Lets start a new year!

Heidi writes
A new year has begun. It promises to be full of the Unknown. Many challenges need to be seen and met, existential questions will force us to “face the beast” and to find valid ways of meeting them. How will we do that?
We have the chance to become more aware of our own inner ways of being and responding to outside problems. We have the chance of healing old wounds and enter into our own personal power for finally showing up and stepping up when it is needed. We need to become aware of the systemic forces which are running the world and to do our best to direct them into a more human, loving, compassionate direction. Not by chance one of the topics in our conversation was the uprising of AI, the benefits and the dangers which come with the advanced technology, especially in the hands of people who might not have the best in mind for humanity.
An interesting start into our 10th year of regular conversations in this group of women with an integral way of seeing the world.
The conversations took place in November, 2024
The video captures a lively conversation among a group of friends as they reflect on their personal lives, experiences, and aspirations at the start of the new year. The dialogue begins with warm greetings and personal updates, where participants share their holiday experiences, health challenges, and family milestones. As the discussion progresses, they delve deeper into their individual hopes and fears for the year ahead, emphasizing self-discovery, personal growth, and a desire for meaningful connections. They also contemplate the broader societal changes and the evolving landscape shaped by technology and spirituality. Each person shares their unique insights into how they plan to navigate the upcoming year, focusing on creativity, engagement with their communities, and a commitment to personal authenticity.
🎉 **New Year Reflections:** Participants express gratitude for the start of a new year and share personal milestones from the past year.-
💔 **Health Challenges:** Several members discuss health issues they’ve faced, emphasizing the importance of self-care and finding balance.-
🌍 **Family Bonds:** The joy of family gatherings during the holidays is highlighted, showcasing the importance of familial relationships.-🔍 **Personal Discovery:** The conversation touches on deep self-reflection and the journey of understanding oneself better.-
🌱 **Future Aspirations:** Participants discuss their hopes for the new year, including projects and personal goals aimed at self-improvement.-
🤝 **Community Engagement:** There is a strong emphasis on the significance of community support and connection amid experiences of disappointment and disillusionment.-
🔮 **Spirituality and Technology:** The group explores the intersection of spirituality and technology, considering how these elements might shape human experience moving forward.
Key Insights-
💫 **The Value of Self-Discovery:** The importance of introspection is a recurring theme. Participants highlight that the past year has prompted them to examine their identities and vulnerabilities. This self-discovery is framed as a necessary step toward realizing their full potential and embracing their true selves in the face of external expectations.-
💬 **Navigating Community Dynamics:** A participant discusses the complexities of community engagement, expressing disappointment over the lack of support received when reaching out for help. This sentiment resonates with others, prompting a conversation about the importance of mutual support and the challenges of feeling isolated within a community.-
🎨 **Creative Expression as a Catalyst for Change:** The conversation reveals a shared understanding that creative pursuits can serve as a powerful means of personal expression and healing. Participants express a desire to explore their artistic sides as a way to channel their emotions and foster deeper connections with themselves and others.-
🌈 **Embracing Vulnerability:** Acknowledging fears of ridicule and rejection appears to be a significant hurdle for many participants. They discuss how embracing vulnerability can lead to greater authenticity and connection, allowing them to share their ideas and dreams more openly.-
🌐 **Emerging Human Experience in the Age of AI:** The impact of technology on human experience is a pivotal point of discussion. Participants reflect on the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and its implications for human relationships and creativity. There is a consensus that while technology can enhance certain aspects of life, it is crucial to remain rooted in human connection and intuition.-
🌀 **Balancing Personal and Collective Aspirations:** The group emphasizes the challenge of balancing personal goals with the desire to contribute to the community. Participants express a commitment to pursuing their passions while remaining open to collaboration and support from others.-
✨ **Hope for Transformation:** The overarching sentiment is one of hope and anticipation for the new year. Despite challenges, participants express a willingness to embrace change and explore new paths, signaling a collective readiness for transformation and growth.
As the video unfolds, it becomes clear that this gathering serves not only as a space for sharing personal updates but also as a collaborative environment for envisioning a brighter future. Participants leave with a renewed sense of purpose, determined to navigate the complexities of life with grace, creativity, and resilience.
