Life long learning and Quantum theory

Heidi writes

This time, three members of Women Matters came together and gave a deeper insight in their way of seeing life, ageing and the world. Interesting enough, all three are interested in Quantum Theory, especially quantum healing. Experiences were explored and the development of the own development path, for instance from Reiki to Quantum healing.

We gave rich examples for the joy of learning, the importance of learning, where our excitement from learning new things comes from and what possibilities humans have when they seriously decide to learn as much as possible – not necessarily with the cognitive mind and about the material side of the world, but also, and especially, about the interior aspects of leaning and development.

The conversations took place in September 2024


A discussion on lifelong learning, quantum theory, and personal experiences emphasizes curiosity, transformation, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.### Highlights-

🌍 The meeting reflects on global challenges and personal growth post-crisis.- 🎶 Participants share their musical backgrounds and the importance of creativity.-

📚 Lifelong learning is portrayed as essential for personal growth and development.-

👵 Ageism is addressed, highlighting the need for intergenerational learning.-

💡 Quantum healing is discussed, emphasizing intention and energy transformation.-

🌱 The joy of discovering new interests and experiences is celebrated.-

🤝 Connection and empathy are crucial for navigating personal and collective struggles.

Key Insights-

🌈 Lifelong learning fosters resilience and adaptability, essential traits for navigating life’s complexities. It encourages individuals to embrace curiosity and explore new interests.-

👩‍🎓 Ageism can hinder personal growth; challenging these beliefs allows for richer intergenerational learning experiences and community engagement.-

⚛️ Quantum healing emphasizes setting intentions and utilizing energy for transformation, showcasing the interconnectedness of mind and body in the healing process.-

🌟 Personal experiences shape our learning journey, revealing that setbacks can lead to profound growth and understanding, motivating us to seek knowledge and self-discovery.-

💖 Empathy and connection enhance our ability to support ourselves and others, promoting a collective resilience against societal challenges.-

🔄 The process of self-discovery is ongoing; embracing change and new experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities for growth and joy.-

🌱 The importance of addressing emotions and shadow aspects allows for a more holistic understanding of oneself, fostering a deeper connection with life.

