Lucid Dreaming and the Dream of My Life

Heidi writes

In this meeting we chose to talk about dreams, the normal night dreams, but also about the dreams we had – or still have – for our lives. Lucid dreaming was also a topic. This means to be fully aware that you dream while you dream. Some woman has practiced this special way of dreaming with success, others are not so familiar with it, but it seems desirable to realise what you dream. Possibly then we would also be able to redirect our dreams in a different direction.

What about the dreams of our lives? Did we manifest them? What is still missing, what are we dreaming right now to gain or become? An interesting hour of a vivid conversation.

The conversations took place in December, 2024


A group discusses personal exhaustion, cultural experiences, dreams, and life aspirations while navigating the complexities of life and community connections.


🎉 Cultural Celebrations: Participants share experiences of local festivities, highlighting community traditions.-

😞 Emotional Exhaustion: Many express feelings of fatigue and emotional challenges affecting their daily lives.-

🎶 Dreams in Music: Conversations reveal a desire to teach music and contribute to underprivileged communities.-

🌍 Community Connections: Participants seek to reconnect and make a difference in their communities through various initiatives.-

🧘‍♀️ Lucid Dreaming: The topic of lucid dreaming emerges, with discussions on its benefits and experiences.-

🔄 Life Aspirations: Reflection on personal dreams and the pursuit of fulfilling them, despite obstacles.-

💞 Supportive Relationships: The importance of family and supportive networks is emphasized in overcoming challenges.

Key Insights-

🎊 **Cultural Engagement:** Engaging in cultural events fosters community spirit and personal joy, highlighting the importance of tradition.-

😔 **Shared Struggles:** Emotional exhaustion is a common theme, indicating a need for communal support and understanding during tough times.-

🎵 **Musical Passion:** The desire to share musical knowledge reflects a longing for connection and purpose, especially in helping others.-

🤝 **Community Impact:** There is a strong desire to create positive change within communities, demonstrating the power of collective action.-

🌌 **Exploring Dreams:** Lucid dreaming presents a unique opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery, encouraging participants to explore their subconscious.-

🧗‍♀️ **Life’s Journey:** Individual aspirations evolve over time, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and continuous learning.-

❤️ **Value of Relationships:** The discussions highlight the significance of supportive relationships in navigating life’s challenges and pursuing dreams.

