The Integral Oratorio with Steve Banks

Over the last 6 years, Steve has composed a major new choral work, “Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio”, inspired by a deep desire to convey Ken Wilber’s Integral vision through the beauty and power of music. We will talk about how Steve came to write this ground-breaking piece, what makes ‘Integral’ music ‘Integral’, and the world premiere which will be on 27.2.2021.
What is “Integral Music”? Is an “integral oratorio” different when composed by an integrally informed composer? Can music be seen through the lens of integral theory? And what is the “integral” part of the composition?
These questions are subject of the conversation with Steve Banks who is planning the premiere for the coming year. In the meantime we can listen to demo recordings of single parts. (see links below). Listening can open your understanding and the inquiry into how an integral worldview can impact arts, especially music. (previous and future conversations on Arts and Music HERE)
Published for February 19th, 2020
About Steve Banks
Steve Banks is a musician, Integral composer and workshop leader. He has performed with many ensembles from the London Symphony Orchestra to the Carnival Band. He has played for rituals based on Dagara traditions, and has co-led Rites of Passage for men. His major new composition, an ‘Integral Oratorio’, is the first of its kind. He has been an Integral and meditation practitioner for 25 years. He has created the experiential course ‘Demystifying Mysticism’ based on Wilber’s work. www.stevebanks.info

The page where you can listen to the whole demo recording of “Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio”: http://www.stevebanks.info/integraloratorio/blue-pearl-listen/
The slides from Steve’s IEC 2018 presentation on Integral Music: http://www.stevebanks.info/integral-european-conference-2018/integral-music-slide-presentation/