by NoteGPT

monia isn’t here recording of the meeting today is the 7th of October 2024 of women years after the attack a year after the famous day which has thrown the world again in a deeper hole than it already was yeah so don’t think about it now we do the the the the but we have to own it yeah yeah okay do you want to start Aina and you need to know that I know Goud for a long time from the integral morph lovely lovely 2014 oh wow I think I’ve known Heidi not quite that long but maybe half of that it seems from when I started my businessI started my business eight years ago so close to that and I’ve actually been to se Heidi her wonderful Paradiso so how’s that yeah I still have to do that yeah we met also we met in the conferences and so we know each other also in person in how do you say in flesh yeah in the flesh and blood or In the Flesh same thing but yeah we met at the first um at the online course Ken Wilbur’s online course and he was so condensed and so packed that we said okay let’s meet once a week to all this and so for year so we hadthe weekly calls with Mark still lovely yeah and then 2016 we met and we had a nice lunch with d Ando yeah nice nice well as a way of introduction I’m calling you from uh Victoria British Columbia which is located uh on Vancouver Island which is a long island off the west coast of British Columbia uh I I I would show I don’t think you can see because I think it’s too bright but I actually Overlook America because the island across from me is the sanan islands which the British lost to the Americans during thewar of the pigs okay so um Victoria if you’re not familiar with is a very temperate C uh climate in Canada uh and uh so people come here and they can they’re free they don’t have the same burdens where we have a lot of snow and a lot of cold we do have a lot of rain in the fall but for the most part this is a very good place to be an older adult uh because it’s easier to be active safely all year round uh I am in terms of background my background is in Psychology I’m married I have two adult children one in fashion in Vancouver andthe other’s a lawyer married to a British girl in the UK so I have family that has sort of in different faes I I was uh for my profession I was originally in our Royal Canadian Navy as a Personnel Administration officer um and then due to the conflicts of being married service couples uh I got out of that and then became an expert in change management so I’ve worked for myself and for major consulting firms uh in terms of uh area of interest uh we sale with have the sailboat so we sale and uh I’m currently going toschool I’ve returned to school after more than 20 years since my upgrade course uh to do a master’s degree in social dimensions of health so I’m looking at older adults and H how do you motivate older adults who are not lifelong Learners to engage in learning so that’s NE wow it’s tough I could tell you and are you a harp player is that yeah I thought so wow yeah yeah thanks I just one day you have to have to play for us I was telling Heidi I don’t like playing for other people I find it too stressful yeah we don’t have to recordit we for us oh pH that makes all the difference yeah I guess it’ll be my first worldwide appearance though so you know I get that but it’s so I mean it’s just so beautiful to have this like just to have that in the room is makes a difference it really does yeah we have a piano too so yeah my husband’s actually I don’t have a lot of talent I can learn but my husband’s actually The Talented musician so good not me yeah good okay from Germany and so really in the middle uh 70 kilometers north of Frankfurtand I’m a mother of three adult daughters and since May a grandmother of five oh congratulations yeah thank you and my daughter the one with the baby they just got married so so the whole summer I was with my daughter before birth and then three weeks after so it was really like yeah to be in that special realm was really really amazing so I mean if you have a newborn on your chest you don’t need anything else it’s just more babies babies everybody get a baby yeah so so two have two and one is one andum I’m I’m in the trade of coaching and um yeah in the the I would say in the integral Consulting business Consulting so it’s called we flow and it’s born out of the integral realm and and I’m a trainer in that as well and appre IA inquiry I don’t know how much that says something for you so I’m a yeah nice practitioner and trainer in that as well and I have a new addition last year I became a fitness coach oh my goodness good for you yeah so it was I just wanted to lose some weight and um endedup with that bigre so it’s it’s uh yeah and it really transformed my body to do resistance training and things like that so forly I can teach that as well nice or at least consult that and um I have a new new addition so talking about lifelong Learners I think when I’m 90 I will still do something learn something new and this is called instant change which is like NE neuro uh science and and um quantum physics together to really make profound change yeah so that’s that’s me I will say something to to round thethe circle yeah sure but I already have inted what the topic could be lifelong learning okay yeah as you know I’m Heidi or ad he Some people prefer to call me adelheid because they say that it’s important that you use your real name for the universe and I don’t know what and so uh I didn’t use it so much because my father always when he was angry with me he called me Adel height ad height and so it was little bit you know like this not very appreciated but um I I’m fine now with the name I onlyHeidi is much more it’s much easier people understand it e more easily especially when you are in a different country you know are they hide how what you know while Heidi for the famous Swiss heidy they know uh something the sound and they know that that can be a name so what’s the meaning of Adel height Adel height I don’t know Adel is a nobility and hi I don’t know what it is so you can look it up it’s something very you know nobility I’m no oh I’m I’m with you I think you are you live in Paradiso yeah that’s true but that Ihave created that it’s not before birth so I see that I’m very very dark but it looks fine Heidi from here yeah yeah it looks good so talking