Do you have any idea why this week’s Friday is considered black?
I had never heard about that special Friday before I entered in close relationship with people living in USA, and when I first heard about Black Friday, I really had no idea what it could mean.
Yes, I know now, that this is a special day for special offers and people assault the shops and fight for the very few REALLY heavily reduced things which, otherwise, they couldn’t afford. But why is this Friday BLACK?
Black is the color of mourning, of death, but also of seriousness – if you think about the clothing of classical musicians in traditional concert settings. You wear a black suit for your wedding, for baptizing your child in church and for bringing your loved ones to their grave – at least we still do that here in most parts of Europe.
Black is considered a non-color, as well as white. It stands for something hidden or even illegal, like “black market” or “black money” and “working in black”.
So why is this Friday BLACK?
Is there black money to be spent? Hidden things come to light? Illegal goods can be sold? Doesn’t seem to me, but I don’t know. Or are you supposed to be serious, well educated when entering the places – instead of fighting to be the first? Or is it something to mourn about? Actually, I plead for the last, as I find it absolutely strange that people become like hyenas in following their prey.
The first time I consider Black Friday
Whatever it is, wherever this expression comes from, it slowly gains ground also in Europe and even in my own thoughts – and that is the reason for this post.
I have greatly benefitted from a community which now, for BLACK FRIDAY releases a special price for the yearly membership. I have learned in only 4 months how to create and set up my websites, I have been given marvelous support and I have become confident in being able to learn all this technical stuff we need to bring our message into the world.
If you want you can also learn about online – and affiliate marketing, but this is not my choice. I am there because I learn all about websites, how to construct them and how to have them found by Google.
A big chance for you, Techie or not, to control your online presence.
So if you are a non-techy person and still want to have a fully functional website without having to rely on paid folks (whom you cannot really control if you yourself don’t know what matters and what not) – Join the WEALTHY AFFILIATES COMMUNITY – where you can also host 25 websites, all inclusive for only $299 a year. For me it was a revelation which I was looking for since I first wanted a website. Now I am able to do it myself – and it has become really exciting. Maybe it will be the same for you, too?
THE SPECIAL OFFER STARTS ON November 25th at 10AM PST = 7PM Central Europe.
If you want just to try out, you have always 7 days free membership at the premium level and you can create 2 free websites which you can keep even if you never upgrade to premium. But if you REALLY want to be found by your audience via a functional website, you will upgrade, as I did, after only a few days, as soon as you have understood the enormous value you get for this little money – and believe me, I have spent twenty times more before I found this platform and the price-result comparison is 100% for WA
Nice essay on Black Friday and its American roots. But there is also another wrinkle on that term, and it is linked to the Turkey Thursday just the day before it.
Thanksgiving Day always falls on the 4th Thursday in November, a national holiday established by Abraham Lincoln during his presidency in the great civil war of the 1860’s. That special day has in the 20th century evolved to be seen as the date of the beginning of the Christmas shopping season as soon as stores reopened the very next day.
Merchants always count on that day, Black Friday, to see their balance sheets “go into the black” – that is begin to show a profit for the year. In bookkeeping, black is good, but deficits, liabilities, debts, etc. are in contrast traditionally marked in RED ink. Hence Black Friday was always seen as good.
Of course we’ve always noted that on Thursday we gave thanks for all that we had but then immediately on Friday we went shopping for everything that we didn’t have!