Conscious Evolution: A conversation with Robert Cobbold

Heidi writes

Evolution has been happening for Millions of years. All creatures on earth lived their lives without realising what was going on at the bigger scale. Humans became conscious about it not very long ago. Darwin found exciting new things about how the world was working. But his fellow humans reduced his insights into the message: the fittest survives and hence we had a justification for our striving to become tough and outcompete others.

In the last few decades some people realised that this way of thinking about ourselves was not correct. We also found out that not only children grow up into adulthood, but that adults have the possibility to step over their present edges and grow up into further evolutionary stages which express themselves in developing different needs, thoughts and interpretations of what they perceive.

We found out that not only biological evolution is taking place on our planet but it happens in many more areas than we were imaginating. What we see today is the gap between our mental cognitive evolution as humans and our emotional and moral evolution. With our technologies literally every human being has the power to destroy our planet – or to take considered action to foster its well being. For knowing what to do best, personal growth and evolution is crucial. We need to overcome “first tier” consciousness, the fight against each other’s beliefs and actions, we need to grow into the ability of sorting out what fosters understanding and cooperation and what creates fear, hate and destruction. We need to help people to see the bigger picture and to evolve out of their limitations.

Well. yes. But we know that there are limits to individual growth and development and everyone has the right to stop that process and stay in the level and worldview where they are in. And even if someone chooses to grow up, it takes years to reach the respective next level. But we need to resolve our problems NOW. So what can we do?

Many people are working on this issue right now, building conversation groups or podcasts – as I do, for instance, to inspire people to get on, open their hearts and minds and embrace a more balanced and informed perspective on where we are and where we want and need to direct ourselves. I met Robert Cobbold and his new podcast series and I believe that he has created a very inspiring way to reach people catering to their curiosity to know better and to meet the ideas of big names of the past who had important things to say. He allows these great philosophers and scientists to speak themselves and he creates an atmosphere where learning is pleasure. He is aiming to high professionality – and this will attract people with a modern scientific perfectionist worldview. The topics are interesting for postmodernists and so there is the hope that the listeners will be inspired to prepare the jump into “second tier”, the level of development where fighting other opinions is abandoned in favor of exploring what they could bring to the table.

In our conversation we touched SIMPOL, the possibility to actively take part in the political process by engaging and voting in certain ways (You can find more about SIMPOL in previous episodes with the founders) and we also talked about climate change and how to approach it, a topic which is very much at my heart and what I feel needs to be addressed in a more rational and less emotional and ideological way. We need to research in much deeper ways and in many more directions than jump on the wagon of ideological propaganda! It seems harder than ever in our present world where the conversation has regressed into very low levels of consciousness and behaviour..

Evolution will go on without our conscious participation – in ways that might not be pretty. If we don’t manage to become conscious and willing to cooperate instead of fighting presumed enemies and literally everything and everyone we are digging our own grave. There might be mass extinction – not necessarily by climate change -, if we don’t get it right by using our rationality and grow our emotional intelligence and learn to transcend our primordial instincts of fight, flight and freeze.

Evolution doesn’t care if our world is thrown back thousands of years. We DO care, we want to survive, personally and as a species. But today it is not the question of the fittest, but of the wisest and most resourceful. By becoming conscious about ourselves, about our human possibilities and limitations and about our motivations and intentions, we could accelerate the process in order to create a better world. If we let go and allow the present forces of low level consciousness to rule our future, we might not make it. We need highly conscious and skilled leadership who can see the bigger picture and act from there – instead of fighting the opposition, bribed by destructive actions and promising short term goodies because they want to be elected again. We need courageous people to take it on to lead our world out of the dark ages into the future.

Videopost for October 7th, 2020

0:00 Intro Heidi

0:58 Rober about his past , how his worldview developed and his intention to share the message in order to shift the worldview into evolutionary integral view.

