Connecting with Oneself and Nature: Peace Valley, a project by Joy Foley


Every day we are bombarded with tragedies, rebellions, wars, and what not. The media are busy to choose those topics which allow them to show the most horrible scenes and the most fear mongering events. The average person, relying on the truthfulness of their TV channel or their newspaper, comes to the conclusion, that the earth is a horrible place, atrocious people everywhere, separation, corruption, violence, injustice: it is the everyday way of how we are kept prisoners of our perceptions .The cherry on top of the horror predictions: the world will collapse soon, we will die in a very short while if we don’t…..

This scenario is like the projection of a film on the surface of the world, the “known reality”. Under the surface there are different things going on. On the one side, probably, what is called the “deep state”, the few individuals who hold the power and try to direct the world where they want it to go. On the other hand, there are many, many individuals who rely on their personal power as sincere, truthful and responsible people who collaborate in an attempt to make real their vision of a truly better, evolved world. Of both groups we don’t hear a lot. There are obvious reasons why we are not really aware of the doings of the first group, and not so obviously striking reasons why we do not allow ourselves to be inspired by the second group.

In this group there are people like our guest Joy Foley who realized that her mission is to heal the wounds of the world. There are many teams dedicated to create change, not only “sustainable change”, but a complete recovery of the wounded earth and its beings. They are not loud, they do not organise huge protest events, they do not have time for those things which have no tangible effects except huge media coverage. They roll up their sleeves and go to work. They start with the doable things, always the big vision in mind. They plant trees and care for the soil, they don’t ask others to resolve the problems for them. They start small, work with constant effort and at the end they will have created the change, little by little, which most people believe needs to be done by governments or who knows by whom, but not by themselves.

Thanks God, there are millions of these private initiatives, also new kinds of businesses, with the vision of a truly functioning world where the primary needs of everyone can be met: affordable energy, clean water, clean air, affordable housing and healthy food. But they are not at all in the public awareness. They will bring wholeness back to our planet by becoming whole themselves as human beings and by seeing life as a sacred gift, as well as nature, our planet and the Kosmos. They are the pioneers – with the arrows in their back – because they often get defamed and attacked by the ignorant majority. They will be bringing about the change towards a better world for which we all are waiting. it always was in earth’s history: not the masses, but a relatively small group of evolving people cause the mindshift to a higher level. And then the others will come along, maybe not even noticing that it was not themselves, but the pioneers, who have done the important work.


You can download the full documents HERE

Peace Valley is a residential retreat which provides space to reconnect with ourselves, each other and nature in a way which honours all peoples and all of nature. Visitors experience simple off grid community living in tents in the bush, experiential learning of permaculture gardening and bush regeneration work, with facilitated activities from ‘The Work that Reconnects’, ‘Dragon Dreaming’ and ‘Theory U’. It is a mix of inner and outer ecosystem regeneration. How we are informs the quality of what we do. Mindfulness and meditation are integrated into the daily routine.

Our vision includes education of youth to empower them as future leaders, integrating wisdom from indigenous and western modalities alongside permaculture gardening and ecosystem restoration work. We are working with the Githabul Family, the stewards and custodians of the land where the project is situated. An important part of our vision is to shift from the current financial paradigm and Peace Valley is therefore run using ‘Gift Economy’ making it accessible to everyone no matter what their personal financial situation.

Ein Gespräch mit Joy auf DEUTSCH über die Chance, die uns die Corona Krise bietet finden Sie HIER

Sponsorship possibilities

Download the pdf HERE

0;00 Intro Heidi

1:25 Joy introduces herself: New Zealand, Uk, Germany, Australia. Vision quest and Peace Valley, embodied learning. “Lore of nature”

3:20 Where are aboriginal people living? How is life there for you? Where are the nearest people around you?

5:20 Is there still resentment against the invaders? Similar to Europe just now? Genocide still going on, children taking away from their families and removing the heritage. Anger and resentment, dysfunction, coming from violence.

7:15 A story about what a child had to witness the horror. Intergenerational trauma. Also the perpetrators are traumatised. Joy realised that only when she came to Australia.

8:40 Heidi about the experience in South Africa which re-dimensions our European complaints.

10:00 Joy: first nation members she met are the most compassionate people she had ever met. They have worked hard for healing the wounds while many European people are still in denial. 

11:00 Shadow work is not very popular in the Western World. America has not recognised their deeds.

12:15 History of Australia is focused on social technologies for thousands of years. “Purple” cares for the people of their tribe, even “adopted” people.

14:30 “Song lines”  = Knowledge holding lines.  Criss-cross all over Australia. Steward ship role for the family country, song lines cross the land. At the border one elder holds responsibility together with the responsible of the other family: Maintaining instead of going to war. You announce that you are coming. No fences needed.

18:20 Joy learned the history of Australia from the first nation perspective, not from European text books.

19:00 The Vision of Joy, her journey. The black cockatoo. The vision quest: bicycle tour from Germany to Rome. The breakdown breakthrough experience. The Zen Day. The information what she needed to do.

24:25 Gift economy and the peace valley project, which she already had prepared but didnÄt know which country. Where she could have gone. She had to come to Australia where the black cockatoo live around her.

26:40 How she came to the specific place to start Peace Valley. The second phase for the project starting now. The ecosystems have collapsed: Healing the headwaters, the source of the water, is the next stage of the project. 

29:50 Synchronicities are to happen. Interested people are needed, collaboration and donations are required for the next step.

31:15 Project is on gift economy basis, a tool to help heal the paradigm of “power over”. Generosity and pleasure of giving. In alignment with the law of the original people who didn’t use money. But still money is needed. You can donate here. Everyone should be able to have this experience of reconnecting to nature.

34:00 Heidi brings in INtegral Theory. Joy is aiming to people with higher development of consciousness. Joys experiences, mixed reactions. Giving without expectations as a learning curve.

36:00 Heidi reminds women to not fall back into the old habit of giving and giving and not asking anything back. The question of good boundaries. Many people re blown away of what Joy is doing and offering. Presence and deep listening, meditation.

37:45 Joy is part of the silent people who are constantly working for a better world, who get little media coverage. Heidi: real change will come by the constant dedicated work.

40:00 How to travel?

41:45 How is the situation there with the fires devastating Australia.

46:10 CO2 problem with burning trees. Joy will be replanting trees, do all sorts of measures for repair, based on first nations knowledge combined with permaculture.

48:35 Crowdfunding? Partnerships are forming. Peace Valley is included “Walking the Land” project. And recognised as “ecosystem restaurations camp” and more.

51:00 www.Peacevalleyau.org Mindfulness and research project on people experience peace valley. Joy needs a bigger team now. Volunteers can come. She holds the space in gift economy. Important to come more than 2 days. Even weeks and months. Everybody can offer the own skills.

54:00 Heidi on Wwoof /willing workers on organic farms)

55:00 Jpoy has 2 age-groups: post university young people and women around fifty in transition.

57:10 In Joys place you cannot avoid  forest bathing!


About Joy Foley

Joy Foley is both founder and facilitator. Her life experience includes creating organic gardens, off grid living, nature connection, yoga and mediation.

In Germany, she assisted in initiating a food cooperative and alternative community, and lived plastic free for a year.

She has completed facilitator training with the Pachamama Alliance and Applied Ecovillage Living (AEL) at Findhorn Community in Scotland. She speaks English, German and a little Italian.