about my uh present life is I have restarted to sing a little bit I have known a a Pianist a real artist who forets everything everywhere and and things like that but we start also to do some improvisations together and some leader although it’s different difficult in my opinion to we we will’ll see how we go on because he doesn’t understand German and for for leader you should alittle bit know what what the text is about so even for the for the company but it’s nice uh so the rest I did a lot in the garden in two weeks more or less I will start with the olive Harvest it’s still very much satisfying to me to be out and today I have a guest here we did the fire with the olive branches which I had already cut and had a grill on it and so my life is very quiet in in many senses apart if I didn’t have a computer and watched a lot of things also before we came in uh I watched quantum physicsum Anon singer and so another van I saw many things from Van and I’m very interested in these things that’s also because lifelong learning it seems to be a common a common uh connection but I also watch things about what is going on in the world and that’s um you know if I didn’t do that I I could be perfectly happy here and not noticing what is going on in the world so but I prefer to be aware of what is going on um yeah I think it’s for the moment uh is is enough I was a coach and I was a a voice teacher and voice developerlet’s say uh for many years but um I’m not really so I don’t like it anymore I like if somebody really wants to discover the voice you know but like singing lessons I no it’s it’s it’s boring so let’s jump over into the topic why do you think we should learn I mean I know it from from Gina because we did an interview and I have published it on the website the wdom factory. net uh so let’s talk about it do you want me I find found your name of noble um nature so you see I told you yes we already knew the answer it’s it’smissing the crown and the nice dresses you know but okay you dress more natural you start at Dina and then then we go around so I I would say that I’m I’m fortunate in that I like to learn I can I’m happy to self-direct my own learning uh I am curious and so because that Curiosity I usually just let it take me where I will um what I felt after my formal education looking back on it is that it was always a little too narrow it wasn’t very interesting it was repetitive there’s only one right answerto everything and particularly in C I found the curriculum to be uh very narrow so you know we’re only a little bit over 150 years old really and yet we focus on that as if that’s some uh great accomplishment so what I’m finding is that uh I I view learning uh as a child that it’s too structured and you learning as an adult where you’re free to follow and that can take you deeply or you can just skim over all sorts of stuff but uh you know in my profession when I was in the Navy we had to do training all the time and professionaldevelopment and same thing as a consultant but my learning in areas like grief and aging uh were really around personal experience uh that I wanted to better understand aging I wanted to better understand grief and so then I spent a lot of time in that and now I’m just learning about learning at in aging and I’m learning a lot which is kind of fun there’s all sorts of stuff about aging I didn’t know but my prop is pretty good about giving us some interesting stuff so it’s it’s I would say it’s a a curiosity thing like justhow you look at the world you don’t you’re not challenging the world I’m just trying to appreciate the world and the people who are in it with me so I just say that’s it didn’t you have that with Mark together conscious AG aging we did this for a while yeah yeah yeah we did the uh it’s still the website is still on con integral aging I think it is called intering I think so but I I sort of hardly ever go there maybe I put your interview there because it’s it’s sort of it was more Mark’s interest and umyeah although it I can’t deny that I’m aging I mean I I feel it uh walk up the the hill sometimes and I’m much more cautious with where to put my feet things like that they are undeniable but all together it’s it’s fine do you want to give your uh motivation for the Curiosity uh gout or for you can go you can go first okay yeah for me I think lifelong I was very curious and in childhood it was a negative thing I was blamed for being uh Curious and wanted to learn to see that to learn that to learn that nobut at least I was able to go to a choir and learn singing and uh singing in the choir no that was not yet singing but that was the only thing I could do it was also the time because I wanted to play tennis I wanted to all sorts of uh skating and things but it was a time where my parents didn’t have money for things like that I wanted to play piano we didn’t have a piano there was no place to to put it in the in the flat and things like that uh my sister later she could do everything but um I couldn’tso the the learning impulse was very much oppressed then at school I learned for a while I learned the V violon cello I got the instrument from the school and 15 minutes of lesson a week so it was not that I arrived very far yeah and then it was you know what do you study I wanted to then already I wanted to study singing and that was not an option so I studied other things and I became a little curious with Linguistics when I changed after a while from other subjects to linguistic that was quite interesting but then I wentinto singing after the exam and then I became curious why when I sing alone for instance no I was also very nervous always and then I felt also inadequate and um that was the reason why I came to Italy because I thought this is not my voice I have more potential I I knew it you know and so I came here studied a little bed and then learned it by myself and in the meantime all other sorts of curious curious uh for instance how to do the gardens I’m I’m not perfect in these things but I stop when it when it works then I stopbut so many interests I I have and um and the only thing I went to the bottom was singing teaching singing teaching how the voice works that’s the only thing I really think I a good competence then I did all the coaching things the the the counseling school and everything