IEC and after

The impact of the Integral Conference in Hungary   In May 2016 Mark and I attended the IEC (Integral European Conference) in Hungary. Mark had become very interested in the topic “Ageing” which he combined with his interest in Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics. He offered a [...]

The learning continues

The learning continues: Live Streaming and Website After negative experiences with a virtual assistant I convinced myself that I had to learn how to do the website stuff myself - another huge challenge which cost me an incredible amount of my life time, but I learned a [...]

Sexuality in Human Life – Christiane Pelmas

Sexuality in Human Life: Words of a therapist engaged with people who have problems in this area of their lives. Even in the 21st century sexuality is still a huge taboo, similar to ageing, death and life-threatening illnesses. After the Women's Liberation Movement in the 60ies of the last century things seem to have become [...]

By |2018-04-23T00:29:33+01:00October 8th, 2016|BLOG, StopTheRelationShiT|2 Comments

Time to leave your spouse? -Conscious Uncoupling saves you from pain

We all know how terrible a separation can be - is there a better way? It seems to be inevitable that pain and distress come up, even overwhelms you, when it comes to a separation, especially from a long term partner, but also from children, parents, friends or even pets. Traditionally there are [...]

By |2018-04-19T23:33:35+01:00September 14th, 2016|BLOG, StopTheRelationShiT|0 Comments

Martin Ucik – Falling In Love With Someone Good for You

Going Solo, Conscious Uncoupling, Calling in the “NEXT” One, Serial Monogamy and Polyamory are widespread phenomena in modern and postmodern societies. We can see it as a necessary developmental stage in the liberation of women and the changing gender roles that have emerged as a consequence. But what about those of us who want [...]

By |2018-04-19T23:35:48+01:00August 15th, 2016|BLOG, StopTheRelationShiT|0 Comments

Christiane Pelmas – The Role Of Sexuality In Human Life And How We Can Use It To Grow Our Relationships

We all are born with the sexual impulse which urges us to go out and seek the other and fulfill the purpose of evolution. More often than not sexual desire leads us into long term relationships where both parties possess the good will to stay together, perhaps forever. And then, when the infatuation period [...]

By |2018-04-19T23:42:54+01:00January 22nd, 2016|StopTheRelationShiT|0 Comments
