In past years we streamed these conversations live. At the moment they are recorded and uploaded to Youtube. Live streaming is planned aagain for later this year.

A series of LIVE CONVERSATIONS among women from Europe, USA, Africa  and Canada. All about how we women can contribute to creating a better world. We are exploring our potential, our gifts and the fields we can give our contributions in our unique way and with our unique skills.
This series is free and permanently accessible on this website. If you want to participate in the conversations, please connect!

YEAR 2023
YEAR 2022
YEAR 2021
YEAR 2020
YEAR 2019
YEAR 2018
YEAR 2017
YEAR 2016

The conclusion of this conversation: wrestling with the fourth dimension and the idea that everything is given to us, so there is no need to fight for energy or territory.


This conversation is summatrized by a new AI tool. Check it out


wm april 24

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Fascinating the book of Chris Bache where he describes his 20 year long research journey into the mind of the Universe by means of LSD. He flound the “Diamonds from Heaven” as he likes to describe his work.


enjow Christines explanations for the different types.


The second meeting of WOMEN MATTERS in February 2024.


Again we are talking about the topic “Time and Change”, both phenomena well present in our lives.


The first meeting of WOMEN MATTERS in  February 2024.


The second meeting of WOMEN MATTERS in 2024.

Talking about uncertainty, necessarily the topic of our essence and about death is coming up. All participants are 60+ years old and the proximity of the end of life urges to consider these topics


The first meeting in 2024 of WOMEN MATTERS moved through many topics which came up in a co-creative way. A nice chat  of the women of WOMEN MATTERS

LINK  https://youtu.be/Qdoqdzt-ALc

In our last session in 2023 we talked about the pro and cons of discipline and ended up in suggesting books to read during the holidays.

Here the excerpt of the chat:

From Heidi Hornlein

Monia Fruehwirth,
eine Buchempfehlung: Louise Erdrich: Jahr der Wunder, Englisch: The Sentence
a knd of ghost story
anna hausser –
Bernardo kastrup
matias di stefano

Christine Hansmann heißt die Channel-Frau die von Annette Kaiser inteviewt wurde.