WOMEN MATTERS – a series of The Wisdom Factory bringing together women from different places of the world to discuss what we perceive as reality and what we can do about it
The replays start with the episodes in 2018, below 2017 – which will also have their own event page (click on the link under the video)
Scroll down for previous conversations. Please feel free to add your comments on the bottom of the page
Women, Men, Culture or Biology? and more
with Heidi Hornlein, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer, Monia Fruehwirth, Anna Harris and Luna Ceovelli
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
SENSING AND SILENCE – Introducing Feminine Qualities in public discussions
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst,
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
How can we stay inspired to work towards a sustainable future
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
What are our resources to meet the present crisis of the world?
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer and Luna Ceovelli
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
Each One Help One:
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer
In this special episode of WOMAN MATTERS the five women follow an idea of Tammy Lea Meyer to collaborate in “helping” one member with a specific problem by process work. Bettina Hartman guides us through the process which was recorded on Zoom, now published with the permission of everyone involved.
Conscious Human Flocking: In preparation for the workshop
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer and Luna Ceovelli
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
The German Integral Conference and The Common Intention of this group
with Heidi Hornlein, Bettina Hartmann, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer and Luna Ceovelli
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
How to transform challenges to stepping stones
with Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer, Monika Frühwirth and Luna Ceovelli
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
Addressing the key challenges which humanity is facing today
with Heidi Hornlein, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer and Monia Fruehwirth
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
How can we help to clean the present mess in the world?
with Heidi Hörnlein, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer, Monia Frühwirth and Anna Harris.
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation here
How did we meet the challenges and pursue our intentions in 2017?
with Heidi Hörnlein, Gertraud Wegst, Tammy Lea Meyer, Monia Frühwirth and Anna Harris.
Find more info and the TIMESTAMPS of this conversation HERE
Conversations in 2016
Uncovering unconscious barriers in women’s participation in the world
This is the topic of our first conversation in WOMEN MATTERS. Despite of what we have reached: why are there still a significant bigger number of men in leading positions? In conferences, in big organisations, in politics, economy, everywhere?
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi (Adelheid) Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
How do we empower ourselves and each other? Women brainstorm together
This is the second conversation of *WOMEN MATTERS*, new project of The Wisdom Factory where we come together to explore what we women, particularly, can give to the world and where we have to put our attention to become able to really do that.
Streamed live on Jun 22, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Monika Schmidt
Monika is a native Bavarian and grew up as the youngest of three. As a mother of two, she went through the wide range of educational everyday experience throughout thirty years. In her professional life she is engaged with all levels of school education up to university as well as in coaching and consulting with all, students teachers and parents. Monika started her “life in social media” in early days of Facebook, but turned out as an evangelist with Google and Google+.
A huge caesure in her life was to be diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. Like an earthquake, nothing looked like it was before. She is trying to verify the basic believes she held. Now she tracing the changes about what it means. The “role” of being a women-wife-mother-individual has changed several times in her life and is still being created new, every day. Glad to be here!
The Path of us Women today: from PRO-Creation to CO-Creation
*We come together to explore what we women, particularly, can give to the world and where we have to put our attention to become able to really do that*.
Streamed live on Jul 13, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Monika Schmidt
Monika is a native Bavarian and grew up as the youngest of three. As a mother of two, she went through the wide range of educational everyday experience throughout thirty years. In her professional life she is engaged with all levels of school education up to university as well as in coaching and consulting with all, students teachers and parents. Monika started her “life in social media” in early days of Facebook, but turned out as an evangelist with Google and Google+.
A huge caesure in her life was to be diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. Like an earthquake, nothing looked like it was before. She is trying to verify the basic believes she held. Now she tracing the changes about what it means. The “role” of being a women-wife-mother-individual has changed several times in her life and is still being created new, every day. Glad to be here!