yeah I I know how to do that but uh it’s not as much embodied as the the singing thing yeah and now since the corona thing I got very curious in what is going on in politics I never was before and then I for how do you say diggingdown the the rabbit hole and this this puts you into a sucks you in and and and so many things I didn’t know not at all you know nobody taught us at school or wherever and then I’m like oh no of history and many things so I’m sort of learning not very diligently in the sense that I’m only listening and then I confuse where did I hear this where did I hear this but it’s more the overall picture which I came to the conclusion it’s everything different than I thought in this in in in in life and inin in the state and in the in the situation of the world and everything but this is outside and inside the Curiosity to explore States Of Consciousness and uh see what is going on in my body when I have strength feelings and so on strange Sensations and you know for instance how to to lower the heartbeat which is quite good with um when I’m anxious or something know I feel the heart is going with a breathing exercises and so on so yeah this is uh very much interest in this and I’m learning learning these things also I’mnot so much interested in any more in yeah in for instance I I never was in watching movies or or or reading novels and things like that more in in getting information like I don’t know did we talk here in this with you certainly not but Chris Bas LSD and the mind of the Universe I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that that’s really great um he is um uh he was a um professor in comparative religions and did in the ’90s he did this 20 year long uh Journeys with LSD into the Visions which he had given beengiven then it’s Po and I have to say I say it often that this book then is gave gives me the confidence that at the end everything will be good but not good in the sense that I might survive or somebody else but that life will survive and uh the transformation because there is an a chapter in this book it’s called the Great Awakening and um there is very clear that what is we are going to through as Humanity has been horrible in many many ways he says he has died many many death and and witnessed horrible things inthese sessions but in the great a Awakening then it comes out that the humans who will be still left will be completely different and uh and that’s it now my evaluation is they will be like Jesus uh gave the the teaching but it was a wrong wrong time you know so yeah things like that that I’m interested in learning so now after the long speech of mine I give over to you get out yeah thank you um I’m just thinking where where my to to learn to learning come from and I I’m not sure I think I was born thatway so like um for example others uh talk about where they want to go on a vacation or what trip they want to do my trips are mostly inward so like to to learn to uh yeah and and and an experience so I have I I can really like go with my mind into the the details um and and and be very specific and granular but mostly I’m more interested in in really like my experience in that and I think I’ve always uh like I’m coming from nutrition and home economics and and I was interested in people already there to to learn Consulting nutnutritional Consulting and things like that so right after my studies or my seventh um like in the exam my my seventh subject was was Consulting and uh what really brought me to to come in and and and do the work and and start uh do this therapy whatever things uh self-discovery was when my marriage broke down and and I knew when I go into a next um relationship I bring myself with me and then I started with my new relationship which is my now husband um we started the journey together so in a in um it wasG and out of this I I think I always learned better or so when I come to a wall and I hit a wall and and there’s no way out or so there’s something that there’s some like somebody tells me a friend goes to that Workshop or whatever that that might be then uh then there is something where I can yeah take over go over that wall so th this is like throwing the Hat over the wall and then climbing over it and uh I had some so I did nutritional Consulting in a more professional than just studies way and learned that andthen I was working in a dietetic center and there were binge eaters so like Bully MC but not um giving it away again so they had 150 kilos or so and one one day one woman said tell me please how I can stay I lost my my my my weight 140 kilos so yeah I lost my weight three times I know how to lose weight but tell me how how I can stay there and there were so many that really had life uh be it rape be it somebody died be it whatever and and then the nutritional habits went out of balance and so I I’veI realized it’s not just giving them the right nutrition so so I started a body therapy training and um yeah it was always like that so I come to I come to a wall and H how do I surmount that how how do I get across and then I learned that so and and also it’s at that time I know I have to do it it’s it’s kind of I don’t care what you say I have to do this and I will find the money and so and then years later I don’t use that for example I I give an example I I learned raiki one and two and the second so I used it until Ilearned something where I don’t have to do all in the symbols in in the in the air but so I know from from a meditation it’s called is shaya’s Ascension there is one attitude one [Music] um where I within seconds I’m in that contact and I can like distant healing do that so it’s not that Reiki was bad but it was a very big step towards that but now I have something that’s quicker and faster and and more effective so but I don’t but I’m so happy I learned that yeah well you know this is uh this is so I’m I feel I’m[Music] I’m it’s really hard to use the word efficiency but but it feels like faster quicker to what I really want and like now at the be at when I learned it it’s instant change is is like Quantum healing and whatever I learned in yeah factored by I don’t know so this this willingness to do it better and more effective more and to address exactly what I need right now so yeah so I collected quite a few certifications for for yeah I I have a