Pruning of life – removing oneself from the battlefield

Heidi writes
What will be when I leave my work and enter retirement? This question of Lorraine brought the women of Women Matters into a deep reflexion about getting older and how to meet this last stage of life. Pretending to be young and active like before? Or letting go completely and giving in to the aging process by losing all life energy? Is there something in between? Or is there something even different, a special task for older people?
The book „falling upward“ by Richard Rohr was mentioned. Hannelie read a lovely excerpt from the book of Zsusanna Budapest „Summoning the Fates – A General Woman’s Guide to Destiny and Sacred“.
It was a very inspiring meeting with which we continued this sort of deep exploration after a period of meetings not published which seemed to be more private conversations of only 2 or 3 members at a time. This time with 6 participants brought forth again the quality of our meetings of talking about the important topics of being alive.
The conversations took place in March, 2024
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