okay women matters in the first days of December 2024 here is Austria Italy and San Diego more or less California all together and who I think we go to you Victoria because you have to eat your breakf so you first do your check in and then you can eat um kma we say in Italian see um jti um we should try Italian Italian women matters and then French um I well my main check-in unfortunately is that I’m just incredibly insanely exhausted and um I’m so exhausted that I cried all morning this morning and I it doesn’thave to do I mean my life is a nightmare but doesn’t mean I have to cry every day um I don’t know I’m just the the the exhaustion is really intense I feel right now I feel like there’s like a a like a sheet in front of me so um but I came in my faithfulness to the women matters the women who matter in my life um and it could it could have to do with the fact that yesterday was um that for for the last 50 years apparently the diis of San Diego has been um kicking off so to speak the Feast of the Virginof Guadalupe who’s the she’s the patroness of all the Americas for the cath for the universal Catholic church so she’s a big figure which I didn’t know um not being actually Catholic but anyway they have a huge huge procession that goes through the downtown area well actually it’s in it’s it’s a residential area adjacent to downtown and there are about 50 floats um all the different churches uh they get someone to to do kind of like the like a Christmas Pageant they they have these cars and then these theychoose a young girl who dresses up as the the Virgin of Guadalupe and then Juan Diego who’s the peasant that had the vision in the 16th century they get a little boy that dresses up as an indigenous boy anyway they have mariachi bands and but the my favorite thing um oh here’s Goud wow it’s a big crowd today um anyway it was it was I we we went last year for the first time and then I loved it so much we went again yesterday but that’s possibly why I’m so exhausted because the whole thing takes about six hours um so it’s very intenselots of walking hello G um and they have but what I loved was the indigenous dancers uh who have all these shells on their legs and they have these huge beautiful feather um wow it’s a huge crowd um anyway so it was very festive and they they blow the con shells the dancers and they have these um they have these uh yes as I said that they have these little shells on their legs and they play these indigenous flutes with these kind of wild strange Melodies it’s it’s just it just feels really AncientAncient Ancient and um they lead the procession oh and they have this incense made from a special tree um and I asked the ladies what it was the ladies that were holding the big sensors and this big smoke is coming out and um they didn’t speak English so they didn’t know what I was asking them but they reached into their two women at the same time reached into their bags and gave me some inscense to take home and it just I don’t know that was a small gesture but it it I don’t know it meant a lot I just felt really like asolidarity with this ancient tradition and um so that was a really beautiful day and I think that’s why I’m a wreck today cuz it was Miles and Miles of walking and standing and walking walking and standing um but I loved every minute of it so so that’s my check-in and I will pass it to monia who was here before I was and was waiting patiently well that sounds really fascinating I would love to watch that I could even hear it while you were describing it the noise and the music uh but uh I’m exhausted as well Icomplained today um but uh an astrological friend told me that’s the sign of the time and it’s Pluto and it’s Uranus and everything will be new and so okay so I just sit back and wait until I gain my strength again uh unfortunately we don’t have such nice noisy entertainment in Vienna we have now acquired time the Advent and we have all these markets in former times it was just little stalls where they sold handcraft and and pastries and now they have ice skating and uh uh noise and uh so it’s really but they don’t have uh the mangeranymore so they try not to be too Christian in Vienna not to offend our Muslim uh inhabitants anyway um I’m going to visit one sometimes next week and my daughter went to the provinces to a lake Wolf Gang Lake wolf and it’s beautiful there they have really romantic setting and no uh ice skating and no other entertainment and carousels and so it’s still the oldfashioned way in the provinces but Vienna is well changed a lot has changed I pass on to gatod who I haven’t seen quite sometime yeah hi I had technicaldifficulties in coming in in on time and I have to leave uh soon because tomorrow morning at 5:00 I need to get up again to work with the Australians and then hop on the B on the train to Amsterdam so I’m I’m a little bit exhausted yeah washing and doing all the preparation and meetings and coachings and whatever so by the way I’m G from Germany in the middle um and I had uh just amazing week on one hand I was sick and I had to brew strip but on the other side I was at a so-called um uh painfreeSummit with an amazing guy who’s 26 who created like to have the the the uh the body structured like it was meant to be and this guy is really amazing and I learned quite a bit and I got a body what do you