0:00 Introduction of the show and the 3
1:35 Barbara Marx Hubbart: “from procreation to co-creation”
4:40 Tammy: She always knew she wouldn’t have kids, although she considers having kids the most important job, but she knew she needed her energy to be devoted to the global transition. Investing in our collective future
6:54 Monika had children, always wanted them. You are busy to maintain the relationships with each person in the family in the same intense way – limits the number of children. Personal development of Monika accompanied the development of her children, in terms in her jobs as a teacher: from primary school to university.
9:20 The need of setting boundaries – for oneself and in education. Difference between men and women in the ability of going for their own career. A collective experience
11:38 Gertraud combines both: wanted to have children, and she worked right from the beginning when she became mother. The journey for having a better relationship and as a mother. Deep transition in herself by having children. Commitment: “Be the best parents we could be” – in constant personal development and constant contact with the children during their growing up.
18:17 feminine qualities are not only in women, also men can develop them more
20:10 Elli Drake: Men go on adrenalin, women on oxytocin = bonding and nourishing = the qualities of the feminine part. Our projects are kind of our babies. And we need to be able to receive support.
22:40 Tammy: move from competition to receiving and use our body sense to understand what to do. See the interconnection of the things, Barbara Marx Hubbart: the future as a co-creative development process: what can that look like? – we are doing it!
24:30 Tammy talks about North America, racism etc. Need to show up in a different way! We are co-creating the future, whether it is intentional or completely unconsciously.
27:10 Heidi: Set clear boundaries is a necessity: distinction between caring and overgiving and depleting oneself: Women were and somewhere still are supposed to sacrifice their life for the family
29:15 Monika: expectation for women to be in the world – a tradition until the 1960ies. Realise now that boundaries are essential for life. The question is WHICH Boundaries and how we are setting them up- especially in education. The 4 CORNERS of the boundaries: confidence, love, consideration – within these the children should be free to grow up. Strict, strong and save boundarties
32:00 How did we manage the boundaries? Monika replies regarding education, Heidi asks for boundaries towards what we as women should be. Monika: Trust your feeelings and thoughts. Don’t make compromises, only if both can live well with it.
35:25 Tammy: Investing in people and movements. New economy and new ways of working, systems change. Value time so when investing it to be able to do it in ways to serve all. The question of the financial support for the work we are doing. Balance between giving and receiving? Transition from the dominant paradigm to the sharing and gifting way.
40:30 Working for free – the old story of women?
41:00 Gertraud: Normal way of compensation doesn’t work any more (injustice etc). Unconditional basic income? TAlking to Monika: Being honest to my values and I don’t compromise and stepping over that (instead of talking about boundaries in the sense of fences)
42:45 “The world of abundance I want to have – includes ME!” – the new feminine way is, NOT to exclude ourselves.
43:46 Tammy gives an example of small steps of self care
44:36 Love goes first towards inside. Only giving out depletes. Appreciation is the basis.
45:45 Heidi: Giving and what happens in the name of love is not really giving, but attached expectations
47:24 Tammy asks for sharing what we are CO-CREATING in our personal life
48:05 Heidi: bringing perspectives together and open our minds: help women to become visible and to step up
49:27 Monika: collaboration in writing on education with Montessori principles. Living education for children to learn how to master their lives
51:56 Gertraud: for a long time she is in collaboration and co-creation. Business out of the appreciative inquiry. A book is being co-created just now. Unity in DIversity was a project of co-creation. RIng-coaching as a platform.
56:40 Tammy: appreciates our group: How do we bring this forth and build together the future. Document processes and document what is already happening. Finding the tools. Conversation to come to new insights of how to co-create the future together.
1:01 doing the jump! Please join the blog: “Women – share your Wisdom” http://wisdomfactorywomen.blogspot.it/
We empower ourselves: appreciation and inquiry in action
We empower ourselves: appreciation and inquiry in action
We come together to explore what we women, particularly, can give to the world and where we have to put our attention to become able to really do that. Please do join us as we continue our journeys of personal transformation as we build towards a world that supports the contributions of us all.
