Chris Bache and his visions for the past and the future of humanity


Heidi writes

This page is about tho first meeting in March of the international group of women in The Wisdom Factory.

The topics we talked about: The use of drugs for exploring higher levels of consciousness

In this meeting Christine reports an event at San Diego Integral with  a talk by Christopher Bache about his experiences in the last two decades of the last century, concerning the expansion of consciousness. We chose to dedicate the session to this topic.

Chris’ book „LSD and the mind of the Universe – Diamonds from Heaven“ is the report about his 73 sessions under high dose of LSD. I listened to it as an audiobook only a few weeks after its release, I listened to it several times, I was totally fascinated about the visions he had and describes so brilliantly, and finally I bought the print version in order to be able to go back to certain moments and to digest it better.

Monia had the tendency to devaluate the content as „typical mal“ and „egocentric“, but in this case the male-female polemic doesn’t work. When you watch Chris Bache in interviews and in his first online course, you find out – as I did – that he is a humble human being transformed by his extremely deep experiences into someone who cares deeply about humanity and wants to offer his knowledge to as many people as possible.

I for myself was deeply touched by the revelations he was given during his journeys into a different reality, about the messages transported and about the suffering revealed as the purification necessary and deeply accompanied by the divine Love. The scenarios had the capacity to push you into depression and despair, but the chapter „the great awakening“ reveals the sense and importance of all that and the certainty of not only survival of humanity, but the outlook into a transformed and new kind of human being. This helped me to be with all the upheaval we are witnessing on earth right now and to see it from a different perspective, knowing that we will end up in a better place. This might take a long time, we might not witness the outcome personally, but we can be sure that it will be and that our present difficulties and sufferings have a place in the bigger picture.

In our conversation we touched similar experiences of Knowing (Hannelie“, but also scepticism. Especially the use of hallucinogenic drugs was contested. Chris Bache himself says that he would not recommend to anyone to repeat his journeys with such an extreme dose of the drug as it had heavy consequences for his body which was hardly able to cope with the huge amount of energies which it was exposed to.

One thing is clear: The use of drugs is not recommended as a thoughtless exercise in some social settings, as it was the case in the 60ies and for many people still today. As a tool for the exploration of consciousness and other levels of reality it is a precious tool which is safe to use in the presence of an experienced person, therapist or other.

The conversations took place in March, 2024


Gertraud Wegst. Portrait.

Gertraud Wegst

Portrait of Monika Frühwirth

Monia Fruehwirth

Hannelie Venucia


Heidi Hornlein

Christine Baser Habib

Christine Baser Habib

Christine King

Martini Rieser

Martini Rieser

Beatrice Antonie Martino