Integrales Ikebana mit Daniela Borschel

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER  Integrales Ikebana - Kado, der Blumenweg Ikebana. Man kennt das Wort und man weiß, das hat mit Blumen zu tun. Und auch mit Japan. Wir sehen vor unserem inneren Auge hübsche Japanerinnen - oder Chinesinnen? [...]

By |2020-03-10T14:06:11+01:00February 26th, 2020|art and music, BLOG, Deutsch, integral theory, Spirituality, video post|Comments Off on Integrales Ikebana mit Daniela Borschel

Helmut Dörmann: die 3 Gesichter Gottes

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Integrale Weltsicht und die drei Gesichter Gottes mit Helmut Dörmann Ko-Host Monia Frühwirth Heidi schreibt Viele von uns, die sich die integrale Weltsicht erschlossen haben, kommen auch zu einem neuen Verständnis von Gott, Religion [...]

Integrative vs. Integral Medicine with Matt Dorsey

VLOG - CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Integrative versus integral medicine with Matt Dorsey What role do Spiral Dynamics and Integral Metatheory have to play in understanding the current state of ‘integrative medicine’?  How do modern and post-modern perspectives about [...]

By |2020-01-25T12:05:01+01:00January 20th, 2020|BLOG, Conscious living and dying, integral theory, video post|4 Comments

“They were left behind” – the interpreters for the US Army with John Taylor

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER They have been left behind - with John Taylor HEIDI WRITES When the US army left Iraq and Afghanistan, they left behind their local interpreters who loyally have helped them to do their work [...]

By |2020-01-25T11:59:41+01:00January 8th, 2020|BLOG, discussing power, Sociology, video post|Comments Off on “They were left behind” – the interpreters for the US Army with John Taylor

Weihnachten integral – Integral Christmas

CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER Integral Christmas - Weihnachten, integral betrachtet Two conversations about CHRISTMAS TODAY and how it can be seen Zwei Gespräche über WEIHNACHTEN HEUTE, wie man es aus integraler Perspektive betrachten kann. With Paul Smith and Luke [...]

By |2020-03-07T16:14:23+01:00December 22nd, 2019|BLOG, Deutsch, development, integral theory, Spirituality, video post|0 Comments