license for therapy and uh whatever um yeah it’s it’s it’s kind of I think lifethrows at me all kinds of stuff and and how to deal with it in a better way and I know I have become a better parent through that and I don’t think that my marriage with somebody so different from me like my husband right now uh would have losted this was not possible um if I didn’t transform myself so so for me it’s there is a mental part to is to really understand what’s going on um and another one is to transform myself and when I learned something I really love to give it to other people to to pass iton and um my yeah I’m really good at oneon-one I like I’m I’m a coach from basic to master so like to be there with the people and really like my listening makes a difference so that’s nice yeah no this is a and I don’t think that would change so yeah that would be my next question what do you think how this will develop in the future going getting a little bit older every year yeah I think for example I looked at my I looked at my um thighs and felt like oh they’re getting old really getting old and then I came across 10x this thisum resistance training and I wanted to learn it and um so then I really did it so so my score you don’t have to know how that’s uh calculated but but my score was 1.6 at the beginning and my highest so I’m I’m a little sloped back but uh was eight okay and they say after seven it’s fit you’re fit so and I can see my my muscles transform I lost weight and and so it was really like to learn it to really intellectually learn how my body works and then to apply it and I think even if I was in a wheelchair I would doJody spener or whatever to to if not transform my body but to be able to be with what life throws at me and and and be happy with that yeah something like that nice so we have something in common there um I actually did the raiki levels up to raiki master and then at some point uh I did the qu a Quantum healing and that was the transition too was taking it from well I’ll call the slow symbol method which feels like uh like a like a crutch you need but later when you do Quantum you know you don’t need thecrutch anymore so it’s good for learning like a like a child’s Walker but uh for later it uh yeah the quantum was quite fascinating yeah and you know I think Quantum in general is fascinating yeah yeah and now we put some factors on that yeah so I wonder if you can explain what you mean with Quantum healing I think most people don’t know and I don’t either so you might uh explain a little bit both of you um okay I’ll give the I’ll give the amateur version so in my amateur version uh you you don’t do the symbols uh you set anintention and you’re you allow your intuition to take you to where for when I was learning where where we needed to touch and then we just stayed in the moment and we touched and it was like you were focused on sending energy from yourself to that person to either diagnose and then try to heal H but from a distance perspective it’s more like you connect with the person as if as if you’re calling them on the phone you like Reach Out spiritually and then for me I do sometimes a body scan or I just sort offeel about where does where does it need to be and I’m purposely sending uh en to them and then receiving uh information back about what they need or how they’re feeling and not everybody not necessarily about curing but sometimes it’s just about understanding um so for instance if someone has liver cancer you’re like okay we we at liver are we and and you just sort of you accept it for what it is maybe you can do something about it maybe you can’t but um just sometimes embracing people uh with with love and protection issometimes uh where I end up so that’s my my primary I I I can resonate pretty much with that and and for me it was a little slightly different so what we did is really to take out what’s not working so like energetically take out what’s not working and then reach into the field and let that quality the so you set the intention to bring power to bring love to bring whatever quality is needed to to this um to the liver to the whatever that might be and uh now in um instant change it’s yeah about that like uh Primal energythe the the the whatever that Quantum field is but this like the end into um what do you call it foring reinforcement yeah and enforce this by 500 100,000 or so to and this is the energy that all the time all the the the the photons they always go through us so it’s it’s like always coming from above through us and you reinforce it and you set the intention what you want to bring in and this washes away what what’s hindering behind the blockages to to melt that away and uh it’s really like I had aknee problem and somebody was working with me and right after that I went into the basement to bring the the laundry there and it was still hurting and two two hours later I wanted to to take it out of the washing machine and and went upstairs and was gone so it was really there are some very interesting things happening yeah and this is the Quantum uh uh the quantum field and and so on because I was wondering what quantum theory um as Quantum quanta is very small and uh people say Quantum Leap andmean a big one so I was always a little bit confused about that no this this is like Quantum is just not just one it’s a whole field that that really goes through us all day long and it’s not specific and and that what we do is to specify it and to really set the intention and if this person says yes I want to change that then there is a whole field that that reinforces that and takes out what doesn’t doesn’t fit what doesn’t work with it that’s interesting yeah so when we think about people whomight listen to this afterwards uh what would you say I mean people in our age so we are talking about yeah yeah excuse me excuse me you talk I have to at the dog okay I I I have I thing that helps me is I have a friend who who’s curious as well and and he has a brilliant mind and so he has lent me Quantum books uh I think I first started playing with it in the holographic Universe book um but just appreciating that what we perceive is real as only as we make it and you know when I said to one person once theywere hiding behind a chair I said you realize there’s more space in the chair than there is matter right you