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi (Adelheid) Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
Exploring our dreams and visions, weaving a group field
The fifth conversation of WOMEN MATTERS:
We come together to explore what we women, particularly, can give to the world and where we have to put our attention to become able to really do that. Please do join us as we continue our journeys of personal transformation as we build towards a world that supports the contributions of us all.
Streamed live on Aug 17, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Monika Schmidt
Monika is a native Bavarian and grew up as the youngest of three. As a mother of two, she went through the wide range of educational everyday experience throughout thirty years. In her professional life she is engaged with all levels of school education up to university as well as in coaching and consulting with all, students teachers and parents. Monika started her “life in social media” in early days of Facebook, but turned out as an evangelist with Google and Google+.
A huge caesure in her life was to be diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. Like an earthquake, nothing looked like it was before. She is trying to verify the basic believes she held. Now she tracing the changes about what it means. The “role” of being a women-wife-mother-individual has changed several times in her life and is still being created new, every day. Glad to be here!
Questioning is our power: Envisioning connecting the dots
We all have important perspectives, as human beings, about the state of the world today and the challenges we face. Join us as we explore some of those challenges, through our questions, thoughts, and how we are meeting those challenges in the work that we do. We invite our participants to bring their ‘full selves’, in an effort to envision how we may connect the dots.
This week:
1. European constellation in Hungary and Berlin: The “FEMININE” felt disconnected and could only begin to move when embraced by “Self confidence”
2. Fracking and earthquakes: how much is not known publicly. How people like Dutchsinse get bullied for giving the inconvenient info which the power structures try to suppress.
3. The economic system which is causing the dis-equilibrium and produces the disastrous state of our world of today.
4. What can we do, as individuals, to create a better world.
5. Energetic ways when facts don’t work to make people understand
6. the need for coming together and co-create new structures
7. the need to connect the many single initiatives aiming into the same direction. We need to connect and become empowered together to create what we couldn’t create alone.
Streamed live on Sep 6, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi (Adelheid) Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
1. European constellation in Hungary and Berlin: The “FEMININE” felt disconnected and could only begin to move when embraced by “Self confidence”
2. Fracking and earthquakes: how much is not known publicly. How people like Dutchsinse get bullied for giving the inconvenient info which the power structures try to suppress.
3. The economic system which is causing the dis-equilibrium and produces the disastrous state of our world of today.
4. What can we do, as individuals, to create a better world.
5. Energetic ways when facts don’t work to make people understand
6. the need for coming together and co-create new structures
7. the need to connect the many single initiatives aiming into the same direction. We need to connect and become empowered together to create what we couldn’t create alone.
How can we connect our forces and initiatives worldwide?
The 7th edition of WOMEN MATTERS in The Wisdom Factory.
There are millions of people ready to work for a better world, uncountable initiatives – like ours – and all are operating by themselves, with little or no connection with others on the same path. Alone we cannot reach very much, but when we combine our forces and energies, we literally can change the world.
But how can we get to know of each other, how to connect and how to enter into collaboration?
We discuss some initiatives which are pointing into this direction.
Streamed live on Sep 20, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Monika Schmidt
Monika is a native Bavarian and grew up as the youngest of three. As a mother of two, she went through the wide range of educational everyday experience throughout thirty years. In her professional life she is engaged with all levels of school education up to university as well as in coaching and consulting with all, students teachers and parents. Monika started her “life in social media” in early days of Facebook, but turned out as an evangelist with Google and Google+.
A huge caesure in her life was to be diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. Like an earthquake, nothing looked like it was before. She is trying to verify the basic believes she held. Now she tracing the changes about what it means. The “role” of being a women-wife-mother-individual has changed several times in her life and is still being created new, every day. Glad to be here!
