2021: Looking forward and backward

Heidi writes

Sharing intentions and looking back on the year which has just began

We are living in forced disconnect from others for almost one year now. Our governments restrict us in our life force, they hinder us to breath freely and the reduce our expression into ghostly mimicry behind the strangely moving masks. Our connection is limited to our eyes, seen from a far distance. How can a child tell if her mother is smiling on him? Small children are frightened of robots like humans circling around them behind plexiglas or plastic shields. That is not the world humans can live in and deepen their humanness. This is an artificial world leaving deep marks on our souls and pushing into trauma for whole generations.

When we started our meetings of Women Matters several years ago, the online format seemed to be somehow artificial, lacking the direct physical contact. Today it has become the only place where we can gather freely and see each others’ faces, creating deep connections. I am really grateful for this opportunity, but all of us have always expressed the desire to meet live and in person one day – without masks or any other restriction on our humanness.

January, the month of intentions for the beginning year. In our first session we explored exactly this topic, the dark layer of Corona restrictions hovered over us and sometimes it was as if we don’t really believe in our own intentions due to the overarching insecurity of how the situation might unfold. The second session definitely shifted the energy into something beautiful.

Led by Gertraud we first did our check ins – still quite caught in the gloominess of lockdowns and all sorts of negative impressions. Then we were led to imagine the end of the present year, some time in December 2021, looking back on the whole year and sharing what we experienced and accomplished. It was a real miracle how everyone of us entered into a truly positive energy talking about what had been. Clearly, we all knew that we were still to accomplish all that in the next months, but the pull from the future was clearly potent and uplifting. The energy had shifted completely compared to the beginning of the session.

For me, personally, this is another reminder that reality is relative, especially our emotional response to what we perceive as reality. It is a reminder of the power of imagination. It is a request to humanity to use our creative imagination to explore visions for the future, to allow the Universe and the desired future to pull us up towards it. A really powerful exercise which everyone should practice as often as possible.

The conversations took place in January, 2021

The intentions for 2021

Looking back from December 2021 – as if…


Gertraud Wegst. Portrait.

Gertraud Wegst

Portrait of Monika Frühwirth

Monia Fruehwirth


Heidi Hornlein

Ann Roberts

Christine Baser Habib

Christine Baser Habib

Martini Rieser

Martini Rieser

Beatrice Antonie Martino