We-Flow: a very practical exercise on finding our vision

Heidi writes
What do you do when you feel the overload of bad news and you fear to get stuck in a really bad mood? How can you maintain a positive vision for your life, for the future to come, instead of becoming depressed and losing courage?
Here comes a good example of what you could do. The women of Women Matters did a guided process together for discovering our vision for the future in a we-flow.. Listening to the recording you could do it, too.
The interesting thing was the mood changing through the process. Monia explicitly said at the beginning that she was very serious these days and that the state of the world was weighing on her. She didn’t want to be playful at all, but to stay serious. Myself I started out sort of neutral, but then, the more we were guided into movement and expression, the more I became serene and joyful, playing along with gestures and shapes. The same happened to Monia.
It is incredible how much our body influences our mood – and vice versa. When we feel down and hopeless, a certain dose of movement, dance, play around with our bodies creates miracles. When we are guided, this certainly is more easy than when we have to motivate ourselves to do these movements which seem swoon odd or strange. But when we do them together, they become fun, they increase our energy and pull us out of the gloomy mood.
Although we cannot change the outside reality directly by getting ourselves into an energetic space, indirectly we can contribute for a betterment of how things go. In this session we were to discover our vision for the future. With a clear vision we will be able to manifest it in the world. With that we contribute to an increase of positive energy which, no doubt, has influence on the whole energy field. If enough of us do this work, the field strengthens and can lead to a shift of the previous tendencies into a different direction.
Don’t wait for others to change the world, do it yourself! Be part of the many groups and individuals who work on this goal, alone and in groups. It sounds unspectacular and for someone even silly to believe that we, everyone of us, could be able to do something with evidently no decision power in the outside world. But directing ourselves into a positive mindset, we are able to inspire others to come out of the gloomy desperation mood and help them to access their creativity and possibilities for doing the unprecedented. All together we can change the world from the bottom up by shifting the prevailing energies, first in ourselves, then in our social surroundings and, from there, spreading out into the whole world.
About the videos below:
We practiced We-Flow, guided by Gertraut Wegst and Hannelie Venucia in 3 consecutive appointments.
In the first we worked on finding the vision, in the second we went into the manifestation of the vision and in the third we came to the conclusion, the integration of the previous sessions and what actions could follow the process
This first conversation took place on July 20th, 2020
This second conversation took place on August 3rd, 2020
This third conversation took place on August 10th, 2020
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