call a body structure um scan so to say so they they did pictures so you had not much on and then to see how how the axes how you you um differ from the axis and and it was so so interesting that my from my navl on I’m like so my head lends um on the left side of the axis and and this is was really really reallyinteresting and how he does that and so normal Sports don’t do that no yoga just uh before you your because otherwise you you feed the compensation and that how do how do you call it how is it called and the the company they created is the the original body and his name is yustos Hilt yeah and this was just yeah I learned so so much and I don’t want to get too much into the details but if you want to hear more about it this is like yeah so I’m I was very intrigued do H so he is I think he’s German living inSwitzerland and that’s what I did so so it’s in German um I don’t know if and when they go to to the international realm so that’s that’s me at the moment and I pass on you did that live or on Zoom or zoom zoom oh mhm and they are very good at correcting so they they ask you to put the camera on and we did self massage and and um how the what did they say the normal stance so how how to bring your body into upright position that every all the joints are stapled and not like just with gravity pressedsomewhere yeah thank you yeah so who hasn’t spoken yet okay I go with you Christine you have to unmute yourself okay uh let’s see spent most of the the weekend uh decorating the house for Christmas takes about two days and I’m not finished mostly because I didn’t want to put up some of the decorations they’re it’s taxing to do that so I’m just waiting uh may do it may not do it I don’t know um but let’s see uh um two things have been I I’ve been out of sorts lately um one of them is the electionand every time somebody comes in for therapy they want to complain I’ve I’ve probably listened to 15 stories of people upset angry scared fearful all the terrible negative emotions to maybe one probably 15 to1 is the ratio I would say of uh people that are upset about how the election came out and worried about the future not it’s not just the election it’s it’s all the other things that uh come with it obviously so everybody’s kind of holding their Collective breath to see what happens um and at least the people I know againobviously people voted for Trump but um I’m not I’m not in those circles and then the other thing was that my uh colleague in the office suite where I am let me know a couple of weeks ago that come January 1st I would no longer have access to the office on Wednesdays because when we when the lease came due again everybody wanted to do a fiveyear lease and I said I was not prepared to commit to five years in the office uh I knew that was way too long for me so um one woman took it over and I’m subleasing two days from her and Inever imagined that she would unilaterally decide that I wouldn’t be there on one of the two days that’s like cutting me back by cutting my work back by 50% essentially is what she told me so today I’m I’m talking with the other person who uses the office to see if we can work something out I really can’t just in a few short weeks just stop seeing these people transition them I mean the the choices are they’ll terminate therapy and we’ll we’ll wrap things up um that usually takes a while it’s not done in just a few short weeksit usually takes time to complete that I could trans transfer them to another therapist another live therapist if that’s what they want um any the other is maybe they would want to see me for tell Health but essentially I I was really upset at first and then I kind of said you know maybe this is a message to me that it is time I’ve been talking about retirement and scaling things back and so I think I’m just going to use this as another opportunity to really uh cut things back so that by the end of2025 and maybe sooner than the end um I’ll have stopped maybe all but just a few tella Health people that’s kind of what Lorraine does I think she sees one or two people tell health and I could imagine seeing a few people um some of these people I’ve seen a long long time not because they have any acute difficulties but because they have lousy support systems they don’t have people to help them when the stress goes up when they become depressed when something goes wrong something unexpected comes up um a lot of thesepeople just don’t have a lot of Psychosocial support and so I’ve been seeing for a long time so those two things have got me kind of um off-kilter don’t don’t necessarily feel the usual optimism and and uh hope that I normally have um I’d say regarding the election I do feel like my optimism trying tries to come through and I basically believe in people and that they want to do good so it may not look like what I think is good but I’m hopeful that um people want to do something helpful to other peoplethat people hopefully will not just be self-serving and help themselves but I’m hoping that a lot of these people uh want to do something helpful for everybody so that’s my wish my Christmas wish and I will turn it over to Heidi yeah thank you I hope my internet will work enough that you can hear me um I don’t have to to tell a whole lot I already before told uh monia that I have a new electric bike which I have