do know that so like what’s the chair going to do for you um but it’s it’s it’s so hard to hold two belief systems at the same time but what I appreciate from Quantum is that it’s not stable and that the observed You by observing something you change it we observed it changes you and it’s this back and forth and it’s a moment in time but then it’s the next moment so uh I think the concepts aredifficult to explain but um there’s some really I can’t remember his name but the British fellow who I think does a pretty good job of explaining it but the other aspect is the the physical aspect of what we’re now calling the microtubules which I don’t know if you’re familiar with micral very like I will just call it the tiniest thing we been able to find yet in ourselves and how they communicate because there’s communication and uh how they help a sense and and this is also how trees can talk to each other and plants can talkto each other and we can talk in our bodies and the university here has one of two microscopes they can see a micro Tu but that opens a whole new world of understanding healing and sickness and not not our conven conventional I don’t know if you’ve ever watched a Star Trek where the doc says good Lord Jim these people are using knives you know it’s sort of feels like we’re transitioning from a a very primitive form of viewing our health and our ability to heal to more of the star treack where he takes his little andgoes oh yes okay there you go now you’re fine it’s not such a leap when when you get into Quantum healing yeah and what what’s interesting that if we look at an atom then we have this the M um matter is just 0 z z z six zeros and a one uh compared to the space in which the the the nuclear and the the um electrons so if I have my thumbnail and this is the the nucleus and then all around Germany Switzerland and Austria are the electrons and and so this is really like it’s energy the rest pretty muchthat’s information and [Music] um yeah energy and and and what we do in what we do in normal circumstances or so we work on this 0.001 to to make things work like um normal medicine or so they give you a pill or they fix the broken arm or so and it’s very good to to have that but the rest that’s where we are working with fuming really like to to change that energy field and and Joe dispenser is is also somebody who’s really doing a lot of research in in this in this field and it’s about getting to a high energy levellike to to have elevated emotions like love and uh joy and and the others they they bring you more and more to that more meta related field and and so really like consciously to go into this I want to have gratitude I want to have love in my life I want to have uh joy and uh focus and yeah so and and so you you more and more get drawn to to this when you yeah when you look at all the war things or so what you said HEI being drawn into h a rabbit hole this is an energetic process that brings you downto to that more matter like area yeah and to lift us up that that’s the most important part and to set that intention and to be connected to those I agree but I think both is important no as we know from integral going down into into the shadows and then going up into it it’s it’s timely because I I’m was listening to all these uh talks about um quantum physics and there was the image if you take out the space in your in your body no between the nucleus what would be left from you would be likethis exactly yeah yeah it’s incredible want to think about it yeah but would you say it’s not that you look at those but if you go with the energy if you go with the downward emotions then you’re drawn into this and and it’s hard to get out of it but if you You observe and and be with your awareness and say oh interesting exactly this is and you know then it’s it’s different I think exactly and we have planned for next Sunday for the salon to talk about that this time last time yesterday or when it was we talked aboutthe the the things which are going on and our attitude to that and next time we want to talk how are we uh in the face of uh how do we deal it and I already thought from my own experience it is also there is a development because I noticed at the beginning completely immersed in these things and then slowly you come out and go into the Observer position and I realize when for instance I fall back into the melting with a topic then my heart begins to do this uh story and I do the the breathing and I notice oh okay you were nowidentified with or too much touched by it you know I mean yeah it’s good to be touched because not to see it neutral when you think about thousands and thousands of people dying but not not being melted into it you know and this I think is also a process of capacity to to to develop and I don’t think what many people do is to avoid going into this that’s it’s it’s not a good alternative I think you have to go through this very difficult moment of realizing and then develop a capacity a resilienceof of of handling these things listen to these things and not getting uh destroyed let’s say by by hor that’s one of the things I’m about learning you know at the moment I’m I am learning another learning aspect of life yeah yeah and and it’s not working to to pour pink sauce over what’s not working no yeah it’s also in relationship I mean you have to address certain things to to make it work but I think the the intention is also like do you want to to go there for fearmongering do you want to go therefor blaming do you want to go there for all these negative feelings or do you want to observe it to be clear what’s what so and then to look what is your part in making it better or transforming it exactly and raising Consciousness Al together you know my own and if possible also helping other to to definitely that is my intention and not being entering into depression because of the horrible of the word you know so yeah yeah yeah nice yeah and to to dig deeper and to learn more this is just a joy I meanit’s not it’s I don’t know it’s like I I I was I was in charge of four nursing homes and we had like uh people that were in charge of the the cleaning ladies and so and in one of those houses there was one who was five years younger than me at that time and I offered her a place into um like to what do you call it house um