the inner work and in creating connection – the left hand quadrants, while men were more concerned about knowing things, technology, science and so on. And they were engaged in organisations, the church, the business, politics: all a men-dominated place.
What do we need to do to engage in an INTEGRAL life practice? Not only meditation, not only technology! What can we chose from all areas, and is there a time in life, a certain age, where we would do one version and not another?
Monia is speaking out of the experience of 7 decades of an intense life which was dedicated to the evolution of consciousness in herself and others.
Monia is a true leader. Thanks to her constant efforts the philosophy of Ken Wilber was introduced and spread in Germany. Her way of adopting leadership was – and is – translating innumerable amounts of texts, publishing articles, editing print media and creating the German Integral Association together with some like minded people.
Monia was one of the first women in the German-speaking Integral scene – which at first was very “head biased” – the enthusiasm about a brilliant theory. She introduced into the Integral Community the “Feminine Integral Consciousness Field”, a self-organized group of women who tried to translate the theory into their everyday life practice. My friendship with her began with being part of this group of women and their attempt to find a FEMININE WAY of bringing the Integral WORLDVIEW out into the WORLD.
Thank you Heidi, Monika and Mark for letting the following question emerge:
+ “What do you rely on?” – ultimately, when crucial parts of your life perish.
Thank you Ulrike for you deeply felt comment. Where can we hold ourselves in times of severe challenge? The existential question unfolds and we have to face it. I wish you all the energy needed!