I just want to mention I will be leaving at about 25 P I just dropped into Sayo 25 yeah don’t have no scene H why don’t you start H how you doing yeah oh thank you ladies um yeah I’m I’m grateful to start have started this year in a more Gentle Way than usual and um by looking forward to how it’s unfolding and I’m here in Cape Town and po you you you muted get out yeah that was quick I would love to hear a little bit more I’ve got a barking and four-legged one here so get you have to continue yeah go go on with second and then wemight put it into the topic in some way because I have an idea what we could talk about get go ahead yeah I’m just um back from um PES so from what pones so I’m I’m Gart living in in Germany and uh we spent Christmas with our kids and grandkids and then we came back and we’re sick a phenomenon if you have Toddlers and um yeah so I’m I’m back on track and uh it’s good to see you all I couldn’t make it the last time so happy New Year everyone happy healthy joyful yeah and I pass on to mon yeah well the year the New Yearwasn’t quite that healthy I had I had to go to an exhibition of rembrand which I didn’t want to miss and it was really terrific and I didn’t notice that I walked around so much and then I had in my left uh knee uh the back so it it hurt terribly and I just limped around and I felt like I’m 90 or 95 and then my husband I had an idea about he has a def flammatory medication and I took one and the next morning I felt fine again so I was very happy but this comes so unexpectedly and then I really feel oldand so I’m taking it slower now and yeah and I won’t go to an exhibition in quite some time anymore because I was so fascinated by these Rembrant paintings they are just marvelous and and uh yeah but well my grandchildren they went to H ber and then to Marakesh and so they just they are all over but mares was just a terrific they sent so many uh pictures and it was just yeah beautiful the colors of this of the sand dunes and of this the blue of the cities and so it’s I’ve never been there before so it I wasreally impressed but my husband and I we are just TR happy to pass one day after the other and when I feel fit to go shopping for groceries that’s about yeah and we just took down all the Christmas decorations and now I’m exhausted after today okay I’ll pass on to Victoria H difficult to unmute yourself yeah yeah um Heidi I’m Gonna Let You Go first I’m about five minutes away from my house and then I’ll go on my computer and it’ll be more normal because I or I can check in now but it’s a little ricketyum I’ll go ahead since I’m talking um can you hear me okay okay anyway happy New Year everybody and um I’ll I’ll see you normally in a couple of minutes but um the the it’s sort mon is going to laugh as especially um I was hoping very much that beatric would be on the call today um because uh she really misses you all and um we we both went on the zoom went into the zoom room um whenever like it was during the holidays when Heidi you said you were gonna leave the zoom room open and whoever showed up beatric and I didshow up but nobody was there but I was so happy that she Mo to do that this morning but I just got a text from her um last night that she and her partner gayen uh they just returned to Portland they were down here for the holidays um they just so I’m wondering indeed if maybe um maybe I caught it too because they just left a couple days ago but we’ll see what happens but um so I I’m assuming she’s fast asleep trying to recover and um but anyway I’m on her behalf I’ll send her love because she was actuallyplanning to come today and as I said we we came um we came when nobody else was there but it’s it’s good it shows that maybe this new year she’ll be rejoining us um so I’m gonna I’m gonna just about to get out of the car so I’ll see you momentarily thanks over to you Heidi thank you yeah it would be nice to see beatric again sooner or later yeah uh check in it’s getting cool in Italy overnight is getting about freezing now and I covered a little bit my vegetables the salad and so on for not to have it inItaly they say burned because they don’t really have a good word for frozen so all together I’m fine uh had a nice other nice talks today and 2025 I thought we could um talk about our projects for this year our hopes and our fears whatever we want to choose because I have heard a lot of um prophecies and um astrology for sites and whatever and they all say this year will be roller coaster and so I’m wondering what what your ideas are and what you plan to do for yourself or also uh in case something will bedifferent do you have a plan B and whatever that would I would suggest to do as we always do at the end of the year and the beginning of a year a little bit of a preview or recollection of the previous years so that’s my proposal okay uh H why don’t you start since you have to leave just have a barking for one behind me so please excuse that he’s just don’t anymore he was yeah but he wants my attention all the time you see so spk he doesn’t want me to be in front of the computer after 6 o’clock in theevening he he really complains every time I do something online um yeah thank you Ida for me was um the past two years were really insightful a lot of alignment happened although some of it was really painful and I made a lot of self-discoveries about myself that impacted how I approached this year and to see that whatever happened was really there to put me into alignment more into alignment with what I’m here to do and so on and one of the things I discovered was I don’t think you ladies are aware of it but I wasdeep deeply Disturbed in the here by the middle of the year last year because I realized that even though I reached out to some of my people in my community um to support me in some ways like on online things not to attend it at all just to I have something