March 24th at 10 AM PT/ 7 PM CET
Getting older in Denmark – with Bettina Hartmann
The experience of getting older depends very much on where in the world we are living. There are countries like Italy, where we live, where the families still are taking care for the older people and old people’s home exist, but they are definitely not great. In India the situation is appallingly different (see our show with Winnie Sing). Northern Europe is considered the most advanced area in the world for many reasons, especially for their social services. So what does it feel like to live there and to get older? Bettina Hartmann is not yet “old”, but getting older is a phenomena which starts with 28, as our guest Kyriè Carpenter affirms.
STREAMED LIVE HERE on March 24th 2017
The Scandinavian Countries have harbored a bit of a scandalous mystery in contrast to other parts of Europe, especially south of the Alps, but also in America. Their “liberality” is legendary – as long as we’re talking about sexuality, gender equality, and “the welfare” state.
But what about other aspects of life? What about spiritual forces? How are non-traditional spiritual paths experienced in this open and liberal nation? What is it like to march into the very middle of adulthood in a rather Lutheran – and rather STRICT Lutheran – society. What leads one to question the paths of parents and grandparents? Bettina Hartmann is such a traveler, having traversed the honored ways, the modern skepticism, the post-modern personal truths, and onward to wherever she is now.
And she is growing older within a society which is also growing older. Some are also growing wiser, and some may not be. We can assume that Bettina wishes to remain included in that “wiser” – and perhaps happier – group as she grows older. Indeed some studies list age 47 as the “bottom of the U shaped curve” and then life becomes, well, “happier” – whatever that means. So Bettina, just 48, is on the upswing if her life is on schedule.
I would like to assist in bringing about consciousness and sustainable happiness in all our interactions, at every waking hour. At the supermarket, in the backyard, at Work, with friends, in bed, everywhere. If we include lucid dreaming, even in our sleep ? But particularly, my area of expertise is within teams and organizations, and my favorite book since 2015 has been Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux – it describes how wholeness, purpose and self-management is the new paradigm for organizations. I have a degree in engineering and certifications within project management, risk management, process facilitation, (group) coaching, etc.. having worked for 25 years in all sorts of Danish and international corporate, governmental and independent companies.
I am based in Copenhagen, Denmark; I meditate and do yoga daily, and I am part of various integral practice groups, both online and In Real Life. I love to walk and ride my bike everywhere, and in my spare time I do gardening, read books, watch movies and spend endless hours online: to interact, to learn and to collaborate and co-create globally ♥.
I find that the world has been run mostly on masculine, rational and action-oriented values for a very long time – now it’s time to allow both feminine and masculine values to work together! So that we can create new ways of working, not only in corporations but also in politics, in associations, etc. This requires not only a high degree of personal awareness of both talents and shadows, but also a high degree of awareness when communicating: Being aware both of myself, the other, the field between us as well as the collective consciousness. All while leading a conversation with one or more people … Not so odd, that this often doesn’t work out as intended!
A draft for a process called “Conscious Human Flocking”, created by Bettina Hartmann as a topic in “Women Matters”
The after show chat
Bettina as participant in our series “Women Matters”
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