November 13th 2019
Ageing with Elegance and Grace – with Raquel Torrent

What counts in our society is youth, effectiveness, speed and making it all. We teach our children a lot of – ultimately – useless stuff. They are filling their heads and they try to keep up with the expectations, and we fail to teach them the true value of life itself. We even don’t realise how much being in balance is important for our own health and wellbeing. We are too much absorbed in doing things which seem to be important and urgent. Most of the times they are not and we are wasting our life time on what others find we should do.
For a long time we know that our brain has two parts and that one is more active when we learn and are engaged in mental processes, while the other is creative, agile and open and adds the juice to our lives. Unfortunately this is seldom heard and followed by mainstream education. Music and arts are still considered as a more or less useless extra which we can cancel from the curriculum without problems. Really?
In my opinion it is not by chance that depression has become a huge issue in our societies. We have cut out the nurturing elements, our brain has become lopsided, we have lost balance. When we approach the third act of our lives, such a situation is not helpful for enjoying the years which are given to us thanks to modern medicine and technical progress. We ignore the power of our mind, the power of beauty to enhance our energy level – very much to our detriment.
With spiritual practice of any kind we have the chance to lift ourselves up, to see the beauty around us, to create beauty in ourselves and in what we do, and we allow grace to enter into our lives.
We have the power to choose how we want to live: depressed or joyful. We might need the help of others to keep us up, and when we watch out, we can find this support everywhere.
Our guest Raquel Torrent has chosen to live the life of beauty, elegance and grace. In our conversation she expresses herself in this way and we hope to inspire you to do alike!
Raquel has been called the “midwife of the Spirit” by many people, who, over the years, have benefited from her Psychotherapy consultations, Coaching sessions or Workshops, Articles, and Annual Seminars. She is more than just an outstanding integral psychologist in four languages, she is a spiritual teacher, mentor, and guide for individuals and groups who are ready to take the next steps in their personal development and evolution to enjoy a valuable life.

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