on on patreon and something on substract and none of the people in my communities actually even responded to that request so I was deeply hurt by it I felt that why am I in a community if I can’t reach out to people for just that type of support because every time somebodyenters as a free member the visibility of what I’m sharing is is higher so I had to also then look into myself why is this so disturbing to me and uh it took me on a long journey to discover that I was always been because I’m sharing so much of the new of what’s new that it’s always fragile to share stuff like that and it takes long for it to fall everything to fall into place but I I discovered that I had this inherent fear that I will be ridiculed and rejected um after feedback for example so maybe Iprevented it for people to actually support me in some way it’s a two-way street so that was really interesting to come to that realization because I wanted so deeply to be received and to be heard and seen and then on the other side there’s this fear of ridicu which I have experienced over the past few years and was mostly from people that I know it wasn’t strangers so it was really fascinating so I did a lot of deep internal work in the second part of the year and I had to be by myself to do that so I didn’t join a lot of groupthings that I can really see what’s going on inside of me and then to also rebuild myself up to see to take back my power that I gave away through the process because I did give my power away and to re to recoup all those parts of myself that was like so fragmented then because of that and this year and I also realized that I was protecting what I’m here to share with the world because again I was afraid that I will be ridiculed or receive criticism from people that I really care about not so muchstrangers and I discovered that I have been hiding a lot of the stuff that I’m here to do because of that and I can’t expect the outer world to respond to me if I’m not bringing to show up totally so for me personally this year is to really show up totally fully completely unapologetically and to share this in abundance with the world and you may ask me what is that so this as us there’s a lot of things that’s close to my heart that I’ve been working on for the last 5 years and one of them is a new economynew Financial system and process which is prosperity based not profit based in terms of companies and it’s also to shift the mindset from a hierarchical system to a centralized system in terms of um you could call it a central prosperity orchestrator so bring all the parts together especially in our world where like you say I things are changing so rapidly and there’s so many things happening so it’s not somebody on top it’s somebody in the middle so to speak that brings all the threats together itcan be for entrepreneur or it can be for organization so that’s one of the big things and to get there is to share people intelligence human intelligence as we are now in the artificial intelligence era and what is the next human beings what is this emerging human being all about as we have all this technology and advances in AI for example because it’s rapidly being in in not only introduce accepted in the world so what about us as human beings so new ways of thinking being doing co-creating and relating andI also made a fascinating discovery about co-creation about why incredible Visionary people with great ideas and great Visions for the world struggle to co-create with others and it was actually embodiment process that that really blow blew it open for me why I’ve been trying to co-create with so many amazing people and it really never worked out and then I discovered but why because some of us are drivers some of us are collaborators some of us are Visionaries um some of us are organizers and we if you have two drivers togethernothing will happen because each one to bring their thing into the world and then you get people who are connected they they bring people together they connect people they like to collaborate but we need all the parts not only certain parts and that was also eye opener so I for now I’ll be complete and I’ll pass on to get trout [Music] Hy I would like to connect you to Forest Wilson our emerging future this um an American and uh but it’s a worldwide thing and also to Angela who is creating um new way ofum yeah Insurance in Africa in Kenya so that’s what comes up for me first um this year this last year has been wonderful and challenging um my new granddaughter was born she’s now almost eight months old and uh just a joy and um yeah at Christmas we have seen all five all three families and um so I was pretty much involved I was staying with them and so this last year was at least half a year or so was dedicated to family mostly and um and also like finding my own way so I’m working with different people togetherand that’s nice but I feel like what is it that we are genuinely as the appreciators um bring to the world and I think we have found something that’s working with startups so that that’s fun to see what could we offer and we’re working on this and this year and my my new training the the instant change training so for this year it’s like uh not so much working for others but working for myself and um bringing my gifts to the world and not only like Co working with with others which is fine and I will still do but umreally like to and and what you shared Hy this very resonating with me the shy to really full fully go out and and share yeah so this is my topic for the year yeah and kind of really like not falling into a family and not only doing work so to have this wonderful balance to enjoy as long as they are little um yeah to to enjoy my girls and their their families and at the same time making a mark in in the world yep that’s and honey let’s let’s uh talk about that um in the next few days