so who are in charge of cleaning um laundry and things like that and to learn that professionally and have a certification and she said oh no I’m too old I’m I mean she was like 40 40 five yeahso and and and then I gave it to somebody else and she said you know she was so happy and and I was so shocked I mean she was really five years younger than me and and and she got it for free and she could could just one day in the week she could just learn everything and and I couldn’t understand that but she just didn’t want to so that’s one I the reason I laughed is because I I’ve been putting together my research proposal and when I when I talk about agism I talk about not just how people treat you but how you treatyourself and the fact that we have an I don’t know if you have it in Germany but we say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and we believe that and so we don’t bother and so we don’t bother teaching older people we assume how older people learn and you don’t you think it’s too late and then you focus on the denigration of your health uh versus the you know the the as you say the joy that comes from learning and and even learning how to be a healthier adult um but we had at 70 year 79 year old in the training last year in theFitness training yeah oh laoren laa from South Africa yeah she was 83 and did BHD with 83 unfortunately I might do that no reason not to sorry I interrupted you Gina no no you didn’t I was I was just adding on that that’s that’s the funny story that’s the part of the dance is what is the belief system and soon as you take away that belief system and substitute another one some people you know the cycle of adoption it’s the early adopters and then a few more but once you got about 177% you’re pretty muchOff to the Races and what we’re seeing is U the creation of a standard for age friendly universities so to be able to embrace all ages so not just uh older adults but just creating a whole different experience on the richness that comes with intergenerational learning uh in a different format other than just in the family because I think we used to learn a lot within family uh and now that we’re separated we don’t tend to think about passing down like do you know how to do this have you do you know how todo you know how to sew in a button I mean there’s a simple little thing people do people sew in buttons anymore but an interesting canning in Co all of a sudden everybody wants to learn how to can again so anyways I think it’s I think it’s a you have to treat it with a little bit of play fulness uh your own life experiences even the the darker ones is like you go down the rabbit hole you go that was fun and then you come back take a look around and have a little laugh about what you’ve learned or even tear aboutwhat you’ve learned and and then just go on keep going I mean that’s really what we have to do yeah I don’t one of those enlightened Masters she said um we’re here to expand love and learning yeah and I think people who don’t want to learn either have the false beliefs which you were saying or in childhood they have to be so put down in this desire to learn because children want to learn and when from the very beginning it is pushed down then they might not be able to recover this uh enthusiasm of learning something new andthat’s really a shame I feel it very sorry for for people who have lost this capacity because I imagine that life must be very boring very gray and everything like that when you have no new excitement about learning something new discovering something new which know before I mean I have to say when I was 27 and in a marriage and uh horrible things I mean I really thought I’m old and um there was the moment of Liberation where I prepared for The Liberation when I thought if this is life no so you know and that reallypushed me out and discover many many things and I ended up here and still discovering every day ladies we are at the end of our hour was very nice to to see you both together and also G that you came back again and hopefully we next time we’ll be a bit more crowded in this room yeah sorry I was family absorbed yeah yeah know everybody has something that’s good but an an um um conversation in three is also nice you know because when there are six or seven people then that’s a different Dynamics and so Ilove it too so thank you and maybe a short check out yeah I I just wanted to say John Keo I don’t know if he’s still living so he might be 90 if I I had a um I had a workshop with him which was phenomenal who is that who is that John kho I put him in a chat and he has written some books the the mind mind everything about mind so he was one of the first to to to do this work and he has written Quantum Warrior and and Jun you see him sitting there on a chair an old man I mean you really see that he’s old his he’s kindof um skinny like an old man not so much and then he stands up and is starting to teach and he was jumping over over this stage and he was like and and he he told us he was healing himself from the future so he was going into his future life and in the healthy vers version of it and then said what do I need right now to fix because he couldn’t move his back was so in pain and he said he did that for hour or two so to to really ask his future self what he needs to do and then he’s got up and wasgood so I learned quite a bit from him about Quantum field and yeah so that’s what I wanted to add because I put him in the chat thanks Gina take out wordss um just thank you a pleasure to meet you go and uh I enjoyed our conversation and I always think this is a magic in three and uh the other thing I like to say is that the right people show up at the right time so this that’s how I see the three and it was very enjoyable so thank you Heidi and thank you gr and thank thank you both of you and I just uh got ordered it’s not yetarrived the book from this I think is called UL van and three books one of it is quantum uh Theory and spirituality and so I’m very curious about that and maybe we talk time yeah we can talk about that okay have a good evening have a good day for you din Take Care by bye bye bye bye bye


Gertraud Wegst. Portrait.

Gertraud Wegst

Portrait of Monika Frühwirth

Monia Fruehwirth

Hannelie Venucia


Heidi Hornlein

Christine Baser Habib

Christine Baser Habib