Allow your purpose to find you – with Lais Cossermelli

Heidi writes
The purpose of “homo economicus” is to work a lot and to earn money. Our world today fosters human identity as homo economicus, to the exclusion of other important aspects of life. Even when we awake to the idea that life might be more than a career, money and a fancy lifestyle, it is really difficult to figure out the purpose of our individual life, of our soul. Nowadays there are many courses and other opportunities offered to reach this goal. This has become another business for many people, “soul workers”, and it is not guaranteed that you will find your purpose there. Often it seems that, the more you are looking for it and chasing it, the less you find it, the less you are certain what it would be for you.
So how can we know for sure why we are on this planet and what our task is in life? Lais, my conversation partner from Brazil, has the answer: Allow your purpose to find you instead of you trying hard to find it yourself!
You might ask: how can I do that? Probably there are many ways, but all have in common one thing: listening closely and observing yourself with curiosity. Discover the things you feel drawn to, which give you enthusiasm and energy and which make it possible for you to overcome “normal” limitations. The actions which start deep inside, which are not thought out by the brain but are a felt urge to bring them into being; those things which are born in the heart and accompanied by the mind; it is this inner certainty which arises and stays despite the messages of your head or from other people about what you should rather do. You might not be able to give a logical reason for your decisions, you just KNOW that this is the path to take, that the future is calling you! Meditation and other practices can help you to enter into that space where this inner knowing can arise. Find your way, and start walking it!
Lais talks about her life and how it is evolving into what she feels as the pull from the future. She has a calling, she is following this call without knowing exactly how the path will unfold. She is a real inspiration for all of us. Never think, that what your soul’s purpose is can never be achieved. It will unfold step by step. Just go and keep the confidence, follow yourself with love and curiosity – and get your ego out of the way, your continuous thoughts which ask you different things!
I met Lais in an online course with Otto Scharmer called GAIA JOURNEY (https://www.presencing.org/gaia). We met in a conversation to get to know each other better and also to talk about our cultures and the specific situation in our countries, especially regarding the Corona Crisis and the consequences for our lives.
We decided to publish this conversation for www.thewisdomfactory.net, Lais, though, edited those parts of her contribution which she considered to be too private to be given into the public space. Thus my contributions seem to be very long in proportion to hers. Thanks for your understanding!
Videopost for July 29th, 2020
About Lais Cossermelli

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