so well last year was about healthissues [Music] and they will remain with us with my husband because there is no cure for his PO pathology and so we just continue the best we can and projects as such there is the wedding of my of our grandson in four weeks he will and then in one more month yeah end of March he will have they will celebrate at the castle and in the church and so it’s really a big Affair but I noticed that I’m sort of dist mostly and I have uh we have uh in our Saloon we talked about somebody mentioned actuallyjust thas medinger and b s culture so Consciousness culture and the culture of Consciousness and I resonated right away and I read the book in 23 and I noticed that I I read it rather thoroughly but I’ve noticed that I have to uh again go through it and so will be talking about it in the next Salon um one of the issues he has is uh intellectual or r Integrity Integrity so that you don’t lie to yourself intellectually about things and it’s quite fascinating and I’m wonder and of course he is a meditator he meditates every day and aswe all know it piles up so you have to do it every day and I I sort of went into Vidant literature and yeah I have some kind of infinity I wouldn’t call the project but I feel much more infinite than I did before um it makes sense to me and so I’m rather unafraid of whatever happens because it’s just part of the deal I I took in when I incarnated um yeah maybe you are aware of our political issues in Austria uh which are quite amazing and we’ll just sit back and watch what comes out of it and actually most peopleare rather relaxed but again we have the same issues we had as long as the left parties are not in the government they start to go take to the streets and to demonstrate so their concept of democracy is a little different than the one of the conservatives um yeah but we’ll see what happens so I’m also interested what the Trump Administration will provide us what problems they will provide us with and I’m not the only one but it’s also something that will pass yeah that’s about as much as I can talkabout my projects hopes and fears and I pass on to Victoria thank you um well uh I guess I’ll start with fears oh no I don’t know if they’re fears but I I do have a lot I’ve a lot of family members and friends in Los Angeles and um oh and monia thank you for reaching out I I was I had such a hectic couple of days or week that I’m way behind with everything but thank you for thinking of me um yeah so as far as I know everybody is safe um but living with other people I um the the area that was hit by thefires is is where um where I have the most uh friends and acquaintances and um well I don’t know if my family lives there anymore but um and the the air here has been very bad oh hon lots of love to you and so wonderful to start the new year with you we’ve really missed you it’s just fabulous so please come back don’t abandon us again [Music] um and uh let’s see what else the the big news I’m going to share the well I don’t know if I yeah I’ll share the news um beatric and her partner gayen gotengaged on New Year’s Day um at a a a beach where um they were going actually when I first met him four years ago he was coming to pick her up to take her to this for a walk on these Cliffs um and so I don’t know in some weird way I mean we weren’t there when when I mean I wasn’t there when he proposed to her but but they already had a very um a very uh unorthodox wed they were at a burning man uh in the desert in the summer I think I mentioned that to you um that was in August I think and um they they got marriedspontaneously at 5:00 in the morning in the middle of the desert and um they have some amazing photographs if I can figure out a way to um share them with you or for B just share them with you they’re really real artworks um so so we knew it was coming but but it’s still uh gayen apparently had to um he had to sort of make sure he didn’t have cult feet it’s one thing to do a kind of fantasy um you know like a theater kind of thing uh and with no you know no real strings attached because there’s no you know there’s no priestthere’s no judge there’s no civil servant nobody’s there except your friends and um and so I think he needed those months be just has been sure since the beginning uh since she met him actually um so anyway I’m very happy about that just because for her sake that there it’s it’s they they still haven’t said a date they said they I said when when are you going to get married she said well right now we’re working on which state we’re going to get married in because they spent a month in New York they have friends there um theyhave they live in Portland so they have a lot of friends in Oregon um they both are from here California originally so they have a lot of friends and family here um so they’re trying to figure out where and um and they already made a list of of of guests an A List a B list and a c c list and um they said the A-list alone is 300 people so um a priest friend of mine um who’s he he took us out uh he’s known be since she was a little girl uh he took us out for LOB to ring in the New Year and um andhe’s all excited about the wedding but uh I mean he’s a Catholic priest but he knows that beatric is a bit of a renegade and um anyway he he was saying to me well you know who’s going to pay the bill for the for the wedding because traditionally the mother of the bride pays it so I may have to sell my house if the 300 people decide to come um but anyway so that’s that and my news is that um I I had a I I’ve been in a very low place as you all know for the last um I don’t know long time really depressed and fighting hard to just justto keep going and I haven’t played any music and I haven’t tap danced and I haven’t done any of the things I love for the really long time and um last year feels like a just a a kind of blur of of