to learn to ride like a normal car with a clutch because it’s a little bit surprising but I’m trying to not getscared and do it anyway and learn it anyway and not give iny oh I’m too old and no go ahead and Al together the weather is still quite good so I was in the sun uh today I enjoy it to be outside and get the sun listening to something or reading something yeah uh about dreaming uh maybe we will talk still when we come around about luing dreaming or also Dreaming or sleeping or something like that the the exhaustion I think yeah I have it often too but I also confide in what they tell me about the energieswhich are coming in from the Sun and whatever it is that it is very tiresome for the body to to stand to work through so that’s at least so I conso myself that’s nothing important not yet the age hopefully so you are an age uh how do you say Apostle age Apostle actually I really like that uh um I would say that uh one of the things that comes through in my Sociology class is I I am actually an ACC I’m not your typical access quiet cobt ACC so I’ve had a pretty tough couple of weeks my dad passed awayunexpectedly on the 27 and since then I’ve been working really hard to maintain my school which tough and my husband gave me the look when I signed on this call saying like you know you have a paper right and I’m like yes I have a paper but um this group is really important so me and I’ll be okay in a minute um but yeah it’s been really tough dealing with everything that goes with that so just make this all kind of loopy I get myself back on contract I actually started a business eight years ago um calledpersonal passage planning which Heidi and I have spoken about and it was about um making sure that we’re always prepared for Life events so that um whether it’s a change in our health or a change in our circumstances due to economics or marriage or whatever but also so that you don’t uh burden your family with all the things that come after someone’s death and that was inspired by my neighbor across the street who um and some traditional ways of looking at things her husband did all the financeshe could write a check he could use a credit card didn’t know how to drive everything was in his office and he died and she had to find her way back through that so I’m about to um personally test drive um how well I did uh when I did this with my dad which I did about four years ago so um yeah that’s that’s been kind of interesting and and just knowing that he thought through all his end of life arrangements and I have everything in one binder and as bad as it is because he has friends all over NorthAmerica great communities in Florida with his church and his uh sadian club and luming club and uh great community in Toronto and our families across the country so it’s a it’s a lot to bring in when people are being compassionate to you and passing on condolences but I’m getting through it I managed to get through my exam and whole bunch of pap papers and presentations and one foot in front of the other as we go and um this paper which I will do soon as they get off the call um it’s a good one it’s funit’s talking about my research topic was uh later in life learning and so I had to do a uh sort of like a learn how to research uh project and so writing up that is going to be really fun because I’ve had a lot of good findings and so uh as much as it’s going to be a lot of it’s going to be a lot of fun and other than that it’s a beautiful day in Victoria uh we’ve had some snow on our mountains so our mountains look like mountains good lots and lots of fluffy snow particularly to the south in America on the Olympics as well so yeahyou know uh Kuma Matata life goes on it’s AAL way this but thank you for being thank you could I’ll say one more thing um the because I always try to find something good news uh my father was extraordinarily healthy he had just had new cataracts brand new itch uh ear uh hearing aids got his hernia thix uh took care of some skin cancer in his facei he’s basically good to go the good news is he died suddenly in the most vibrant day after winning a long bowling game the day before which he was really proud of soum if you’re going to go for him that was the best way to go how old was he Gina 88 but he didn’t look 88 um I used to be accused of being his girlfriend so um he’s always been very young very private active golfer singer blwn bowler you know so yeah but he had uh he had a a I don’t think he had too many days he regretted as he worked through um you know these very surgeries but oh well he was good to go but apparently he’s he went up saying to maybe talk about lucid dreaming but we could also talk aboutthe dream of life and in the case of your father did he realize his dreams in his life and how far are we in realizing our dreams could also be a topic we have only a half hour left but maybe something we can collect I could I don’t I don’t mind talking about lucid dreaming I think lucid dreaming is fine but I think what he demonstrated is that you live every day and you have no regrets so he was a fighter um he was the firstborn of a firstborn first I me a large family by fighter I mean Survivor he survivedpolio at 17 was very sick and he never ever considered himself handicap even though most of his leg was eaten away uh by polio so he was a basketball