Alia Aurami – Integral Subculture

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER The Integral subculture and the UFO topic - a conversation with Alia Aurami Heidi writes I met Alia several times at the integral conference, especiall during the past 3 years, when the conference took [...]

By |2022-10-26T07:24:00+01:00October 8th, 2022|BLOG, Conscious living and dying, development, integral theory, Spirituality, video post|Comments Off on Alia Aurami – Integral Subculture

Zu Fuß in der Natur mit Gregor Dellemann

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Die Natur erleben auf dem Pacific Crest Trail - mit Gregor Dellemann Heidi schreibt Alle reden von Natur, aber wer hat wirklich einen Bezug dazu? Im Park spazieren gehen oder mal im Stadtwald einen [...]

IEC and after

The impact of the Integral Conference in Hungary   In May 2016 Mark and I attended the IEC (Integral European Conference) in Hungary. Mark had become very interested in the topic “Ageing” which he combined with his interest in Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics. He offered a [...]