nothingness and Despair and um at right at the end of the year there there’s a Harvard Catholic no Harvard Christian I don’t know some Harvard thing that’s like a a alumni uh organization of of Christians and they meet at the crack of dawn I rarely go but I did go a few months ago and um they only meet once amonth and something in me impelled me to ask them to pray for me for discernment because I feel felt like my life was just at an end and I didn’t know how to move on and this one uh they just pray spontaneously it was the most beautiful prayer I wish I could have recorded it really eloquent and I it made me cry anyway couple La last week on Monday I woke up at the crack of dawn like as if I’d been like hit by lightning and um and there was one idea in my head that was um I must apply to Harvard DivinitySchool it totally out of the blue um and so I I thought oh I mean literally there was no nothing that led to this no conversation no thinking no planning um so so anyway to cut the cut the long story short um I I immediately when I got out of bed looked on the my computer because um all applications basically are always due for any institution are always due in December and I thought this is a very weird thing to wake up with this inspiration and it’s January anyway the deadline weird freakishly enough thewhole university has a deadline in in mid December early December Harvard Divinity school’s deadline was last Thursday at midnight and um so I just had a window of four days to pull together my whole life contact old professors for recommendations get transcripts write a statement of purpose write a resume I I had nothing because I’ve been living in this vacuum um so and I was very grateful beatric was here because she pushed and pushed and pushed and I kept getting out of my chair and saying I can’t do this and this isstupid or I don’t want to do this or I’m too old and she kept saying sit down Mama keep going and um and so I did and it’s in and um and I even had to like like bang down the doors ironically the one the one person holding me up not person the one in uh was the registrar’s office at Harvard University and talk about what Hony was saying about how we have to be new human beings um there is no communication between the regist office and the har Divinity School even though they’re in the same University andthey’re walking distance like 5 minutes walking so I went totally old school on this whole application and I just banged down the doors I called and called and called till the human being would answer the phone and that’s what got me through that these people stepped forward and said oh yeah we’ll help you we’ll we’ll see that someone runs your transcript over across you know across the street and um it was really I don’t know that there was something very heartening about to realize that yes there arestill human beings out there and um so I don’t know um anyway I don’t want to take up the whole time this but it’s big news for me because it what I’ve realized just since since last Monday since I woke up with that kind of like you know Epiphany in every respect I have more energy I’m walking every day I’m I’m you know I got opened up my violin cases um which was a disaster but but at least I open them up and now if I play these you know Things Fall Apart when you don’t use them um so I feel like a new personso I’m I’m very hopeful about the New Year even if I don’t get in the fact that I Revisited my life I had to do I I I made a list for example of all the um the the groups I’ve been involved with with zoom since the pandemic and um inte and women matters and fr and Brun and all the Buddhist groups I had over 75 they’re over 75 organizations that I’m part of and involved with but actually involved with not just like I went once and never went again and that really amazed me so I realized I haven’t wasted all theseyears I’ve actually been doing something and but it I had to think about it to pull it together and realize I do know a lot I’ve learned a lot about Buddhism and a lot about uh mysticism and Christianity and I’ve I haven’t learned as much about Ken Wilbur as I should I’m still an impostor with you but the fact that we have conversations and I’m communic um anyway so I could go on for hours but so that’s my big news I’m really excited about it and um even if I don’t get in I feel like I’m On A New Path and there’sI have some Focus so so over to you Heiden I’m sorry it took so long but here you so I think this is really great because sometimes in life you really need a new impulse no when uh when it’s sort of slow or or to even to to I don’t know how to to call that and then comes some new spark and and you you change in some way you change your life and that’s good and you get more energy in some way I have the a similar experience I think I told you that I did the Italian course to get a certification for the for asking I don’thave it yet but I hope this week uh to ask um um citizenship for Italy at the beginning I was very annoyed by this because I knew everything you know and and then I got some interest in it to figure out the the details the subtleties and so on and the course was over on Wednesday in December and on Friday I got the idea hm you could do a another higher level and do another exam why I know a enough Italian so I don’t need what about learning a new language and then yeah and then I thought oh yes I will be learningRussian because I had this love when I was at school I had this love for these Russian churches with um you know with these uh uh how do you say onion uh roofs and uh I was really in love with that and I did afternoon courses a little bit in in in Russian and with a school we did the maturity uh travel to Moscow then and it was I mean in late 70 no beginning 70s so it was still a Soviet Union and it was so so many things happened and it was almost impossible