player okay you’re not gonna run or play basketball anymore but he did do little tennis he did do curling he never let any of that hold him back and he was a very innocent Soul uh even in business like you couldn’t find anything he was just like an innocent good guy and uh you know his thing is don’t have any regrets then go go for it keep keep dreaming keep living your dream and Ithink he did because he didn’t hold himself back get out are you living your dream in many ways yes I would say so and um my family like that that’s one big thing that really really really nice and yeah and and we’re pretty close together I mean my girls and grand kids and so my siblings it’s a more distant but good and so this is one I think that’s one pillar of my life that’s really I I’m really happy about I think where I’m not living my dream is MoneyWise though I used to so what I have learned and so I’m alifelong learner I cannot help it but and even there were were a year when I was on on social support and I started my my uh body therapy training I don’t know how I did it but somehow with scarcity comes also creativity and u yeah in my health could there there are some some things that that could be better but I’m I’m really like creating myself every day and and I’m I’m what you just said yeah to live your life every every day and no regrets if it’s over that’s so almost yes yes Mo I think you are our Elder in thescope yeah I was just your dreams I was just looking back and I’m wondering because I don’t I didn’t have any dreams for my life I just lived it all the time and lived it um well I guess uh also MoneyWise so it’s just no money was no problem problem because my husband has been supporting me ladly and now I am supporting him deadly um but at 88 is a very a very Advanced age for a man this is what I learned and past once you are past 83 as a man you have probably chances to get older and my husband is now83 and I lost my father rather early he died of cancer due to his profession because he was a dentist and they didn’t have this protection against X-rays at that time and he always did the x-rays on the patients so he really couldn’t enjoy his retirement at all and yeah uh as Victoria mentioned before that somehow her days are a nightmare my days are just pleasant but the dreams still bother me and now we had an a a meeting on lucid dreaming and dreaming as such and I changed my approach to dreaming and now I have tobe careful that I don’t dream too much because they become very Vivid and uh pleasant as well so yeah I I I I’d rather not dream but be awake in every respect uh my dreams ended and during the day um but I guess I I lived all I was able to live and I did cross a few barriers that I never dreamt I would cross um so I don’t have any regrets at all it’s just a full life I’m looking back on and every day every new day it’s just an an extra bonus but I’m right now I returned to Bine rape at the cabala and the sulfurand it’s still uh something I really have to big my way through because it’s very different from the way we think on the other hand there is something that appeals to me in the concept of the word that every letter is a vibration and something that creates things so that really is has fascinated me all my life and or half my life let’s put it this way and um this is still something new and um so it’s not that it’s a repeat I’m trying to find the vibrations in the words and when we are talking to eachother um I sometimes notice also that there are vibrations I get in resonance with uh so it’s still fascinating I mean I’m 83 and it’s still Cur I’m still curious and it’s still fascinating and I won’t talk about sex anymore but howy knows this still isn’t hasn’t ended yet so it’s just fascinating that at old age you still can enjoy a lot of things yeah I don’t know whether I makes made sense and whe it was coherent but I was just drifting a little who wants to go on now after me I just leave itopen um can I I did want to ask you monia did you train yourself to do the lucid dreaming from Andrew Andrew hollich or did you do learn it in any particular way or you just realized you had the ability uh I had the ability long time ago and then I stopped because it was just uh I couldn’t make any sense of it I didn’t know what to do and then now I finally found out what you can do and uh we had a I I look it up uh the the book was um it’s also on YouTube roll uh something I look it up and he gives you uh that whenyou go to bed you just have the firm intention to have lucid dreaming and I trained myself trained it’s just a couple of days now uh to wait until the last REM phased at the morning because then this is the longest Ram uh process and you can really use it for lucid dreaming because you don’t sleep as deep as you do before or so you are much easier aware of what you’re dreaming uh but I’ll I’ll check on the I check on the name of the author and you can also find a couple of um oh this is German I’m sorry scoel had has a veryinteresting uh talk on you on YouTube but he’s German but I I I look it up okay I put it in the yet when once I found it go ahead Christine your dreams no I don’t hear you you um I would like to be able to lucid dream um sounds good I don’t remember a lot of dreams I used to when I was younger but um I think it’s I don’t know I don’t wake up a lot during