3:45 What is different: contribution to the evolutionary process. Short explanation of conscious evolution and purpose in life

5:30 H: the levels of development: our present situation: Question: how come that spiritual awakening has led you there.?

6:30 Roberts answers: No steady state improvement is guaranteed. Evolutionary process needs to be seen on a bigger time scale. Either mass extinction event or birthing process of a higher level society?

8:25 H: we need the feminine approach.

10:00 Robert: now: foundation of competition needs integration with cooperation.

H: the need to have the feminine as a peer.

11:50 R: Humans are not apex predators any more. Asymmetric position, need to stuard the complexity of the process. MAternal mindset: nurturing the complexity rather than extracting for oneself.

13:55 How can our level of thinking and responsibility for the continuation of life: How can we find a language to have people to become aware of the need of smart action.

15:30 Robert answers how he entered into this mindset. Interpretation of spiritual awakening experience. Deluded about the nature of reality. Secrets out there to inquire and learn. Lines of development to bring ahead. Learning and development is still to do. Maintaining curiosity. Never stop learning 

21:00 Robert: The levels which think the other one completely off. In Integral you can see the whole ladder and previous levels steps to get there, you cannot cut off the steps of a ladder!

22:45 Every critic is partly right, too, at least there can be something they see what you yourself cannot see.

24:25 R: how do  we market the different worldview? Example climate change: teaching in schools with a climate change game Rober has developed to model the complexity. Find the right way to convey the message. What do people find meaningful? Transcends the different levels. Go beyond the different worldviews.

24:45 How can we learn the language of the other levels? How do we communicate? Robert’s podcast. WOuld it speak to people in lower levels of development?

30:30 Modern system and green: it makes sense to them. Hopefully also to the previous levels, especially traditional value systems: etc: being of service to others…

32: How to reach people and who do you want to reach?#

32:40 Especially post-modern value, starting to question the judgemental priesthood and internal contradictions in postmodernism. It remains to be seen who it reaches.

33:50 Lecture and included original voices of the quoted people.

35:20 Preliminary final question: contact information? 

A short summary by Robert, adding the collective aspect. Learn the history of evolution. How to get into global collaboration?

37:40 Robert names SIMPOL and explains shortly what it is: Incentivizing the local deputee which you would elect.

39:00 Previous interviews with John Bunzl and Nick Duffell: giving back the power of voting to the people.

39:50 Heidi names the book from Bjorn Lomborg about Climate Change. What to do best to meet the problems. The public opinion is mostly based on ideology and wishful thinking. 

42:45 Question: is it worse or better? – the cure shouldn’t be more desastrous than the illness Prevention in comparison to the dmage costs. Where to put the money best? Doing the right thing instead of only believing. Normally we think we know but we don’t really know the reality of our world. Hans Rosling:  

47:35 RObert on the nature of money and non linear technological shifts. How money is created. Example rain forest. What gets funded and what not. Money should be a function of the state. Redesigning money would change the world. 

49:50 The present situation, the money is needed to survive. Need of complete different technology.  

51:00 need of global cooperation. Global debt, running to stay in the same place. Get rid of the debt. Non linear technological shift: all that will happen together. TEchnology and food, growing food free of need for land or sunlight. Disruption will be huge which changes how we do economy. Needs a coordinated species and unite in the world.

54:00 Heidi’s reply: I prefer natural organic food, not artificial food. Not become a slave of technology. The importance of free energy and different agriculture. Maybe a wise leadership would be the means to change. 

56:00 We need integral leadership: Invitation to Robert to become such a leader


About Robert Cobbold

Robert Cobbold is a philosopher, educator and public speaker who has delivered transformative educational experiences to over 40,000 young people worldwide.

He is founding editor of Conscious Evolution, an online publication and podcast aiming to disseminate the evolutionary worldview, and kindle an evolutionary transition.


Conscious Evolution was passionately brought forward by the great Barbara Marx Hubbard

Conscious Evolution : Two episodes of the podcast