but we were there and you know and all different and I I hadthis obviously all the time this desire no because for me it’s now like closing a circle you know that I I start now to learn Russian in three weeks I mean I still don’t understand a lot but I see that I I’m am about it and I afterwards I’m sure I will go again and see oh how was this word and it’s such a challenge first of all the writing no it takes a long time until you understand that a p is not a p but an R you know and I’m better in that now then in the print version I sometimes cannot distinguish Ihave to put on the glasses to see all these uh vertical things with somewhere a little bit in in between the distinguish but it’s also as a language it’s so different to the languages I already know you know so boo it’s a real challenge but I’m sort of I’m getting new energy out of it and doing uh things and also when I go to to tone my olive trees and so I feel much more Len with with life let’s say not Laden in the things but in the sense of weight but in loaded loaded I think you say inspired wife life is coming on muchmore um yeah with joy let’s say so I I think it will take a long time until I really it’s so difficult all these endings and everything and oh M here I thought German is difficult but I think this is even more difficult but it’s a challenge and I I take it I don’t know why what I will do with it but it’s not that’s not a problem it’s just this desire to go into it because I learned again to focus on something you know with the Italian language school and now I continue to focus and it’s getting much better andbetter so and I don’t listen anymore so much to podcasts and things some yes but not as many as I did before or or other things you know because now I have to remember oh how was the word go go go how was [Laughter] it oh yeah so that’s my news and I think for this year I I will continue with this and see where I go and with all the other projects I have trying to find people to stay here with me or selling the house and finding another one near this near the near the village this is all going parallel and I will see how it goes Imean I’m just I’m in at the moment in a very good mood of something will show up something will develop and I still feel quite energetic also physically uh you know how I walk on the ground I mean when I prune the the olives the last day that’s like this you know on the you have to work on this and I never fell so I feel quite fit let’s say even I go on the on the on the Lea again you know and feel secure so it’s a new like like last year in in Spring I was very energetic then from Summer ons and now it’s coming back the the theenergy so far to me do we have any other ideas well that’s great news oh go ahead yeah about what I fear I don’t know if I fear it but I think it will be a lot this year what we will see I mean um many things have already changed in um in with the election for instance of Trump no and uh uh many many sides are moving and you know or in Austria and whatever is going many things are moving and I don’t feel the need to to follow that closely but I’m very curious how it will go all these things how they willwork out I listen to some um as I said prophecies sort of prophecies there are many people there is one good book which is syn synchronicities and Cycles in in the world history in this is in German and lately I saw um forra what is forra a uh a talk by this guy and that was very interesting again and it seems that we enter in the year of the serpent Chinese year of the serpent and that is a year where many many many many things go wooden Ser yeah serent very curious what comes out and probably there willbe things we haven’t thought about it yet so it’s useless to be fearful because we don’t know what will come the only thing which I think is we need to be prepared in a certain sense prepared mentally to be flexible enough to to respond when the the moments come which be difficult it might not be difficult who knows that’s my fears and my projects there is a podcaster or video guy who is interviewing um kind of psychic people or um and it’s called Next Level soul and there is a lot going on andthey say yeah this year is going to be like a roller coaster and yeah a lot lot lot lot happening that’s a very good broadcast I don’t listen to all of the uh the P I heard some Gary something lately and he was saying that next this year will be really his voices from the other side it’s interesting I mean do you know that M and Victoria Next Level Soul podcast you find it on YouTube Alex ferera or something is it in English yeah oh Next Level Soul s o l yeah yeah yeah he was um cameraman in uh Hollywoodand then he had an epiphany and started that to interview people oh like mediums and um and there’s always a disclaimer that this is not the opinion or of of me I’m just interviewing those people and they are really interesting very I I listen to a lot but I don’t I cannot keep up too much but it’s very interesting I mean I’m very interested in what people channel from the let’s say from the other side you know because I’m in the situation that I don’t believe anything and I believe everything I uh I admit that it could betrue I don’t want to believe literally that is exactly what is going on yeah but the more you here and I mean I told you a long time ago about LSD in the mind of the universe know but what he uh uh experienced as um the future of humanity and there’s so many people independent from each other who get these messages from I don’t know where and they are sort of I don’t want to the same but Point into the same direction and I find it fascinating just fascinating did you find it mon Next Level Soul podcast no I thought you werelooking for it it’s I put it in it’s called Next Level Zone like next level soul.com I just I found it it’s a they have their own website in fact