the night anymore which is good I used to wake up a lot uh and then have to struggle to go back to sleep um I’ve been sleeping more soundly but I still don’t remember my dreamsvery much at all so I would like to be able to use that’s a lot of hours of the day I would like to be able to uh have access to them and what’s going on so your life dream my life dream um I think I’m pretty much living it uh Tom and I celebrated our 40th anniversary a week ago and we were with our children and our son-in-law to be and um it was very nice and we you know we did reflect back on our journey together um and I think we’re both pretty satisfied about the choices we made the work we put into ityou know uh so I don’t uh uh I’m not sure that I had a specific dream in my life I guess I’m still looking forward to the future so maybe I do have some dreams yet to come but I’m not quite sure what they are but no I think it’s been pretty good pretty good ride good good oh either Gina or Victoria what is your dreams life dream dreams or night dreams um I’m okay to go well it looks like for Victoria you’re looking for your round button um I think we have different types of dreams so I’ve alwaysbeen a very Vivid dreamer and uh my favorite dreams were when I could fly and I often flew as a person flying through the sky over schoolyards and I really I really enjoyed flying um but also I have to I noticed that I because I’m I’ve considered myself highly sensitive and sometimes um I can you know through my spiritual work it gives me access much like um mon you talk about vibration of words uh my emotional spiritual journey meant I can see oras and sometimes I hear people who thought and I don’t realize they haven’t saidthem so I respond to them and they are shocked because they didn’t say it out loud and so I’ve I’ve actually done a lot to try and turn off some of those distractions um but some of my dreams are so vivid that uh it’s like they are happening now or I’m receiving a message from like my daughter and it is clear it’s her voice I’m getting a message um other dreams are maybe about um houses that there’s many rooms they have to explore and there everywhere so those are kind of fun and how does that relate to mypersonal dreams well I think I’m actually a very fortunate person uh I I have sufficient means to do most of the things I want to do I have a very supportive and loving husband um and who’s a was number two on my list for men in the world but is now number one uh and I have a pretty good family my CH kids are good and living my dream was I I sort of started a lot of Dreams dream um I join when I joined the Navy that was going to be my dream but then I met my husband and changed my dream to business Consulting and then uh leavingbusiness Consulting now my dream is to keep learning keep working um not necessarily for money but to be highly involved in my community and be known in my community and make a difference and so through these conversations that I get to have with you guys and uh through my connections with the chamber and the Elder friendly Community Network here and school now um I think I can continue to reinvent myself so instead of retirement we have rewirement and uh look forward to what that means for forme but I’m a I’m a pretty content girl and I would be just lost if I didn’t have a sense of purpose and some challenges in my life so if I if I can’t if I don’t have one I go looking for one and then I I work on that yeah Gart you need to leave I hope Victoria stays here to be able to tell us about her dreams and life dreams um well before everyone else came on when I was with I think I think it was just monia and Heidi um oh no I think Christine you were there well anyway my dream is to is to selleverything I have well have somebody else do it for me because I don’t want to do it give all the money to the poor and then go go and work with the poor or um I I really would like to work with children um orphans and and um whatever at risk children there’s so many children well children with parents that they’d be better off if they were orphans because the parents are so abusive um but I don’t know how to achieve that dream um I I barely my mother’s estate still isn’t settled and it’s all so traumatic for methat even the few objects that came to my house which are all things like candles and pillows things that I thought I could use and all the really important things have gone into storage because I couldn’t handle the whole the I Everything is Everything is Tainted Everything feels the candles I can burn and then and then they’re gone and then I don’t have to feel traumatized um so the dream yeah I’m far far far far from achieving my dream um and even a a very quotidian ordinary you know run-of-the-mill dreamfor me which would be to play concerts um has gone by the wayside now I’m I’m fighting like mad to try to find a venue and find people to collaborate with because I lost my whole infrastructure um which I think I already told everybody about I don’t know about a year ago I guess it is now um and every time I go somewhere and meet new people they ask me if I’m retired and it makes me want to literally like like tear them to shreds and and scream and scream and scream and and hit them and abuse them of course Idon’t do any of that I just smile and I say oh no what gave