About Ferananda Ibarra
Ferananda Ibarra is internationally recognized in collective intelligence and the next paradigm economics. The center of her work is social systems design very focused on Wisdom-Driven Organizations and Communities of purpose, place and practice. Ferananda designs experiences and facilitates processes in Europe, Mexico and the US and consults in intentional community design using an integral model she co-developed. As part of ‘The Metacurrency Project’ she works on currencies applications and Deep Wealth Design. www.villagelab.net
About Dr. Viviane Carson
Doctor Carson has several degrees (a total of seven) and two doctorates including degrees in Psychology, Metaphysical Science, a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and certification in 17 sub-modalities.
Dr. Carson is also a Certified Energy Therapist, Certified Domestic Abuse Specialist and is trained in E.F.T., Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time-Line Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, E.M.D.R., The Radiance Technique, Reiki, The Reconnection/Reconnection Healing TM and many other certifications, all registered professional techniques. She is also an ordained minister.
With over 30 years of experience in leading personal growth workshops and seminars and one-on-one counseling, Dr. Carson has developed a unique methodology she calls “Psychobiophysical Healing”TM to effectively empower clients to achieve mental, emotional, physical and biochemical changes very quickly. http://drvcarson.com/
How can we weave our intentions together more deeply?
We all have important perspectives, as human beings, about the state of the world today and the challenges we face. Join us as we explore some of those challenges, through our questions, thoughts, and how we are meeting those challenges in the work that we do. We invite our participants to bring their ‘full selves’, in an effort to envision how we may connect the dots.
This week:
1. European constellation in Hungary and Berlin: The “FEMININE” felt disconnected and could only begin to move when embraced by “Self confidence”
2. Fracking and earthquakes: how much is not known publicly. How people like Dutchsinse get bullied for giving the inconvenient info which the power structures try to suppress.
3. The economic system which is causing the dis-equilibrium and produces the disastrous state of our world of today.
4. What can we do, as individuals, to create a better world.
5. Energetic ways when facts don’t work to make people understand
6. the need for coming together and co-create new structures
7. the need to connect the many single initiatives aiming into the same direction. We need to connect and become empowered together to create what we couldn’t create alone.
Streamed live on Sep 6, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Monika Schmidt
Monika is a native Bavarian and grew up as the youngest of three. As a mother of two, she went through the wide range of educational everyday experience throughout thirty years. In her professional life she is engaged with all levels of school education up to university as well as in coaching and consulting with all, students teachers and parents. Monika started her “life in social media” in early days of Facebook, but turned out as an evangelist with Google and Google+.
A huge caesure in her life was to be diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. Like an earthquake, nothing looked like it was before. She is trying to verify the basic believes she held. Now she tracing the changes about what it means. The “role” of being a women-wife-mother-individual has changed several times in her life and is still being created new, every day. Glad to be here!
17: Matriarchy and Patriarchy – what about the feminine power?
Appreciative Inquiry, Story telling, what strength comes out of a challenge, knowing from each other
21: “listen to speak” – the difference in listening between men and women. Listening for answers versus to understand.
24: Tammy’s Peer to Peer listening project
28: Gertraut’s project: Unity in Diversity
34: Question about Family Constellation
39: what is the difference of Tammy’s podcast project and what we are doing here?
43: How to go deeper
45: Talking about future constellation work
Techniches and tools to create relationships and deeper understanding
The 9th edition of WOMEN MATTERS in The Wisdom Factory.
How can we create a deeper understanding of each other and explore ways of working together for our goals?
Last week we discussed some initiatives which are pointing into this direction. In this conversation between Tammy and Heidi Tammy gives a live example of a conversation technique she is using to do exactly this: get a deeper understanding of who the other person is.
Streamed live on Okt 29th, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
The 10the conversation of WOMEN MATTERS
What specifically can we women do in service to the world?
We all have important perspectives, as human beings, about the state of the world today and the challenges we face. Join us as we explore some of those challenges, through our questions, thoughts, and how we are meeting those challenges in the work that we do. We invite our participants to bring their ‘full selves’, in an effort to envision how we may connect the dots.