they have their first live and in-person Conference March 28 to 30th [Music] 2025 unlock exclusive spiritual film series and events uhuh it’s a whole infrastructure um well that’s interesting because I um somebody a friend was asking me well you know about this Harvard dindy school thing and they said oh well um you know you’ll get in easily and actually Iapplied I applied in Japan um in 2002 when our time in Japan was coming to an end I applied and I was admitted I or not admitted I was accepted and um I was so excited to be going it was just like so it’s been a dream for a really long time and they offered me a big scholarship and I mean you know it was really great and then the day I had to decide um we had just moved back to the United States from Japan and little beatric was 10 years old and the reason we came back to the United States was that Conrad wanted her to know hergrandparents and have family like gad’s talking about the little ones and um this and and I woke up in the morning I thought I can’t do that to her have her go to some random Public School in Cambridge you know which I don’t know probably it’s not as crime ridden as it was when I was there but it was very scary when I was at Harvard as an undergraduate and I just thought no she needs to be you know we came here to be with her grandparents and you know anyway so um so it’s the second time around but Irealized with all these spiritual Awakenings that are going on like this next level soul but there there you know there are hundreds of like it’s like they’re they’re sprouting up everywhere and like you were saying hi do you listen to you know all these different podcasts um right now I don’t know what my chances are of getting them because it’s a tiny school they’re only about 250 students I are colonies of hippies oh it’s very small um and you know 20 years ago was a different a very different at least Ihad a different feeling about about that kind of thing but now um you know and if you look up Harvard vindy school and look at the faculty um it’s you know even boast they have like 165 different religions represented and um probably one for every student and um and some people who go there who have no spiritual faculties whatsoever but they’re going um because I think it’ll enhance their business or their career so um so it’s it’s interesting that we live in a time where there’s all this kind ofAwakening you know for better for worse I mean some of it may be a lot of it might be spirous and a lot of it might be valid and but you have to pick your way through and have discernment um but anyway so I’ll be curious to see how I Faire because um I if it were 20 years ago I’d be sure I I would be absolutely sure that I would get accepted because I I have all the qualifications they’re looking for but now who knows there might be some person representing some very exotic new religion you know in inAfrica is something that that that they’re very intrigued by and they want to you know may have even more diversity than they already have you know you never know so it’s um we’re living in very strange times in that sense oh monia before I forget is was the Rembrant show at the K Museum yes oh a big show they had they had time slots so you only could go at a certain time there and there were about a thousand people uh every day and it finished uh yesterday I believe or so I really yeah but it was beautifulpaintings beautiful oh yeah there’s the the just I spent a whole day with a a a friend uh a few months ago uh in just in the rembrand room at the Getty because he’s a he’s a we both studied art history together Harvard and he’s a professor in Toronto and um I said I said you know there are lots of other museums in La we can go to and he said no I just want to look at these Rembrant uh I shall look into next level soul and report my opinion next time yeah yeah look at this scary something I forgotten how how thatwas what I listened to last or we should listen to to one together together and then yeah we could also check choose one and see what we think about it maybe you just pick one hiid and post it to us yeah I could find that one I found very interesting but I don’t know who who that was but it she was talking about that we like that there will be two worlds like there is this um more red and Ember world or and so people like really don’t want to the the let’s say mega and so more like the the the old way could you sayit in German maybe since yeah there so what she said the world there will be uh something like a split in the in the world in reality in reality that’s what she said I I thought it was interesting to say they’re more spiritual awakened people or people that that uh and and the others they will not see each other anymore you know like they they will literally not not be together anymore and there is this old thing with war and whatever and then the advanced and and um ascended version of the world you don’tremember the title of no no I don’t if I find it I can I can share it with you but I I thought it was like to I mean when when I was pregnant and I came out of the office of the the the the doctor and then all of a sudden the were where are all those women coming the pregnant women coming from so so I thought kind of this like you literally don’t see them the other people that are more stuck in the old in the old world and in the and then I wish I couldn’t see all the tourists that flood our cityyeah yeah yeah no no just this this [Music] um and I hold it like Heidi so I don’t know if it’s true but I think it’s it’s interesting to to follow that thought and think oh okay could be I don’t know but uh interesting concept or interesting way of looking at it oh excuse me that if you don’t evolve then you will be stuck in the old world in this in this old concept with Wars and fights and whatever um or you can create that our emerging