Experience with African tribal ways of being within an enterprise

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER - THE INTEGRAL AFRICAN DIAOLOGUES Experience with African tribal ways of being within an enterprise WITH RENÉ DE BEER AND ALAIN VOLZ Both René and Alain work with tribal people in African countries. They teach [...]

Gudrun Reinschmidt – Conscious Leadership

VLOG - CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Conscious Leadership mit Gudrun Reinschmidt Unsere Welt braucht Conscious Leadership! Im Moment geht so viel drunter und drüber auf der Weltbühne. Der Trend zurück zu Nationalstaaten mit un-conscious leadership, Präsidenten, die meinen, ihre [...]

The Feminine Aspect in Decisions and the Theory U

The Feminine principle finally enters into business and organizations. The masculine principle has dominated our lives for centuries. Businesses were constructed according to them, other organisations as well. Everywhere on the world the patriarchy has made us believe that things need to be in a certain way: hierarchical structure in power and responsability. Since about [...]

By |2018-04-23T00:30:56+01:00October 6th, 2016|BLOG, new business|1 Comment