This week:
1. European constellation in Hungary and Berlin: The “FEMININE” felt disconnected and could only begin to move when embraced by “Self confidence”
2. Fracking and earthquakes: how much is not known publicly. How people like Dutchsinse get bullied for giving the inconvenient info which the power structures try to suppress.
3. The economic system which is causing the dis-equilibrium and produces the disastrous state of our world of today.
4. What can we do, as individuals, to create a better world.
5. Energetic ways when facts don’t work to make people understand
6. the need for coming together and co-create new structures
7. the need to connect the many single initiatives aiming into the same direction. We need to connect and become empowered together to create what we couldn’t create alone.
Streamed live on Dec 14th, 2016
Tammy was born, works and lives on unceded Coast Salish territory, in a community home in South Vancouver, Canada. A media experimentalist, social change agent and systems thinker, Tammy is passionate about democracy, the development of a people-centred economy, and supporting the emergent shift of social and economic systems. Tammy believes that through collaboration and conversation, we can knit together the initiatives that already exist to design a deeply integrated commons. Tammy is passionate about holding space and fostering the voices of community members to share their concerns, their hopes, and their ideas for a more just and sustainable world.
You can check out her work on Medium and youtube.
About Heidi – Adelheid Hörnlein
A native German and living in Italy for the past 30 years. I have an MA in communication science, was a professional singer, voice teacher, voice therapist before I was licensed in Gestalt Counseling and Transformative Coaching (Approach: ‘Feminine Power’ and related). I am also licensed as transformative leader. I am holding seminars and courses, live and online. My passion is 1:1 coaching for whatever difficulties people encounter in life, especially regarding relationships, but not only. AND I am passionate in doing live events like this one and HELP OTHERS TO BE CONFIDENT AND SHOW UP in public to bring their message into the world.
About Gertraud Wegst
Gertraud was born as the middle one of 7 children in Germany though her heart swims in international waters. Master coach, trainer and change midwife with experience in the mission of being source of apprecitation for people and organizations she believes that the people’s past and present are rich with positive experiences and insights and can be an infinite source for development, performance and success, if they are listened to carefully and with appreciation. Supporting this process with her colleagues of The Appreciators in personal and group coaching and training for leaders and in companies and with various co-operations in networks, communities of practice up to the Unity in Diversity Appreciative Inquiry process for midwifing a system of influence that nurtures celebrates, and energizes work that mattters and elnivens makes her heart sing.
About Monika Schmidt
Monika is a native Bavarian and grew up as the youngest of three. As a mother of two, she went through the wide range of educational everyday experience throughout thirty years. In her professional life she is engaged with all levels of school education up to university as well as in coaching and consulting with all, students teachers and parents. Monika started her “life in social media” in early days of Facebook, but turned out as an evangelist with Google and Google+.
A huge caesure in her life was to be diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago. Like an earthquake, nothing looked like it was before. She is trying to verify the basic believes she held. Now she tracing the changes about what it means. The “role” of being a women-wife-mother-individual has changed several times in her life and is still being created new, every day. Glad to be here!
About Dr.Viviane Carson
Doctor Carson has several degrees (a total of seven) and two doctorates including degrees in Psychology, Metaphysical Science, a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and certification in 17 sub-modalities.
Dr. Carson is also a Certified Energy Therapist, Certified Domestic Abuse Specialist and is trained in E.F.T., Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time-Line Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, E.M.D.R., The Radiance Technique, Reiki, The Reconnection/Reconnection Healing TM and many other certifications, all registered professional techniques. She is also an ordained minister.
With over 30 years of experience in leading personal growth workshops and seminars and one-on-one counseling, Dr. Carson has developed a unique methodology she calls “Psychobiophysical Healing”TM to effectively empower clients to achieve mental, emotional, physical and biochemical changes very quickly. http://drvcarson.com/
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