The healing story of Hannelie

Heidi writes
This page is about two important meetings of the international group of women in The Wisdom Factory.
The first is abaout the incredible speed with which Hannelie healed her face burn. In the second we explore more generally about healing modalities by inquiring into our own ways of healing and spiritual and personal growth.
After our previous meeting of WOMEN MATTERS, Hannelie from South Africa told us to have had a bad accident. Boiling stuff exploded into her face and over her body and she had to be cured in hospital.
We other women of the group were really preoccupied that the beautiful loving and joiyfull appearance of Hannelie might be compromised by the wounds in her face, that she might have lasting signs of the accident.
What a surprise that she appeared in our next meeting, less than 2 weeks after the accident, with hardly any change in her appearance. How is this possible?
During our session, Hannelie told us about the accident, the cures she had been proposed, the amazment of the curing doctor about the incredible speed of her recovery – and also how she had managed to participate in it with her own ways and healing powers.
A very inspiring story and a reminderabout the importance of personal growth and spiritual practice, especially for the critical moments in life.
The conversations took place in January, 2022
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