Is Post-Modernism Good or Bad? – or just a transitory “green” stage of development?

The "good thing" and the "bad thing" about Post-Modernism or the Green Meme, as it is called in Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics. An invitation for important people to unite their forces! We are observing two influential groups talking about "Green" or "Post-modernism". Both are right, but have the tendency to stress only one [...]

Die Bedeutung von Weihnachten im Wandel der Zeiten

Alle Jahre wieder.... Es ist mal wieder an der Zeit in der westlichen Welt, an Weihnachten zu denken. Selbst wenn Sie ein Hardcore-Atheist sein sollten, können Sie nicht leugnen, dass Weihnachten wieder vor der Tür steht. Sie sehen es an der Unmenge von Dingen, die zu kaufen Sie gedrängt werden und wahrscheinlich sogar bereit [...]

By |2019-12-22T12:25:06+01:00December 8th, 2017|BLOG, Deutsch|0 Comments

Facilitating the growth of young leaders with Fred Jones

Fred Jones When people get older they often feel distant to the younger generations and at the same time they perceive themselves as not really belonging to the "world" anymore, especially when they are retired and lack life purpose. Well, we know from psychology that our beliefs are constructed by ourselves [...]

By |2018-04-19T16:41:30+01:00November 29th, 2017|Archive Videos, BLOG, Integral Aging|0 Comments

Healing from Depression – naturally

How to handle Depression effectively? A conversation with Dr. Viviane Carson. Depression is an expression of our being. It can be healed often and not always necessarily with traditional methods like antidepressives - although they might be useful at times and in certain circumstances. How can healing take place and health be maintained in [...]

By |2018-04-23T00:15:27+01:00November 14th, 2017|BLOG, development, Psychology|0 Comments