you that idea but um but it’s it’s really really painful I don’t feel I feel really ancient and old and decrepit my you have horrible arthritis now I don’t even know if I can play the violin anymore but but I don’t feel retired I feel like I have a lot um well just hi you’ll you’ll appreciate this um the um on Saturday there was a sing along of the Messiah by handle so it was with an orchestra and um and then the audience was the chorus um which Ithought was going to be horrible but uh somebody gave me tickets to it I wouldn’t have bought tickets to hear amateurs um in an audience that were just thrown together sing the Messiah but it turned out that there were a lot of um like really serious singers there it actually sounded really really good and um anyway I I um went with a friend and he he wants he played the piano when he was young but then he hasn’t done anything with music for decades and decades and he claims he can’t read music anymore which it’s like saying youcan’t ride a bicycle well maybe in your case ID with the fancy bicycle um anyway long story short I um my garage I can’t even I don’t I have everything you could need for several lifetimes in my garage from um previous lives um but it was too much too daunting to go in there and look for it so so I got the score out of the library and a whole bunch of scores I just ordered whatever they had because I wanted to go down to the library and see what was relevant and one of them was a brand new totally brand new it was justthrilling um the full a huge box with the orchestral score the full orchestral score and then all the parts and that of course broke my heart cuz I immediately thought wouldn’t it be fabulous If instead of like going to this event I had my own little Orchestra and um choir and I could conduct and you know do all these fabulous things anyway so I took the orchestral score and put it on a music stand and and um and and used my finger to show my friend to follow the orchestral score and I anyway what am I talking about I’mjust rambling I guess I guess what it I guess what it showed me was that I have oh in teaching that’s what I was that’s my that’s my dream I feel like now I know a lot more than I I mean it just makes sense than I did when I was younger and even though I thought I knew a huge amount about music which I guess I did I mean it’s my profession but there’s so much more I could share and so much more I could convin beta people and um and then a week ago I had experience like that coaching a young Chinese boy on a rockmonov piano Prelude um it was just a spontaneous thing um but he asked me some questions we it was just a social Gathering but there was a piano there and and I heard myself saying all these things about teaching them how to interpret the music and how to understand and all these things so so so the dream is still there the desire is still there and and ironically I think I have a hundred times the insight and wisdom which makes sense you know that because you accumulated over the decades and so my dream is to share itbefore I die um somehow and not just I don’t want to spend the rest of my life just complaining like Christin’s clients and and you know I don’t know trying to trying to just sleep let alone lucid dream so that’s um that’s my story and I’m sticking to it thank you yeah thank you what I was thinking while you were saying you want to sell your house and give the money to the poor why don’t you teach music to the poor in your house that came immediately to my to my to my mind that would be much betterthan having them eat some more hamburgers you know uh so good idea maybe Christine you want to say something as you were talking I was also thinking you know M oh no I’m not muted no yeah no it’s good okay uh I was thinking of music and disadvantaged children you want to work with the poor there’s plenty of disadvantaged children immigrant children and finding some way to incorporate I don’t know rais fundraising so they could have um instruments so they could be in the school band some kind of fundraising forinstruments I mean it it’s a big um undertaking if you were to become a music teacher you need to you know you need to have clientele and that’s a whole thing but there may be organizations where there’s already some kind of a slot for you and your expertise Victoria because you can do so many things I mean you have a wealth of of things to offer yeah sorry to interrupt um no here here’s the thing and and I’m I I’m totally happy if anyone can help me brainstorm since I lost my my sort of venue and mymy sort of quion of opportunity where all I had to do literally was send an email and say I’d like to do this and they would send me a date and that was it and all the publicity everything was done the money came in I got income the I got a public Etc um since then I’ve been sending unrelentingly like every day practically I send an email to some organization that is doing just that offering my services to teach uh play a benefit concert with all the proceeds to go to the cause whatever charity it isum I mean you name it I’ve done it in terms of coming to my house Heidi um it’s there’s not even parking for the people that live here so and I’m on top of a mountain so I’ve thought that through I’d have to sell this and get something more practical in location but but