Conversations that Matter 2020
Seit Christof Suppiger die Integrale Weltsicht entdeckt hat, ist er begeistert aktiv. Seine bereits bestehenden Initiativen, die Menschen zu wahren Begegnungen einzuladen werden nun integriert in den Rahmen eines Integralen Salons in Zürich. Seine Begabung als Clown macht die Treffen immer sehr anregend und dynamisch, ein wunderbarer Weg, neue Inhale zu vermitteln. Eine Anregung für Euch, doch mal bei ihm oder in einem anderen integralen Salon vorbeizuschauen im neuen Jahr!
Corona hat die Welt fest im Griff, oder besser die Art und Weise, wie in den verschiedenen Ländern darauf reagiert wird. Die mehr oder weniger betroffenen Menschen reagieren und verhalten sich entsprechend ihrem Bewusstseinslevel: stimmt das wirklich?
Wulf Mirko Weinreich gibt eine umfassende Analyse der verschiedenen, teils sich feindlich gegenüberstehenden Positionen unter Verwendung der integralen Landkarte
Evolution has been happening most of the time without our awareness. In our present times we need to become conscious and participate in the process of evolution – if we want to get on with our species and our planet. We are no more apex predators. Our powers have become such that, without regulating them consciously, we risk total destruction.
Women and GirlS’ empowerment
Why is it so important that girls grow up with confidence in their abilities? Why are women more capable to handle life than men are, especially in countries like Kenia? The future there and that of the whole world depends on women stepping up and change the way how we are organised today – following masculine principles and power structures.
Macht und Liebe versöhnen
Gerade in Zeiten von Corona ist dieses Thema wieder in seiner Wichtigkeit offenbar geworden.
Im Gespräch geht es auch um die gegenwärtige Situation im Zeichen von Corona, aber auch um die Notwendigkeit des “empowerment” von Frauen, die hervortreten müssen und die weibliche Qualitäten nicht nur einbringen, sondern ihre Achtung und Wertschätzung einfordern müssen.
Women and Feminism
An interesting conversation with a young women who is trying to figure out how to use her knowledge of Integral Theory and other wisdom paths to lead her life as a woman in this world. Feminism who fights men doesn’t seem a way to gain a happy family life. How can men and women come together in a peaceful and constructive way?
Heidi shares her experience from her life in “serial monogamy”.
Co-Creative conversation: an example
Five women came together to prepare for a shared contribution for the upcoming Integral European Conference. During the conversation they realised that they had been engaging in a co-creative way and the idea arose to publish it as an example. Thus the topic – Conscious Ageing and also death through Corona – is not the important thing why you might watch it, but the way the women self-organised in arriving at the desired result.
Corona and the fear of death with Cee
Our societies have removed death from life, which becomes very obvious in the present times of the Corona virus killing hundreds of thousands of people in the whole world.
Our actions are driven by fear. Spiritual practice helps us, to face life and death with equanimity. Living in the present helps us to not succumb to the tyranny of fear.
Dr. Loraine Lauscher assisted Don Beck, the co-founder of “Spiral Dynamics, to end Apartheid peacefully in South Africa.
She is an expert in the levels of development by lived experience.
Jon Freeman is a scholar and writer whose work is based on Spiral Dynamics.
In the conversation they exchange their views on the pandemic in preparation for the discussion at the Integral European Conference 2020.
Integral Gardens
Heidi met Carlo to talk about his intended contribution for the Integral European Conference in May 2020. The conversation was recorded before the outbreak of the Corona Virus and before we knew that we wouldn’t attend the conference.
Carlo’s contribution to the conference is outlined in this conversation
mit Monia Frühwirth Heidi Hörnlein
Ubuntu and Integral
Dr Dumisani Magadlela is an Executive Coach, Coach Trainer, Leadership Facilitator and Organisational Development Strategist based in Midrand, South Africa. He uses the Ubuntu philosophy and its approaches in his coaching and leadership development work. He spoke on the connection of Ubuntu and Integral Theory on the first Integral African Conference in June 2019
The Integral Oratorio with Steve Banks
Integrale Weltsicht und die drei Gesichter Gottes mit Helmut Dörmann
I NEED TO KNOW YOU with Kymberli Speight
John Taylor is a veteran from the Iraq war. He is now trying to raise consciousness about the fate of thousands of Iraqi (and Afghanistan) interptreters who have served the US army by taking huge risks for their lives and their families, and after the US soldiers left the country were left behind without any protetion or recognition of what they had done for the US. Only very few could enter into safety and come to the US so far. What can we do about that?