In past years we streamed these conversations live. At the moment they are recorded and uploaded to Youtube. Live streaming is planned aagain for later this year.

A series of LIVE CONVERSATIONS among women from Europe, USA, Africa  and Canada. All about how we women can contribute to creating a better world. We are exploring our potential, our gifts and the fields we can give our contributions in our unique way and with our unique skills.
This series is free and permanently accessible on this website. If you want to participate in the conversations, please connect!

YEAR 2023
YEAR 2022
YEAR 2021
YEAR 2020
YEAR 2019
YEAR 2018
YEAR 2017
YEAR 2016

In oir last session in 2023 we talked about the pro and cons of discipline and ended up in suggesting books to read during the holidays.

Here the excerpt of the chat:

From Heidi Hornlein

Monia Fruehwirth,
eine Buchempfehlung: Louise Erdrich: Jahr der Wunder, Englisch: The Sentence
a knd of ghost story
anna hausser –
Bernardo kastrup
matias di stefano

Christine Hansmann heißt die Channel-Frau die von Annette Kaiser inteviewt wurde.

LINK  https://youtu.be/fLCWu9w1VB4

So many of us feel that time is running fast and has an overall different quaalitiy than earlier in our lives. It might be just a subjective impression, or is it real in some way?


November is the month of Thanksgiving, a common ritual in the US. Why do we engage in rituals of this sort? Chrristmas is another one which is coming soon.

In the first part of the conversation the women tried to find some interpretations for the dreams which Monia reported to have left her without understanding what they could tell her.

LINK  https://thewisdomfactory.net/dreams-and-rituals/

How to handle contradictions? How do they arise? – well, we noticed it in real time when talking about it. Interesting when considering the Enneagram types related to the expression of contradictions


Wir erforschten, was die Generationen unterscheidet und was sie vereint, am Beispiel der Frauen, die Töchter und Enkelinnen haben. wir erarbeiteten eine Vision für das Projekt, das Anna ins Leben rufen möchte.

LINK https://youtu.be/nZUilPaq3mE

We live in times of transforation and no one knows where the journey will lead us. How do we perceive ot?


Is there sweetness in Life? How does it express?  Is it a permanet gift? Or is it more often than not percieved as the total opposite?


RThis time just coming together shortly, to update each other about what is going on in our lives


Christine attended the IEC 2023 in Hungary and also gave a workshop on “the heroine’s journey” there. She reports about this experience. We also discussed the famous Trauma specialist Gabó Maté who was present on the conference and touched other topics which came up during the hour of the meeting.


In the two meetings of March 2023, the Women of WOMEN MATTERSS talk about CHANGE in their lives, how they address it and how they experience it. Can change be aa gift? Or is it more often than not percieved as the total opposite?


In previous meetings we already had talked about change and transformation. This time we focus more on how change is happening in our lives


Heidi talked about her love story and everybody chimed in with their own experience. We also talked about women in leadership and what that means


In thismeetings Heidi speaks about the constellation work she is doing to find out what the future of “ParadisoIntegrale.com” could be. Christine talks about her project to give a workshop at the Integral European Conference 2023 in Hungary about the heroine’s journey.


In the two meetings of March 2023, the Women of WOMEN MATTERSS talk about CHANGE in their lives, how they address it and how they experience it. Can change be aa gift? Or is it more often than not percieved as the total opposite?


Is there sweetness in Life? How does it express?  Is it a permanet gift? Or is it more often than not percieved as the total opposite?


We live in times of transforation and no one knows where the journey will lead us. How do we perceive ot?


The women of Women Matters talk about their lives and what is going on right now.

Will artificial intelligence our future? How far are we already in? Can we avoid being dominated by it?

All these questions and more in our meeting in the first half of January 2023

This time, Watch here  https://youtu.be/jODh7Y7sJR0? How far are we already 

The women of Women Matters talk about their lives and what is going on right now.

This is our fist meeting in January 2023. With all the problems we face in our lives and in the world: are there positive things? Whar sweetness do we witness, despite all?

Watch here     https://youtu.be/48aF4Xvf-qE

Women Matters meetings from January 2022 on

Regular discussion of an international womens’ group on selected topics. An international group of women meet regularly to discuss topics of importance to them.

This time we talk about the everlasting topic among women: Losing weight. Why would we want to?

Watch Here: https://youtu.be/oYWxhkgrZpo

Regular discussion of an international womens’ group on selected topics. An international group of women meet regularly to discuss topics of importance to them. This time we talk about the meaning of attention: Where do we direct our attention? What is the result of tthat?

The Women Matters international group talks about rituals. What is a ritual? What are they used for? Surprising insides in what are rituals which we never considered as such.

Following the the incredible healing story of Hannelie and after having discussed modalities of healing the women of Women Matters discuss the concept of TRANSFORMATION . You find both healing – videos HERE

The Women Matters international group talks about the opening og an exibition where Beatrice’s works are present.

Then life topics: attachment styles and how they influence our lives – and a way to free oneself from their grop

The Women Matters international group talks about questions which are relevant for almost all people.

This time about “Family”. About the significance of having a family – there might be different ways of creating families – and about the balance between cliseness and the wish for independence. Furthermore, in the third video, they discuss the necessity and usefulness of setting boundaries in order to be able to maintain autonomy.


The Women Matters international group talks about questions which are relevant for almost all people.

After: Family, Closeness, independence and boundaries

This time about how it feels when we stay in the space of someone else, family or not

Watch here: https://youtu.be/vz2ySrp0e9w

The incredible healing story of Hannelie HERE

Following the the incredible healing story of Hannelie , the women of Women Matters discuss modalities of healing which the are familiar with. You find both videos HERE

READ MORE  and watch the conversation

This meeting the international womens’ group speaks about the propensity of women for taking care of others while often not caring enough for themselves.