Integral Gardens – a conversation with Carlo Cecchetti
When I recorded the conversation with Carlo Cecchetti, I was looking forward to meeting him and so many other dear people at the Integral European Conference 2020 this month in Hungary.
In the meantime the Corona Virus has expanded all over Europe, especially in Italy where I live and so the dream of being again at the conference in person this year vanished. Nevertheless, The conference will take place online and the topic of “Integral Gardens” will be part of it.
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Carlo writes
Working with clients and their garden over more than 30 years, I have been witnessing people’s relationship to their outdoor spaces, the quality of this relationship, and sometimes the lack of it.
When I have been commissioned a garden design or restoration, following the traditional initial interview I received client approval to my interpretation; but somewhere inside of me i knew that my clients weren’t likely receiving a garden solution that reflected and facilitated their inner unique sense of belonging and wellbeing in their garden space.
I often wondered how would it be to create the ‘perfect garden’ for my clients, beyond my interpretations. I knew that deeper personal information was holding greater potential.
It was therefore only a matter of time for my own Family Constellations work to manifest in my profession as Garden Constellations and systemic work.
Our purpose is: “ To create spaces for peace and beauty “.
When I approached Illi Adato to organise an experimental workshop to retrieve the purpose of a well known, and sadly neglected, gardens network built in Italy by a famous garden designer, a host of hidden information was waiting to be retrieved and restored back into fruition.
When we enquired through the 1950’ gardens founder’s representative regarding the current status of their green spaces, she confirmed that the initial gardens design wasn’t reflecting the real wishes of the owners.
In retrieving the founder’s wishes of wellbeing in the form of elements of garden design, we created our first Garden Insights: the garden founder suggested adding a fountain representing the Garden’s Soul with words at the base, trees for sheltering and protection, swings seats for forgotten children.
In another piece of work our client remembered a miscarriage; two white roses were planted in honour soon afterwards. The client garden fruition then became more peaceful and rewarding. We also discovered how to restore the client’s creative tension for their own garden design.
Gardens Insights charge the garden space with the energy of its founders, and not only. We observed during the following testing that members of the public can feel a renewed interest in visiting otherwise overlooked green spaces.
The potential for using Garden Insights is certainly vast, and we use them in back office to inform our garden design, restorations and consultancy. In garden spaces, Garden Insights become a physical portal through which people or animals can see, tune-in and connect to specific energies of belonging.
New bespoke solutions keep emerging in many forms of garden fruition, from private personal use to outdoor public parks, from organizational green spaces to leisure centres. Our customers range from individual garden users to community park managers, garden designers, landscapers, architecture and engineering studios, historical parks managers, consultants, real estate agents and developers, creative teams.
Essentially we create spaces for more sustainable co-creations, where health and well being are paramount for individual and collective Life Journeys.
We are intentionally based in Charles Darwin birthplace, Shrewsbury, England, and most of our bespoke services can be delivered online to any world country.
Our qualified landscape architects bring a wide range of technical and stylistical solutions. We have our advanced systemic facilitator and integral artist holding space too. Above all, our common inspiration and passion is our thirst for research and study toward our Journeys.
A promising application of Garden Insights is Organizational purpose in the form of garden design. Members of an organisation can visit a three-dimensional living image of the purpose they are pursuing together.
Another important design is the From Land of Origin to Land of Immigration Park. We can retrieve the specific information and energies from each individual Home Land in the form of their unique Garden Insights. People who live abroad will be able to see, tune-in and connect through Garden Insights to the Unconditional energies coming from their Home Land.
As well as restoring a garden Rhythm, our expert staff is able to produce its unique Garden Song, that can weave people’s unique journey within their garden seasons.
We are now looking to expand our commercial offer to estate developers who want to offer their clients bespoke wellbeing packages, at indoors as well at outdoors settings.
Videopost for Mai 6th, 2020
About Carlo Cecchetti
Carlo is planning and constructing gardens in third generation. During a personal challenge the insight arose in him that gardens are mirrors of their owners and that the garden planner not always gets the full picture of his client and so the garden rests somehow incomplete. He encountered integral theory and then founded INTEGRAL GARDENS.
An Integral Garden is a physical living space where energies for well-being are spoken and manifested. This physical space holds and reflects energies for individuals, groups, and for the Environment.
Through our innovative Garden Insights, these energies are presented through physical garden elements, and sometimes through written words.
We can physically see, tune-in and connect through Garden Insights to energies that inform and resource us for reflection, for enjoyment, to support creativity and personal development.
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