anyway I don’t you don’t all have to focus on my my dream but um no but here’s something that in general it’s it is like giving the you know the poor giving the money to the poor and what do they use it for and you know how far does is there enough all all thoseissues of of how these problem problems in our society it’s so they’re so complicated to solve because they require so many different things to um I mean I’ve offered myself literally everything I have to offer my teaching skills my performing skills my um and also even as an art historian I mean I could teach art history in any institution any University anything and I’ve I’ve I have tons and tons and tons of knowledge and I’m just bursting with enthusiasm I love it more than life itself I love both of my professions umbut here’s the here’s the rub as Shakespeare would say I haven’t been able to find anyone to that to to pick up the torch and say yeah that would be great you know let’s let’s work on a project together there’s nobody nobody out there like everyone’s doing their own thing and they’re Blinder nobody has time the I get these lovely emails on a daily basis from all these different charities and organizations that say um oh you’re so generous wouldn’t it be wonderful if the whole world were just like you that’sjust so beautiful that you want to do this unfortunately you know and then it goes on it’s a rejection letter and then they um and what they do say at the end of course is as soon as you’ve done like achieved all your dreams and everything’s been a just raging success and you have a big fat check you can send to our charity for all the money that you’ve made in this Enterprise please do send it here’s our address I mean I literally got a letter like that the other day where they actually had thehutzpah to um to take they sent me their their Bank code even in in the first like I I send an email instead of just saying oh let’s consider it which would be the polite thing to do even if they’re going to say no no they sent me their Bank um the the the code so I could wire them the money without any difficulty and it could go through um this was an international charity and I it’s heartbreaking you know and it I mean then I thought to myself okay well maybe I should sell everything I have and send all the money to all thesedifferent charities just go for it and and forget about it but but there’s something that hurts because I know money isn’t what I have to give on on the level of even my neighbors my even my neighbors in this neighborhood have more wherewith all to make a difference in the world what have to offer is is up here and in my heart and I don’t you know anyway sorry I’m ranting the raving sorry you asked me what my dream was so um can see your dream we can feel your dream and there is a lot to bring to theworld and hey you are frozen again so I’m sorry see that it is places you you are looking I don’t know maybe oh she’s Frozen again yeah can’t help but notice the similarity of this transition between Christine and new Victoria there’s something um there’s something that says renewal but maybe not in the standard model and I don’t think we can offer you Solutions I think it’s maybe not the standard model and Gina you think you’re G to be successful you you mention something that I got in resonance to Idon’t know where because I’ve been on so many Zoom talks this week unusual many uh your telepathic uh connection and I heard that about China that uh since they had so many restrictions that they founded uh a telepathic telepathic yeah uh Community uh sending messages to each other and checking them whether it came up correctly so maybe this is something we still could work on together because maybe there will be a time there won’t be any internet and any electricity so we could still I don’t know how to start it uh but uhmaybe you could give me give us some hints or so we could start a a communic communication without the internet and uh in as far as I remember if I remember correctly in China those who were connected and noticed that there was something wrong and they left the city and then there was a lockdown in Shanghai I believe and they had all left the city already so maybe this is some a project we could also work on I don’t know how to but it’s maybe something that’s makes sense to me neither it’s something um during oneof the wars and I can’t remember it very clearly but it had to do we’ll call it witches because you know that’s convenient um it was like the witches The Witches sometime during the second world war where women were communicating with each other and that’s all I remember about it but uh good topic is doing so byebye yeah I should be going to to write my paper will be going to our to your day anyway I I to to bring out to other people that what I I mean for me it’s too music you know and and teaching musicand yeah I can understand that other people so we will see what what can come along and maybe we will create a community of telepathy that would be nice to train it uh hi will you close Zoom or no you need you need to close that now and say goodbye and yeah we see in two weeks byebye


Gertraud Wegst. Portrait.

Gertraud Wegst

Portrait of Monika Frühwirth

Monia Fruehwirth


Heidi Hornlein

Gina Donaldson

Christine Baser Habib

Christine Baser Habib

Hannelie Venucia