future like in a in another way that’s really interesting because Iit it reminds me um around like I don’t know it’s like 1999 and um there’s a there’s a art Journal International art Journal anyway the editor asked Conrad my late husband Conrad oer Hooper um to write an article about the Millennium his his prophecy and it was of course because it was an art Journal it was about art it wasn’t about like the the huge Cosmic issues however what you just said Gat is interesting because it reminds me of what Conrad saw because he saw two worlds coming in the New Millennium and he called one uh TheInformation Society and he called the other the intuition society and um and so he W he was just looking at art uh as an art historian but he was he was a follower of Rudolph Steiner I mean he had he was very Spirit oriented but but uh also Hony was talking about about the AI um and this past week I’ve I’ve viscerally like had to to contend with these two worlds and filling out this application because it it all had to be online it was an online portal everything is you know and and you’re battling with theseum arbitrarily defined uh parameters and everything’s elect you know and and then when I you know gave up and reached out to human beings the the feeling was so different and I I realized I had to almost split my Persona into two different personas that um kind of the old and the new but I I mean in a different way not the obviously the wars and evolving Consciousness but but realizing that I I can’t just keep fighting against this new AI world that if I’m going to continue to to live and function I have to find some way ofmaking peace with that because I’ve just been railing against it you know for decades and yet I need to find ways to cultivate even more the intuition the intuitive the human well that’s what’s so great about this group just that we we can step away from our um you know that that other that other world for a moment and relate as as you know flesh and blood human beings even though I still haven’t yeah using using technology using techn well exactly and this is a good example of how how to reconcile those worlds that that we werelate to each other or like in the inte the practice that we had I haven’t done it for a while the that um that really impressed me like this this bringing together of this two-dimensional abstract kind of medium in the humanity I’m burning to share two things to you with you one is I lately heard because I never understand when they say the Earth is growing in in vibrations and blah blah blah frequencies and so on and lately I heard somebody say in last August the Earth has shifted one octavehigher and immediately with octave I could understand what it means you know because we know that the Earth has a frequency I think it’s Soul it’s G the not no gay I think I do think that is gay or soul in Italian or in other musical gay Faya yeah yeah and then they all the over tones so that now the basic tone starts one octave higher and that immediately made sense made sense to me and then because of AI I think only this morning um I talked with a friend and she said she had heard a person who hassaid that he is using AI I’m too but in a different way and in this uh about spiritual topics and he said the answers came in a way that he believes that maybe the the the other world energies have an access to AI who knows that would be great wouldn’t it so don’t be afraid too much before before we know these things because it might who knows this is all energy things and uh when you can Channel as a person uh these U Powers let’s say these voices why not artificial intelligence who knows so these were thethings I wanted to share with you I think we are more or less at the end of the hour I hear the bell ringing in some place get outs I think yeah I I just wanted to finish with one um there was a spiritual teacher I was at the at a conference the future human that’s um this weekend and he said J oh we I don’t know and and he he said he was at an AI conference they invited him as a spiritual teacher and they asked him what do you think about Consciousness and and Ai and he said I don’t know but I hope thepeople that that create thei are conscious people so yeah I call it artificial idiocy or artificial um ignorance those are my two terms um and and this Harvard thing was was classic I was in a Kafkaesque conundrum for for two days just circling around and around and around that to do a you had to do B and then to do B you had to do a and back and forth passing the buck um as we say and um and and my cell phone my iPhone the same thing like after I and I said to a friend the other day I said I remember when we used fountain pens andwhen someone gave you a fountain pen and you wrote with it your fountain pen learned the angle that you were holding it at and so the would always flow out beautifully and if you lent your fountain pen to somebody else they wouldn’t be able to write because they didn’t hold the pen the same way you did and I said if a fountain pen can learn that why can’t my iPhone learn that that my this particular friend spells his name like this and because I text this person every day or whatever that that there’s you know it’s it’s anyway Iwon’t go on my rant but it’s that’s my idea of AI not sure about the intelligence part yeah good good point grra exactly okay I have to leave Victoria please give my regards to Beatrice yeah I will and my love yes please and she should I’ll take I’ll take a photo of all of you so that I can send it to her yeah she really wanted to come today yeah poor little thing she’s sick so here we go yeah okay well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow I hope yeah tomorrow Monday yeah and what time is it at 7 yeah and how did it workout she was quite excited for that yeah yeah
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