Andrew MacDonald
CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER The Elephants in the Room - A Conversation with Andrew MacDonald Heidi writes Humans seem to have a propensity to seeing things well from a distance, but not noticing those things which are really [...]
CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER The Elephants in the Room - A Conversation with Andrew MacDonald Heidi writes Humans seem to have a propensity to seeing things well from a distance, but not noticing those things which are really [...]
CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Die Macht der Stimme: ein Gespräch mit Miroslav Großer Heidi schreibt Bist Du Dir bewußt, wie wichtig Deine Stimme ist und welche Macht sie hat in der Kommunikation mit anderen? Die meisten Menschen haben [...]
CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Die Lebenskunst des Sehens: ein Gespräch mit der Malerin und Zenlehrerin Martini Rieser, Heidi schreibt Martini ist ein regelmäßiger Gast in den Frauengesprächsgruppen der wisdom Factory, der deutschsprachigen (Die Frauen am virtuellen Brunnen), wie [...]
CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER The Enneagram: observations on Types, Levels and Subtypes Heidi writes When I came in touch with the enneagram more than 15 years ago, my life changed profoundly for the insights I was able to [...]
BEAUTY AND SPIRITUALITY: The ideas and experience of the women of WOMEN MATTERS Heidi writes Beauty is a somehow undefined term. Immediately one might think about a beautiful landscape, a flower, art and more. We connect beauty with the [...]
Exploring Life by investigating our own Heidi writes During the last 3 months the Women of WOMEN MATTERS continued to explore concepts and how they have unfolded in their own lives. It seems to be much more productive to [...]
DIE GESPRÄCHE DER FRAUEN AM VIRTUELLEN BRUNNEN Der Emotionscode In unserer Englisch sprachigen Frauengruppe WOMEN MATTERS hatten wir das Thema Blockierte Emotionen und Emotion Code besprochen (siehe hier). Nun lag es auf der Hand, dasselbe Thema auch in der [...]
Who knows me deeply? Heidi writes Who knows you really well? Did it ever happen to you that you thought to know someone well and then you realised that you didn’t know them at all? I guess many of [...]